Kemper give away….fuck it ?

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Really interested in hearing the Rig-Talk Capture Collection once it’s passed around.
turn it into a town pump. I recall a time when pedals and amps were passed around here like whores or platters of coke. load it up with profiles of all the sick amps and share em around for when people need tones for a project or something.

new member? church? florida? get fucked klown.
To be fair, I will respond to each of your thought-provoking questions.

New member? Yes.

Church? Yes. For me, I would personally find it difficult and depressing to navigate through this PLANDEMIC without faith and support.

Florida? Of course the media cherry picks and creates the negative news of Florida. It must be true if one keeps reading the same negative narrative about the Sunshine State, right? Freedom exists here more than most of the rest of the world. No burning of our cities, etc.

Canada? Huh? I personally know quite a few people from Quebec (which is next to you) and I’ve visited there a number of times. Beautiful land and really great
people. Your attitude and stereotyping of Florida is naive and clearly in the minority. The Emerald Coast below Alabama is amazing.?

Get f’ed klown? Probably going to happen with the wifey tonight so, at least, you got that point right.

Platters of cocaine comments are also yawn worthy and reeks of immaturity. I’ve done way more than my share of drugs in the past (too many raves in the 90s) so that’s nothing new and that faux, tough guy whatever metal head behind a keyboard at home in Canada attitude is not only unnecessary but it’s unoriginal.

I believe that one of the main reasons why we are here on Earth is to help each other. I’m in my 50s now and I’m giving my time and energy into extending a hand and actually genuinely helping and not dividing people. And you don’t have to agree with or be a Christian to do this.

Not exactly how I thought my RigTalk journey would start but that’s cool.??
Second on the list? I just had my 1974 Marshall modded by Dave at New Religion with his Axis mod. I also have a quality Boogie rig that smokes all hell. The profiles would be something else as I have few (11) cabinets also.
If it did turn into a RT profiled Kemper, I’d be willing. I could profile my KSR Artemis II as a good addition and the new B.A.D. SLO (someone else throw in an old SLO).

Hell, get em all round up and sell it as a Pack !!
If it did turn into a RT profiled Kemper, I’d be willing. I could profile my KSR Artemis II as a good addition and the new B.A.D. SLO (someone else throw in an old SLO).

Hell, get em all round up and sell it as a Pack !!

I'm sending it to markedman after I get a good Larry profile, maybe he can send it to you after he does some of his amps! What would really be cool is to hear other people's feedback on the tones each player gravitates toward.

I think I'm gonna make a "town pump" thread and put some Larry clips, and hopefully marked can put up his clips, etc etc, and we can get everyone's opinions on everyone's favorite tones by actually playing them.
I think you all should get it, profile all your amps. I’ll take a usb drive of all your profiles when done
I'm sending it to markedman after I get a good Larry profile, maybe he can send it to you after he does some of his amps! What would really be cool is to hear other people's feedback on the tones each player gravitates toward.

I think I'm gonna make a "town pump" thread and put some Larry clips, and hopefully marked can put up his clips, etc etc, and we can get everyone's opinions on everyone's favorite tones by actually playing them.
Straitjacket can be next. I suggest a sign-up with those who do want in pay the shipping to their door, etc.

It kind of makes me wish it gets sent around a few times so I get some of the later profiles. At least we will all get the Larry. Right before the thing happened, I had reached out to Larry about a Jon S. Preamp.
Straitjacket can be next. I suggest a sign-up with those who do want in pay the shipping to their door, etc.

It kind of makes me wish it gets sent around a few times so I get some of the later profiles.

I'm just hoping I can get a good capture that other players can appreciate
No rules. No numbers. Just impress me lol. Yes I’ve been day drinking again.

I've wanted one, casually, to do an image capture of my Zinky Mofo with tubes so hot they will die within a half an hour. I want to make that sound available to people, and to me this is the true hidden purpose of the Kemper: to capture the sound of dying power tubes! NOTHING sounds like that!

Also a neat edit: I got post #77, and it uses KT77's! Their true glory comes out the more you open them up. Combined with custom Pac Trans Trainwreck transformers, it is biased at 30 watts each at idle, cathode bias.

Nothing sounds like it, real Mullard long plate preamp tubes too, all NOS.

Took me 17 years to get that amp dialed. It happened when I was 42: it's serial number #42 and each tube has a bias point of 21 from Tube Depot which adds to 42. Also, one cathode resistor is bigger than the other, so one tube is always running hotter. This gives asymmetrical clipping for more even-order harmonics.
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I've wanted one, casually, to do an image capture of my Zinky Mofo with tubes so hot they will die within a half an hour. I want to make that sound available to people, and to me this is the true hidden purpose of the Kemper: to capture the sound of dying power tubes! NOTHING sounds like that!
Good point Nigel.

I think it was Sneap a few years ago who said he was stoked that he was able to Profile an old dying favourite of his that spewed intermittent crap. The Profiles came out smooth-as-butta, of course. As a bonus, they're noise-free even if an amp hisses like an angry cat.

It kind of makes me wish it gets sent around a few times so I get some of the later profiles.
No problem brother:

We can keep a .zip file of the collection attached in a dedicated thread. I did exactly this for Kemper wah presets created by the Kemper-forum community:

Kemper Wah Settings