I find it more helpful to talk about the negative parts, even in gear that I think is among the best their class. Too many guys on forums/internet exaggerate or go through silly honey moon phases with new gear, not being very accurate or realistic
It’s always possible that the H30’s just perfect fit in your setup (I’ve also not yet tried a Mills cabs, but would like to). I just always find H mag Celestions to be kinda like no man’s land for me because they don’t have the good quality mids of M mag celestions and although they have more bass & highs they can’t touch JBL’s or Crescendo’s there either. I find celestions excel at midrange, while JBL’s & Crescnedo’s have the other extended frequencies much better. The 25w M mag GB’s would be darker and smoother, but I use the 20w GB’s, which are imo the opposite of that. They don’t have that nasal midrange like the 25’s and sound much more aggressive, grindy and tighter/faster
I like the H30’s treble, just not the hollow mids. I don’t really find any non-vintage speakers I’ve tried to be raw sounding really other than just the Alnico Gold’s & Heritage 20w GB’s. There’s been here and there some modern gear that I love as much as the good vintage stuff, but if the goal is rawness, I found vintage stuff to still be untouchable there