Man, moving gear is becoming a challenge!

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LOL agreed. Sometimes it seems like half the stuff I read on here is guys being flustered or cranky, complaining
Call 'em out hahahaha fucking bleeding gash hole weeping homos, this is the wrong forum for the non binary campaign?
Time to narc myself out.
For the past couple of years I haven't bought any of the amps I've been wanting. Just been stashing away cash and paying off all my credit cards and my car etc. No debt,big savings and a tall credit rating. Been bragging about it to anyone who knows me. Most have been shocked I haven't acquired any gear in such a long time.
Recently got a new account that gave me a 30k credit limit. WTF? 30K? They must be crazy. And what did I do with that?

I bought a bass. For $800.
Just an $800 bass.
Then I paid it off right away out of my next check.
I think my mind and soul has become broken somehow. I feel like I am not supporting the American way of living in debt and always worrying about how I'm gonna pay for stuff. The American way of always wanting the newest/best object of my obsession. A newer car. Another amp. Dick enlargement surgery (oops,too much information).

But I will certainly post pics of my new bass on the forum when it comes in.
I'm not that broken.
the hey day for gear flipping was the 2000's. as soon as the early-mid 2010's rolled around, and EDM was king, stuff starting to tank a bit, and its been kinda whacky ever since really. everything really dipped in the mid-late 2010's, then around covid things sky rocketted. the same prs hollowbody II i sold for like 2200 i could get like 4500-5k for now. the norlin lp's i sold for 2k-ish would be at least double that now. gibson and prs in particular seems to have really gone sky high and stayed there.

2000's were fucking great because not everyone and their mother was flipping gear, and the market was pretty steady, and not as hype driven.
you always broke even or made money reselling too.
Tell me about it... I can't even look at a half stack without my back acting up so I got rid of my 4x12s and went with low wattage heads w/1x12 cabs (no combos, are you kidding me?). Oh wait, wrong forum.
Damn homonyms!!!
Time to narc myself out.
For the past couple of years I haven't bought any of the amps I've been wanting. Just been stashing away cash and paying off all my credit cards and my car etc. No debt,big savings and a tall credit rating. Been bragging about it to anyone who knows me. Most have been shocked I haven't acquired any gear in such a long time.
Recently got a new account that gave me a 30k credit limit. WTF? 30K? They must be crazy. And what did I do with that?

I bought a bass. For $800.
Just an $800 bass.
Then I paid it off right away out of my next check.
I think my mind and soul has become broken somehow. I feel like I am not supporting the American way of living in debt and always worrying about how I'm gonna pay for stuff. The American way of always wanting the newest/best object of my obsession. A newer car. Another amp. Dick enlargement surgery (oops,too much information).

But I will certainly post pics of my new bass on the forum when it comes in.
I'm not that broken.
Don’t forget photos before/after surgery!
Time to narc myself out.
For the past couple of years I haven't bought any of the amps I've been wanting. Just been stashing away cash and paying off all my credit cards and my car etc. No debt,big savings and a tall credit rating. Been bragging about it to anyone who knows me. Most have been shocked I haven't acquired any gear in such a long time.
Recently got a new account that gave me a 30k credit limit. WTF? 30K? They must be crazy. And what did I do with that?

I bought a bass. For $800.
Just an $800 bass.
Then I paid it off right away out of my next check.
I think my mind and soul has become broken somehow. I feel like I am not supporting the American way of living in debt and always worrying about how I'm gonna pay for stuff. The American way of always wanting the newest/best object of my obsession. A newer car. Another amp. Dick enlargement surgery (oops,too much information).

But I will certainly post pics of my new bass on the forum when it comes in.
I'm not that broken.
Your debt is worth more then you owe.
I just had an interesting conversation with a
past baller client who owns herds of gas stations in Florida.
Gasoline is going straight back over $5 a gallon and will seat at $4.00 a gallon.
Diesel will hover over $5 a gallon until
we find oil on Mars and pump from there.
That ole’ law of supply & bullshit.

-CCV’s $3500 PP/Shipped, yep.
Just to help out my buyer friends, there is
a chunky fee for using FF PP.
Turns out the PP associates can read!!!,
-Like TGP classifieds, RT classifieds,etc
Who’d known?
So that sneaky PP FF request comes with a chunker of a fee on the backside but by the time
you feel it, the boat has left the dock…

My advice to my buyer brethren:
Stack them stacks… soon you’ll be the man
on the pad, pimp hand strong.
Amplifier components are not edible….
Let them eat crow, suddenly them stacks start
lookin’ real damn tasty,,
we’re 3 meals away from savage….
Also, be extremely careful with private messages with potential buyers etc, in or on Reverb.
Reverb is searching through messages for back door type of sales etc.
and popping people.
Them f’n machine learning algorithms & that Bluetooth…hmmmm.
They’re listening, oh yes they are,
Hey there Paypal!!!!
Also, be extremely careful with private messages with potential buyers etc, in or on Reverb.
Reverb is searching through messages for back door type of sales etc.
and popping people.
Them f’n machine learning algorithms & that Bluetooth…hmmmm.
They’re listening, oh yes they are,
Hey there Paypal!!!!
How are they "popping people"? I just recently sniped something from there. He was local, we met and did the deal in person. If they just delete my account that's fine, I'm not ever actually buying or selling anything from there.
Time to narc myself out.
For the past couple of years I haven't bought any of the amps I've been wanting. Just been stashing away cash and paying off all my credit cards and my car etc. No debt,big savings and a tall credit rating. Been bragging about it to anyone who knows me. Most have been shocked I haven't acquired any gear in such a long time.
Recently got a new account that gave me a 30k credit limit. WTF? 30K? They must be crazy. And what did I do with that?

I bought a bass. For $800.
Just an $800 bass.
Then I paid it off right away out of my next check.
I think my mind and soul has become broken somehow. I feel like I am not supporting the American way of living in debt and always worrying about how I'm gonna pay for stuff. The American way of always wanting the newest/best object of my obsession. A newer car. Another amp. Dick enlargement surgery (oops,too much information).

But I will certainly post pics of my new bass on the forum when it comes in.
I'm not that broken.
I havent bought much gear the last few years for the same reasons. I have paid off all debts, and now I am trying to pay off my house ASAP. I dream of a life of no car or house payments, working for the savings account.
The deal I did last week was a backdoor Reverb sale. Buyer asked if I'm on RT or TGP and then we messaged that way. Saved us both some money. I'm not losing any sleep over it, given how unlikely Reverb is to help out if I get scammed.
Sold a BFR Stingray bass in one day. If its unique and priced appropriately it will move. Have a TA I'm about to put on the market so we will see how that does. I think all the overpriced bs languishing on the market just helps when something is priced right
Of course, if something is priced right, it will sell. It’s just that there are so many guys and their greed has become a vile and vulgar form of hunger for MORE. Just more, of everything, more, MORE, MORE, MORE!!!!!!!!!

I saw a guy selling a Charvel for $7500, it was that henrik relic’d model. I asked him if he would be willing to come down a few thousand dollars. I wanted to know his reason and he was frustrated by my question and told me the, “logical reason,” for his price. It’s an incredibly nice guitar that is as good as the custom shop, it’s a very accurate relic, and it’s EXTREMELY rare, it’s a very, very limited edition. He said that this model would eventually be impossible to get, blah, blah, blah……

So I said, “I am revoking my potential offer of $4500, instead of coming down $3000, I now request a price reduction of $6,750, and I will pay you $750 for the guitar! It’s amazing he didn’t realize I was just messing with him and he became very mad at me. He informed me I was a mental midget and didn’t understand the guitar market.

I think someone should start a YouTube channel all about low balling the shit out of pretentious sellers on reverb, and when they reject your offer and send a message informing you that indeed, you are clueless, that’s where the fun begins. Or even a Rigtalk thread with the results of these absurd inquiries. That will be the name of the channel or thread,

“The Magnificent Absurd Inquiries.”

It will solely be based off of the most humorous replies of the greediest and most shameless sellers. If it’s a thread whoever wishes to participate can!

I shall now create the thread!
The economy is actually doing fine, latest unemployment report showed unexpected drop and inflation is down from the summer peak.
The gear market is undergoing a correction, the demand could not support the skyrocketing prices indefinitely.
That is funny!!! Inflation is 8.5%
Prices are all over the place right now. But even reasonably priced stuff is sitting so it will just take some time for things to level out.

Regarding the know you how some toilets just flush real fast and others circle around forever and then finally have a weak flush? I think we could be in the latter. If so, the other side of that flush could be a good time to buy gear.
i'll just leave this here.... :D
It's always a gamble selling larger and more expensive stuff.
I have a really nice amp that is very new that I am looking to move as well (20th XTC EL-34) for a reasonable price but I just am hesitant to do it because of so many people out there who "change their mind" once they purchase and receive it and want to send it back.
I may put it up locally and go from there. Also worried about shipping damage.
I shipped a Marshall Astoria combo, a Marshall 2525C combo and a 2555x head this year. Those pack jobs were no fun. I kept the FedEx box my Friedman DS combo came in, but it'd still need to be double boxed and would probably be a good $150-200 to ship again. The two DSL40Cs I sold went locally on CL, so easy peasy.