Jr is a "pastor", a "family man" with grown kids.
As a public figure with a 40+ year career in music in an iconic band he's a fucking moron to jack off on cam online while being in one of the best thrash bands of all time.
I don't blame Mustaine one bit, Jr soiled the brand right AFTER Mustaine beat cancer.
Oh yeah and Dave has a young daughter as well and I am sure that played into his decision.
Look at how professional Kiko is, clinics, tutorials, solo albums that kill, lessons, endorsements, he's constantly on ig giving away the technique and theory for free.
Do you think dave has time for elf jerking off with some teeny bopper and getting played/filmed in the process?
Seriously, do the math... Jr is a huge Liability from any angle as his judgement is shit.
Jr should have discreetly set up a side piece and actually gotten some pussy
Instead he loses the gig of a lifetime and never even got any.
I've never seen the game played so poorly.