Well-known member
I had an early 90's wine red studio that killed - never should have sold it. One half of the body had some figuring on it - was an odd looker, but played & recorded great.So if you really want a Gibby I would not discount some of the older used Studios. Having said that, if someone told me that years ago I would have laughed cause Studios to me were a poor mans Gibson, entry level..etc. and I was definitely an admitted snob about such things.
Fast forward and my buddy picks up this wine red Studio used. It is one of the best sounding LPs I've ever heard. He has been offered double what he paid for it and just wont sell it. About a year later another buddy picked up a JB studio that is a monster. He is a flipper so I eventually wound up with it and it is a great sounding guitar and plays great.. I had a 1973 LPC and those two Studios just killed that guitar. They are not all like that so if ya can try before ya buy, but if you find the "ONE", definitely worth it. FWIW I do have 2 customs, a Supreme and that Studio for reference.
Good luck!
Some of the studios were sleepers, for sure - and like you said - they were overlooked or looked down upon..