Marshall Teased Modded SLP1959 and 800

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The Friedman Jose amp announcement, now this. Shit going to get interesting.
A Green Day sig amp mod should name the switches functions like, the ideology switch "Punk Hair - Purple Hair - Full blown Woke", the three way financial power switch "Bay Area - Beverly Hills - Moved out of the country(but to a bigger Beverly Hills home)", the last one, the two way Citizenship switch with "Revoke - Keep" modes.
Seriously, I've been a Green Day fan since their very first album, 39/Smooth, and American Idiot is still one of my all time fave albums. But they could not manage to do anything even half ass decent after American idiot. Nothing. They are still extremely successful, but still riding their early careers tail. And when that happens and the artist starts throwing tamper tantrums to get attention is beyond pathetic.
RIP Green Day.
No way man. Saw Green Day last year and have seen Metallica, KISS, Alice Cooper, Helmet, etc., etc. over 40 years of my life. Definitely was in the Top 3 shows I've seen. Tone ruled and energy for 2 1/2 hours with zero drop in excitement. I saw Green Day and Roger Waters within a year of each other and I could care less how they vote. I just want to hear some songs and drink some beer, lol.
$3600????? Am I losing my mind? I thought amps were electronics and transformers, etc in a wooden box. What is the purpose of Marshall selling these amps if everyone can just go to a amp mod company for less and get exactly what they want?
Complete junk punch on the price. Why would I pay that when there are alot of builders who are more or less gonna handwire something for the same amount and would actually listen to me if I had tweak change.

Bring those in around the 2k range and you're gonna have people line up. Literally no reason to have a production style amp any higher than say a EVH style amp. Wizard, Ground Zero etc... completely different production footprint, the higher price on those is justified but this, just no.

I'm bummed for sure, surprised - nothing does that anymore. Or maybe it's just me and I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about anymore.
$3600????? Am I losing my mind? I thought amps were electronics and transformers, etc in a wooden box. What is the purpose of Marshall selling these amps if everyone can just go to a amp mod company for less and get exactly what they want?
I don't think that's outrageous given the economy, and there are always brand loyalists that will pay up.

I'd like to think these amps will be cool, but it's hard to get excited about them. It's not exactly innovative or creative - Marshall is essentially saying "we've noticed that for 40 years people have been modding our most popular products, so now we're trying to catch up".
Even if it were the best mods ever its 40+ yrs too late. Folks been doing workarounds themselves.
They should go back to sunglasses & mini fridges.
I don't think that's outrageous given the economy, and there are always brand loyalists that will pay up.

I'd like to think these amps will be cool, but it's hard to get excited about them. It's not exactly innovative or creative - Marshall is essentially saying "we've noticed that for 40 years people have been modding our most popular products, so now we're trying to catch up".
But what better way to catch up by making it more affordable, I don't get that. I mean I can afford whatever I want but I'm not paying that and I'm as Marshall fanboy as they come on here.
But what better way to catch up by making it more affordable, I don't get that.
Presumably they've had dozens of marketing and strategy meetings and decided this is the smartest move for them. Who knows their rationale - but I'm sure they would've figured out by the late 60's that selling 1000 amps at $xx is usually more profitable than 2000 at $x.

And almost certainly they've looked at the 3-4k Mesa/Friedman/Soldano market and felt left out, as they should!

But maybe being an Aussie I'm scarred, this is significantly more than I paid for a clean original C+ not too long ago.

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No way man. Saw Green Day last year and have seen Metallica, KISS, Alice Cooper, Helmet, etc., etc. over 40 years of my life. Definitely was in the Top 3 shows I've seen. Tone ruled and energy for 2 1/2 hours with zero drop in excitement. I saw Green Day and Roger Waters within a year of each other and I could care less how they vote. I just want to hear some songs and drink some beer, lol.
I agree. For me Green Day was also one of the best live concerts I’ve seen so far. Metallica was one of the worst for me about 16 years ago now. I’m a big Metallica fan, but they didn’t sound good live and was hard to hear the guitars. I’m guessing Green Day probably doesn’t sound manly or rugged/tough enough for other guys here, probably too whiny, but I don’t care. Good is good
That price is crazy. Like I said earlier, you can get a handwired 1959HW built on a turret board for $2300 new. This Modded amp has a mid-shift switch, an OD/gain switch, and a tight switch. You can install those things quite easily yourself. Mid shift is most likely two different slope resistor values. OD/gain is most likely zener diode clipping OR two different cathode resistor/cap options on one of the gain stages. Tight is most likely just a resistor to ground off the gain wiper. All of that for the less than the cost of this modded 800 that is most likely built on a PCB.
Complete junk punch on the price. Why would I pay that when there are alot of builders who are more or less gonna handwire something for the same amount and would actually listen to me if I had tweak change.

Bring those in around the 2k range and you're gonna have people line up. Literally no reason to have a production style amp any higher than say a EVH style amp. Wizard, Ground Zero etc... completely different production footprint, the higher price on those is justified but this, just no.

I'm bummed for sure, surprised - nothing does that anymore. Or maybe it's just me and I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about anymore.
Well, let's take a look at the stock prices.....Plexi reissue is 2600? 2203 ri is 2400? So, 1K more for each with the mods. What does a modder charge these days? 1K minimum, and if you're shipping to Hermansson it's 2500 just for the mod...
So, unfortunately the prices are right about where I'd expect.
Anyone who thinks these are under-featured or overpriced is clearly not the target market.