Kirk addresses the internet trolls ( us )

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Anyone who "responds to the internet trolls," already is showing a lack of intelligence. It's also the most obtuse way to show how insecure you are about your own ability by going online to try justify it to strangers.

Kirk just needs to stop being a Lars and just enjoy the fruits of his labor without getting triggered by critics on the internet.
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Like several here have already said, I also agree with Kirk that the leads should fit the song. Outside of that it sounds more like he's trying to bullshit his way through not wanting to put forth the effort. Some players can produce amazing solos on the fly; he can't. He needs to put forth some time and effort to work it all out and he apparently doesn't want to. When you say you're purposely winging the solo, not playing the same thing twice and whatever lands on the album is good enough it 100% comes off as phoning it in. Maybe I'm wrong about that and he is trying. All I know is if I did that at my job and turned in that kind of work I'd be fired.
Hey @VESmedic bro hopefully you know I don't have a bone to pick with you. You have a lot of experience in this area. I'm tracking with about 90% of what you are saying and I agree with you for the most part. There is this larger issue of 1.) most bands don't get better with age and 2.) the internet has turned everyone into an anonymous expert.

If Kirk wants to 'phone it in' or 'be lazy on solos' or whatever people want to call it that's his right. Right? It is their music and music, like art, is subjective. Don't like it, don't listen to it. I made the comment the other day in a similar thread that the new Metallica is not something I want to cruise down the highway to. New Megadeth? Probably. New Slipknot? Probably.

However, I will say people also have the free right to express their opinions. Don't like something? Speak up. This is a guitar forum. We share opinions (on forums/social media in general). Metallica was a huge influence on most of us even if indirectly. We like to talk about it. I think most here would be happy for Metallica if they had another super successful album. I know I would.

This struck me as interesting and maybe something I was not thinking through either. Bob Rock pushed people. Last night you said you can't judge a guy by the producer, but today you saying they need a new producer. I think I have to agree with you there.
I’m sorry, but you can’t judge a guy by how hard a Producer pushes him.

Metallica needs a new producer who actually understands guitar and arrangement.

Also, you said the last 20 years of Metallica is their best music. Did you mean that, or did you say it wrong? Just curious.
Also, they are in their 60's just sayin'.

Generally, we should all be happy that they even have something out for us to criticize :yes:
Trolls are Just That Trolls. Most of which Peaked In High School, still wear their class ring & talk about how they scored a touch down once in HIGH SCHOOL. These are the same people that yell at the TV when their " Team" is on and say things like "WE" Won. When all they really did was watch TV and yell to/at their wife for "MORE BEER" AND FOR THE RECORD! I haven't listened to Metallica since the Black Album came out when I was in High School. They Bore the shit outta me.
Are you trying to say that he is not a whining little bitch? So, he exudes tough guy like Zakk?

I’m having a hard time understanding two things-

How answering a question an interviewer asks him is whining
(Which I think a lot of people don’t understand that that’s where these statements come from….he’s not calling up Blabbermouth ranting so they’ll print it….someone asks these guys these questions and they answer)


How “I was laughing the whole time“ as an answer is whining

I generally considering “whining” to be people complaining about things out of their control, perceived injustices or non-issues. So in the case of this thread, there’s a whole lot of people whining about Kirk’s solos while he’s ”laughing the whole time”
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Hey @VESmedic bro hopefully you know I don't have a bone to pick with you. You have a lot of experience in this area. I'm tracking with about 90% of what you are saying and I agree with you for the most part. There is this larger issue of 1.) most bands don't get better with age and 2.) the internet has turned everyone into an anonymous expert.

If Kirk wants to 'phone it in' or 'be lazy on solos' or whatever people want to call it that's his right. Right? It is their music and music, like art, is subjective. Don't like it, don't listen to it. I made the comment the other day in a similar thread that the new Metallica is not something I want to cruise down the highway to. New Megadeth? Probably. New Slipknot? Probably.

However, I will say people also have the free right to express their opinions. Don't like something? Speak up. This is a guitar forum. We share opinions (on forums/social media in general). Metallica was a huge influence on most of us even if indirectly. We like to talk about it. I think most here would be happy for Metallica if they had another super successful album. I know I would.

This struck me as interesting and maybe something I was not thinking through either. Bob Rock pushed people. Last night you said you can't judge a guy by the producer, but today you saying they need a new producer. I think I have to agree with you there.

Also, you said the last 20 years of Metallica is their best music. Did you mean that, or did you say it wrong? Just curious.

Hey homie, sorry if I was confusing in some parts. I meant to say in the last years ( basically since st anger) these last 2 records are the best by far they have put out in my opinion. In all fairness, those early 2000s records weren’t hard to beat though hahah!!

When I said you can’t judge a guy by a producer, all I’m saying is, if THATS what it takes to get a great take out of someone, someone being a drill sergeant or pushing you past your limit to what you think you can do etc, I just don’t see that as a “flaw” of the player who played the part, you know? Like great, some guys have amazing takes right off the bat or pull off exactly the vibe they want on a part, cool! I’m definitely not saying Kirk is the best player on the planet at all, there’s definitely better. But if it takes someone alittle boost from an exogenous source ( the producer) to get that amazing take, so be it, doesn’t bother me one bit.

On that note, I think kirks solo’s HAVE gone down hill and those first few songs released on the new album,the solos for sure suck. I attribute this a lot to a producer who doesn’t know how to get what he wants out of the player, because it’s obvious to me anyways fidelman doesn’t understand the instrument and what should be played when. The new records sound great to me though regardless, and to me the vibe and the songs far outweigh kirks lackluster solo’s on this record so far. I mean, if you are listening hoping you hear yngwie on a metallic record, you are of course in for a big letdown, but we all should know that.

I hope that makes more sense, I tried to slow down and type alittle slower haha, I have so much to say about this topic because I like talking about it too, I just think the absent talk about the songs Kirk has written ( which is much more important to me anyways) is getting shoved wayyyy too much to the bottom of this conversation.
I’m having a hard time understanding two things-

How answering a question an interviewer asks him is whining


How “I was laughing the whole time“ as an answer is whining

I generally considering “whining” to be people complaining about things out of their control, perceived injustices or non-issues. So in the case of this thread, there’s a whole lot of people whining about Kirk’s solos while he’s ”laughing the whole time”
The whole band is a bunch whining little bitches, except for maybe the bass player.

I don't know about him, I don't think I have ever heard him say anything, is he a mute?

I derived my opinion form watching all their behavior in movies and on stage and in public. Not just one interview.

If you can't say Lars is not a whining little bitch, then I know you are pulling my leg.
Why doesn't he listen? Maybe he used to listen and that is why he got results... behind every musician is a great producer. That has already been mentioned here for a reason.

No offense, but it’s the source. Who are you or a bunch of forum guys or anyone for that matter that isn’t an established producer on the level of bob rock, to tell kirk what he should or shouldn’t do? And yes, I’m saying someone on that level because of the level Metallica plays at and their relevance in the recorded history of music. I mean at the end of the day, who are we to actually think any of us actually really knows what goes on behind closed doors at that level and knows what goes into making those songs? But, I doubt bob rock ever said “ can you do more meedley meedley stuff”? No. If I was Kirk, I wouldn’t be listening to someone who hasn’t done records at the level I have been apart of, and why would I? Those producers got them to that point for a reason, becsuse they are the best. But this is also why I feel personally fidelman isn’t the guy for Kirk especially, he’s missing the mark completely in my opinion and it’s not all kirks fault.

No one ( well, some, but they are deaf :) ) talks shit about kerry king or hanemann, because their vibe for their parts was always 100 percent on point for their songs: and they ain’t exactly Steve vai either. “Good player”’is such a subjective point, I think that’s what we all may be missing here. How can I say Kurt cobain wasn’t a “good” player when he played At the level he did and his SONGS resonated with an entire generation and still do to this day? I mean shit, none of us have done that with a few chords and some words? You just can’t say that: music is so much more than technical proficiency.
Kirk is right in theory, but in his practice it just seems to be an arrogant way to defend his lack of growth and justifying why he had 8 years to prepare something but instead just wings it in the studio, falling back on simple rock blues riffs.

Once he ran out of the original Mustaine Solo material, Kirk just starting surfing
The whole band is a bunch whining little bitches, except for maybe the bass player.

I don't know about him, I don't think I have ever heard him say anything, is he a mute?

I derived my opinion form watching all their behavior in movies and on stage and in public. Not just one interview.

If you can't say Lars is not a whining little bitch, then I know you are pulling my leg.

I laid out my definitions of whining. :dunno:
If a band or an artist puts something out.....criticism will follow. This has been true since the dawn of time.

I personally do not think Kirk evolved much since the early days. In fact I think he has devolved.

Also I think the band kind of puts him in a box when it comes to leads. I do not feel a lot of time that he has much to work with in terms of chords. It seems like he is mostly improvising standard blues licks over a static chord. I know I am not that interested when I am in that kind of a position. He was more inventive in the early days.
Does anyone know if Metallica is under a record contract?

Or are they at a point where they can do whatever whenever?
Does anyone know if Metallica is under a record contract?

Or are they at a point where they can do whatever whenever?

This is one of the biggest reasons I respect them as much as I do; they took ownership of their masters a few years back, before Hardwired, so everything they put out, including their previous albums, is entirely on their own label. They own their own fuckin’ vinyl pressing plant, all their merch is sold from the HQ. I think the only outside sources they’re relying on are merch companies to print the shit, CD pressing plants and distribution. They’re as self-contained as they can get, which at that level is pretty fucking crazy.

It’s a good example to set for the up and coming bands because those newer bands can either go with a bullshit 360 deal or DIY it and keep it self-contained from the very start and if they’re intending on making a career out of it, the DIY route will be the safest bet.
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