I got my Edward’s via Gakkido on Reverb, all I had to do was pay the total and Gakkido handled everything else. A week later it was at my door in Florida, no customs, no emails, no “Pay this fee to clear customs”, none of that. Ordered on Reverb, got a confirmation message from Jun (I think that was his name?) and a week later a flawless Edwards was at my door.
My intent was to snag a couple more before the rest of the world catches onto the pricing of these and I still might, but I paused to look around because there are some really fucking nice 70’s Greco’s that caught my eye. There are some Greco’s with ebony-like boards, I think they used a couple different materials or people just can’t remember what they actually used, I believe I’ve heard ebonol and ebonite, but I have no clue what either are. I just noticed recently that the LPC Leon Todd uses in his vids is a Greco with an ebony-ish board and that got me going down the Greco rabbit hole a bit more as I’d love to snag an 80’s one with an ebony board.
Hahaha and ultimately I’m most certainly going to buy a 26.5” Solar 7-string with a Sustainer and a Floyd in a month, but I’ll drool at these in the meantime.