There’s no end of criticism for these guys.
Seems a lot of the world is heavily caught up in policing what they believe others should or shouldn’t be doing, in this context, ‘Kirk should be this kind of player”, “He should play differently”, “He should care more”…’s his life, he’s free to do what he pleases with it, dude ain’t hurtin’ a single person by doing what he does, quite the opposite really. And if your knee jerk response is “He hurts me with his solos” well…who’s the bigger bitch in that case? The guy playing the solo for millions or the guy “offended” over a fucking guitar solo in a song they most likely don’t like anyway.
I dig a ton of Metallica, but I don’t listen to half their output because it doesn’t do it for me. Can’t say I give it any more thought than that. The expectations and imposing of will on musicians/artists is just weird as fuck to me. I’d be curious what the reactions of the haters would be to have their own group of backseat drivers giving them shit for, literally, everything they do. Your band goes to play a show and immediately after a bunch of guitarists you don’t know come up and tell you how much you sucked, why it sucked and how you should have done it differently, completely ignoring the fact that they’re not in your band, didn’t write the songs and have no clue what’s going on in your life that led to the musical decisions you made.
I’d LOVE to see that as a reality show; producers go on the internet and pick some random haters from various social media platforms, film them doing their thing then introduce a bunch of strangers who just tear it apart and tell them how they should do it differently to see how long it is before the person snaps and tells everyone to fuck off.