Not at all. The YJM from what I remember when trying it was basically a Marshall superlead with a built in gate and boost pedal. I haven't tried the KK, so maybe I'm wrong, but I thought it was also like just a jcm800 with a built in GEQ, gate and KT88's. The slash signature amp I tried just didn't sound good (thin and scrappy) and all these amps would need a boost unlike a proper good modded Marshall and none of these sound remotely like a Jose type mod or any popular Marshall mods that I've had by Cameron, Friedman, Gower, Monomyth, Langner, Bogner, etc. The assumption here is this would be their attempt at a proper modded Marshall like some of those I mentioned. I'm guessing they covered it up and will reveal the mod at NAMM. This actually would be a potentially exciting thing they stupidly haven't done this whole time and would be new ground for them. Not new ground to most other Marshall-esque amp brands lol