Looking for Peavey 6505 parts

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Crunchtime":e02ib8uj said:
Did not read thread but I have a wood front panel you can have if you want. Just pay my shipping costs. I took it off a 6505+ I had in the past. I took it off because I think it looks better with badges mounted to metal grill, better ventilation, and that panel is actually somewhat heavy.

That would be awesome.

If we made the deal public it’d be better considering all the drama ensued.

Can you attach pictures?
maddnotez":xgbecfd2 said:
I will sell you my entire 6505+ (used) faceplate if you leave Mark Alone.

That’d be great.

Can you send pictures?

I’ll leave Mark alone :lol: :LOL:
In the words of Steve King "it's an amp, not a Mercedes"

just play the amp and enjoy, who cares what it looks like. BTW, condition looks pretty good other than missing the front panel. If I was buying the amp I'd have asked if he had the face plate or was it taken off. Don't assume it comes with it.
In order for a contract to be valid, there has to be a meeting of the minds. Obviously "mint" was interpreted different by both parties. Therefore, no valid contract.

Send the amp back and refund the money. Case closed.
If you see photos of the items current condition and guess why something is missing in the photos is it the sellers fault if you guessed wrong? I would personally chalk that up as an oversight on MY part. Ask questions and never guess anything. If a replacement logo is 35 bucks and the amp kicks ass how in TF could that equate to any sort of complaint against a forum member. Something moded isnt factory, that's self explanatory, the bigger lesson is if you dont know and you dont ask who do you truly hold accountable? Not cool in my opinion. Hey I bought your guitar for 35 bucks and I thought you were the original owner" logic counselor's response* " did you ask if the seller was the original owner*" counselor's response. Ask questions about anything that's important, especially if it's missing in the photos"... Happy you like the amp. Be thankful it's an easy resolve play the amp and be happy its a pleasure to play. At the end of the day that's way more important..
UberschallEL34":v3lhlbv9 said:
In the words of Steve King "it's an amp, not a Mercedes"

just play the amp and enjoy, who cares what it looks like. BTW, condition looks pretty good other than missing the front panel. If I was buying the amp I'd have asked if he had the face plate or was it taken off. Don't assume it comes with it.

The condition affects pricing though, which is mostly what I’m concerned with.

I’m ok with an amp being “not mint”. As a musician I can live with small defects or imperfections.

Unfortunately, for the amp’s intended application (project in the works), it is important that it showcases the logos on the front grill.

And yes. I messed up by assuming it came with the front grill.
Octavio Shaw":2lxo3xv3 said:
UberschallEL34":2lxo3xv3 said:
In the words of Steve King "it's an amp, not a Mercedes"

just play the amp and enjoy, who cares what it looks like. BTW, condition looks pretty good other than missing the front panel. If I was buying the amp I'd have asked if he had the face plate or was it taken off. Don't assume it comes with it.

The condition affects pricing though, which is mostly what I’m concerned with.

I’m ok with an amp being “not mint”. As a musician I can live with small defects or imperfections.

Unfortunately, for the amp’s intended application (project in the works), it is important that it showcases the logos on the front grill.

And yes. I messed up by assuming it came with the front grill.

condition on the amp and pricing are decent enough for what it is, a 6505
Siding with the seller on this, although there is a bit of miscommunication on both sides. Photos of the amp were sent. Before purchase, the buyer could easily have asked about the missing items. Besides, seems those missing items aren’t too hard to find or too expensive to buy. Considering the Gift purchase, the buyer should just suck it up and buy that cosmetic stuff himself.
Mr. Willy":2t9k46dn said:
Siding with the seller on this, although there is a bit of miscommunication on both sides. Photos of the amp were sent. Before purchase, the buyer could easily have asked about the missing items. Besides, seems those missing items aren’t too hard to find or too expensive to buy. Considering the Gift purchase, the buyer should just suck it up and buy that cosmetic stuff himself.

Which is what I’m doing.
Going back to the main topic...

May I ask in a general sense:

If a board member is willing to sell me these parts, what would you consider is a fair price?

From my research, Peavey’s part department was selling the whole faceplate with logos for $80 as part #92100390

Used, I believe it could be anywhere between $40 to $50 bucks, depending on overall condition.
I changed the thread’s title to keep things focused.
controlled_voltage":qtq44bzz said:
none of my biz but i am siding with the seller on this

Me too. Buyer isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer.
I disagree.
Mint is mint.
If I was going to sell someone an amp with missing badges I'd tell ya.
Pics or no pics.
It affects the OPs asking price if he ever decides to sell it down the road.
This is an iconic amp.

But there was miscommunication on both sides and I don't know either one of you so good luck with everything. Peace out.
311splawndude":g38isflp said:
I disagree.
Mint is mint.
If I was going to sell someone an amp with missing badges I'd tell ya.
Pics or no pics.
It affects the OPs asking price if he ever decides to sell it down the road.
This is an iconic amp.

But there was miscommunication on both sides and I don't know either one of you so good luck with everything. Peace out.

Here’s what you don’t know. In the 8 emails/messages that we went back and forth on.
I specifically listed all the mods. Provided DETAILED/HI-RESOLUTION photos & listed what mods were done below the photo.

In these HIGH RESOLUTION PHOTOS that he viewed which, as shown, did not have the logo, badges, or faceplate on the amp. They were also never shown in any photos of the amp or talked about or discussed in our correspondence. He immediately said “I’ll take! Would you do $700 instead of $750? You’ll get $700 and avoid the fees.“ I agreed. Fine, no problem. I said I’d throw in an extra high quality footswitch for free too. On me.

NEVER ONCE did he inquire about the logos. They weren’t included in the sale so why assume.

He then informs me that he purchased a logo for $35 and tells me, TELLS ME , I owe him $35 in order to make the sale right. He never talked about or asked if I would agree to buying a logo for him. He just ASSUMED. Then comes on the forum and says he was swindled. Not the case. My description and the photos were very forthright in what he’d be getting in the sale.

The amp, as it is in the photos is in MINT condition. NOT STOCK. NOT “AS FROM THE FACTORY”. Mint condition with absolutely no wear and tear, dents or repairs.

STOCK, UN-MODDDED, AS NEW, are all different than an item that’s not damaged.

He had every opportunity to inquire, ask, question, tell me he’s looking for an amp with the logos. He did not and I sold him the amp THAT WAS IN THE PHOTOS AS DESCRIBED.

Sorry.. I disagree with you 1000%.

If, I indeed had the logos, etc, I would have promptly said they were included in the sale.

bionicmark":2f4imzk0 said:
311splawndude":2f4imzk0 said:
I disagree.
Mint is mint.
If I was going to sell someone an amp with missing badges I'd tell ya.
Pics or no pics.
It affects the OPs asking price if he ever decides to sell it down the road.
This is an iconic amp.

But there was miscommunication on both sides and I don't know either one of you so good luck with everything. Peace out.

Here’s what you don’t know. In the 8 emails/messages that we went back and forth on.
I specifically listed all the mods. Provided DETAILED/HI-RESOLUTION photos & listed what mods were done below the photo.

In these HIGH RESOLUTION PHOTOS that he viewed which, as shown, did not have the logo, badges, or faceplate on the amp. They were also never shown in any photos of the amp or talked about or discussed in our correspondence. He immediately said “I’ll take! Would you do $700 instead of $750? You’ll get $700 and avoid the fees.“ I agreed. Fine, no problem. I said I’d throw in an extra high quality footswitch for free too. On me.

NEVER ONCE did he inquire about the logos. They weren’t included in the sale so why assume.

He then informs me that he purchased a logo for $35 and tells me, TELLS ME , I owe him $35 in order to make the sale right. He never talked about or asked if I would agree to buying a logo for him. He just ASSUMED. Then comes on the forum and says he was swindled. Not the case. My description and the photos were very forthright in what he’d be getting in the sale.

The amp, as it is in the photos is in MINT condition. NOT STOCK. NOT “AS FROM THE FACTORY”. Mint condition with absolutely no wear and tear, dents or repairs.

STOCK, UN-MODDDED, AS NEW, are all different than an item that’s not damaged.

He had every opportunity to inquire, ask, question, tell me he’s looking for an amp with the logos. He did not and I sold him the amp THAT WAS IN THE PHOTOS AS DESCRIBED.

Sorry.. I disagree with you 1000%.

If, I indeed had the logos, etc, I would have promptly said they were included in the sale.



I'm a fact based person, so let's break it down:

Item #1: The $35 bucks

I had to go back to the messages I sent you and re-read this portion. I'm perplexed that you keep insisting that I bought the Peavey Logo and was charging you upfront after my purchase.

I'm copy/pasting an extract of my last direct message and words I sent to you.

"I called Peavey parts yesterday and they can supply me with an oval logo for $35 bucks (includes shipping and taxes). I know at this point you might not feel obliged to cover the cost of the badge, but I'd appreciate if you'd consider it so we can conclude this transaction neatly."

I then told you where to send the money and wished you a good night.

Mark, if you don't feel obliged (as I explicitly told you), then there is no point in bringing this up and twisting the context behind it. You don't owe me. Will I have to pay extra for an amp I believe to be incomplete? Yes. Was I expecting you to pay me? Not really.

Item #2: OP is a dumb ass because he thinks a modded amp must include all original parts and the seller sent him pictures

You are on point with this and I assume full responsibility for thinking that the front plate would be included. I already expressed my reasoning behind this situation for anybody willing to read my previous post. Did I make a mistake? Yes. Am I a dumb ass? I don't believe so, but everyone is entitled to an opinion and we can both live a world where my definition of MINT is different to yours. Your hard evidence is the pics you sent, my hard evidence is simply a word and its perceived meaning. Your evidence carries more weight and I accept it.

Item #3: You are upset and I'm not

I can't control your reaction to my thread but in all fairness, re-read it with just my posts and you'll see that nowhere did I mention you by name nor was it my objective to dispute this transaction. You are soley responsible for bringing yourself into this. Forum members are more focused on "siding" with a party. I already explained my reasoning for me creating this thread so I won't beat around the bush. I truly wasn't expecting you to participate in this thread (there I go assuming yet again), but if you feel you have to tell your side of the story then that's fine but keep in mind you didn't "lose" anything in this transaction. You sold me something and I sent you money. I don't have any personal beef with you and ironically enough I'm very happy with the amp overall. If you want more out of this, then I can assure you that both you and I will be wasting our time.

Item #4: The amp was never in MINT condition

I've attached pics of the damaged areas I've referenced in my previous post and yet you and most people in this thread dismiss this. Again, this is not to ignite more "internet shouting" from your side and I wasn't even going to bring this up at all until you decided to chime in. I've already stated in my previous response that this can't be caused by mishandled shipping. You most likely overlooked the detail since it is really not that big of a deal. That said, it doesn't take away from the fact that the amp was not described accordingly. It would be absurd to ask "is the chassis of the amp bent by any chance?", more so if the amp was stated as MINT. I believe most people in this forum wouldn't say this amp is MINT based on my photos. Go back to your photos and you'll see that even though the area is not extremely clear to figure out entirely, you can definitely tell that the amp always had these bent areas.

My last words to everyone regarding this transaction:

I would've never bought the amp from Mark if I would've known it didn't carry the faceplate and that it had a bent/sunken chassis.

Put simply, I'm a one trip kind of guy. If I have to go back to the store or drive to another store to get something additional that is not included in a package (Apple products come to mind), then it becomes a mild nuisance (Nuisance Level: 1st World Problem). Now, does this mean I'm unhappy? Not really. Again, I love the amp and I thank you yet again for sending it my way because in the end, that is what matters, that it sounds good. I still need to add the missing parts though because of a project I'm developing in my studio. Good news is that I'm already speaking to a forum member that will be helping me out on this extracurricular endeavour.

I don't believe there is anything further to discuss Mark. Wishing you a good night and appreciate you selling me a very good sounding amp that was well protected during shipping.



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The OP is at fault. This is why I hate selling stuff online because people are dumb. It is no longer fun.

I would not sell to the OP.

Seems like a cash grab to me.
Octavio Shaw":3mwk4w1s said:
bionicmark":3mwk4w1s said:
311splawndude":3mwk4w1s said:
I disagree.
Mint is mint.
If I was going to sell someone an amp with missing badges I'd tell ya.
Pics or no pics.
It affects the OPs asking price if he ever decides to sell it down the road.
This is an iconic amp.

But there was miscommunication on both sides and I don't know either one of you so good luck with everything. Peace out.

Here’s what you don’t know. In the 8 emails/messages that we went back and forth on.
I specifically listed all the mods. Provided DETAILED/HI-RESOLUTION photos & listed what mods were done below the photo.

In these HIGH RESOLUTION PHOTOS that he viewed which, as shown, did not have the logo, badges, or faceplate on the amp. They were also never shown in any photos of the amp or talked about or discussed in our correspondence. He immediately said “I’ll take! Would you do $700 instead of $750? You’ll get $700 and avoid the fees.“ I agreed. Fine, no problem. I said I’d throw in an extra high quality footswitch for free too. On me.

NEVER ONCE did he inquire about the logos. They weren’t included in the sale so why assume.

He then informs me that he purchased a logo for $35 and tells me, TELLS ME , I owe him $35 in order to make the sale right. He never talked about or asked if I would agree to buying a logo for him. He just ASSUMED. Then comes on the forum and says he was swindled. Not the case. My description and the photos were very forthright in what he’d be getting in the sale.

The amp, as it is in the photos is in MINT condition. NOT STOCK. NOT “AS FROM THE FACTORY”. Mint condition with absolutely no wear and tear, dents or repairs.

STOCK, UN-MODDDED, AS NEW, are all different than an item that’s not damaged.

He had every opportunity to inquire, ask, question, tell me he’s looking for an amp with the logos. He did not and I sold him the amp THAT WAS IN THE PHOTOS AS DESCRIBED.

Sorry.. I disagree with you 1000%.

If, I indeed had the logos, etc, I would have promptly said they were included in the sale.



I'm a fact based person, so let's break it down:

Item #1: The $35 bucks

I had to go back to the messages I sent you and re-read this portion. I'm perplexed that you keep insisting that I bought the Peavey Logo and was charging you upfront after my purchase.

I'm copy/pasting an extract of my last direct message and words I sent to you.

"I called Peavey parts yesterday and they can supply me with an oval logo for $35 bucks (includes shipping and taxes). I know at this point you might not feel obliged to cover the cost of the badge, but I'd appreciate if you'd consider it so we can conclude this transaction neatly."

I then told you where to send the money and wished you a good night.

Mark, if you don't feel obliged (as I explicitly told you), then there is no point in bringing this up and twisting the context behind it. You don't owe me. Will I have to pay extra for an amp I believe to be incomplete? Yes. Was I expecting you to pay me? Not really.

Item #2: OP is a dumb ass because he thinks a modded amp must include all original parts and the seller sent him pictures

You are on point with this and I assume full responsibility for thinking that the front plate would be included. I already expressed my reasoning behind this situation for anybody willing to read my previous post. Did I make a mistake? Yes. Am I a dumb ass? I don't believe so, but everyone is entitled to an opinion and we can both live a world where my definition of MINT is different to yours. Your hard evidence is the pics you sent, my hard evidence is simply a word and its perceived meaning. Your evidence carries more weight and I accept it.

Item #3: You are upset and I'm not

I can't control your reaction to my thread but in all fairness, re-read it with just my posts and you'll see that nowhere did I mention you by name nor was it my objective to dispute this transaction. You are soley responsible for bringing yourself into this. Forum members are more focused on "siding" with a party. I already explained my reasoning for me creating this thread so I won't beat around the bush. I truly wasn't expecting you to participate in this thread (there I go assuming yet again), but if you feel you have to tell your side of the story then that's fine but keep in mind you didn't "lose" anything in this transaction. You sold me something and I sent you money. I don't have any personal beef with you and ironically enough I'm very happy with the amp overall. If you want more out of this, then I can assure you that both you and I will be wasting our time.

Item #4: The amp was never in MINT condition

I've attached pics of the damaged areas I've referenced in my previous post and yet you and most people in this thread dismiss this. Again, this is not to ignite more "internet shouting" from your side and I wasn't even going to bring this up at all until you decided to chime in. I've already stated in my previous response that this can't be caused by mishandled shipping. You most likely overlooked the detail since it is really not that big of a deal. That said, it doesn't take away from the fact that the amp was not described accordingly. It would be absurd to ask "is the chassis of the amp bent by any chance?", more so if the amp was stated as MINT. I believe most people in this forum wouldn't say this amp is MINT based on my photos. Go back to your photos and you'll see that even though the area is not extremely clear to figure out entirely, you can definitely tell that the amp always had these bent areas.

My last words to everyone regarding this transaction:

I would've never bought the amp from Mark if I would've known it didn't carry the faceplate and that it had a bent/sunken chassis.

Put simply, I'm a one trip kind of guy. If I have to go back to the store or drive to another store to get something additional that is not included in a package (Apple products come to mind), then it becomes a mild nuisance (Nuisance Level: 1st World Problem). Now, does this mean I'm unhappy? Not really. Again, I love the amp and I thank you yet again for sending it my way because in the end, that is what matters, that it sounds good. I still need to add the missing parts though because of a project I'm developing in my studio. Good news is that I'm already speaking to a forum member that will be helping me out on this extracurricular endeavour.

I don't believe there is anything further to discuss Mark. Wishing you a good night and appreciate you selling me a very good sounding amp that was well protected during shipping.


Octavio .... For the love of all things holy...WTF did you do to the preamp plate cover??? Anyone that maybe wondering...please refer to the original photo here -


Someone please tell me how the one in his photo would even seat up properly to the amp? In my photo it looks pretty solid and matches up flush with the amp. In yours, it's all bent to f*ck.

They look nothing alike. In the two years I've owned the amp, it was structurally sound with ZERO damage. I take extremely good care of my gear. It literally looks like you hit it with a mallet. GTFOH with this b*ullshit. I would have never responded to your thread, but you started off saying you were screwed and lied to.. You were not. You even changed the thread titled because you're being shown how you may have acted out of line (passive aggressive)

I'm all about principle and do right by people. The $35 was never an issue. You painting yourself as a victim and how you were "screwed" was my issue. The faceplate would never seat up properly if it were actually in that condition and all bent like that - again see the original photos.

I'll say this... this experience has taught me more about the word 'MINT' and what it means to many different people. It has also soured my taste in doing sales with people I don't know on gear forums. This sucked.

Oddly enough, here's my most recent transaction on here prior to this one. Go figure.

I still need to add the missing parts though because of a project I'm developing in my studio
So.... after watching this thread for a while, I can't for the life of me figure out why this asshat is making such a big deal about the logo's and the backing plate. :doh: :doh: :doh:
There are NO FUKKING LOGO'S or backing plate in the pics that were sent to you!
The amp was modded, so it's no longer a stock Peavey!
These amps are now made in China, so the amp is not representative of current production, even if it was stock!
Removing the backing board from the front of the amp is extremely beneficial to the operation of the amp, and is not a trivial procedure. That's a plus for you.
Why the fuk do you need the logos so bad for your "project"
What exactly IS this "project" and why are the Peavey logo's so damn important????
I just don't get it :confused: