Matt Walsh Demonetised on YouTube ~ Free-speech Debacle

  • Thread starter Thread starter Monkey Man
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Is there a free all you can eat buffet in this thread?
It’s the dude from As I Lay Dying that did those recordings.
You know before trying to hire someone to kill his wife

Damn it!
First I find out about Varg, and now this?
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I liked your AMA quote.

It IS a fact that these perceptions etc exist and will continue to exist. What we have is one side hating on the other sides perceptions as they are changing with the times.

Men wore wigs in the court of Louis XIV. And what would pass as panty hose plus makeup and false beauty marks. Things change.
Can't speak to the men in the Court of Loui but I'd have to say that if these drawings are correct, our Founders were at least trying to grow out of that :lol:

I think what Monkey Man along with some of the rest of us are saying can be summed up below in a quote below from the AMA. So I don't think MM was being obtuse at all, but I will let him speak for himself after he wakes up (hoping he gets some much needed rest as I'm assuming this place, OTC, is wearing him out). :LOL
Thank you Brother 3.

I'm gonna take Donnie up on his offer for the two of us to walk away at this point.

I answer his specific questions and without acknowledging them he shifts the goalposts. I'm too-old to play that game.

Not all women can conceive and gestate babies. Are they men?
Convenient truncation of the quote mate. I knew someone would say this, hence why I included the stipulation that his chromosomes be flipped to be female too. If I say "a zebra has stripes", do you reply by saying, "not all zebras have stripes"? There's utility and then there's just being "difficult".

Also, I said "a man". Show me just 1 and I'll happily admit it's possible. See? Possible. Einstein said something to the effect of, "It doesn't take a hundred professors to prove me wrong; all it takes is one fact".
I answer his specific questions and without acknowledging them he shifts the goalposts. I'm too-old to play that game.

Not at all. I wasn't trying to further any debate.
Just making a parting joke by tossing your own prose back at ya.

Not at all.
Well, yes at all but I'm not being drawn into providing examples; they're plain-to-see brother.

...I wasn't trying to further any debate.

Just making a parting joke by tossing your own prose back at ya.
I'll take that. No worries mate; cheers.

FWIMBW, and this isn't directed towards you specifically, I just may have a very-close sibling who's trans but be sworn to secrecy, so being accused of being insensitive to such things kinda rubs me the wrong way.

Gonna do my best to stay out of this now; I've said all I "need" to say anyway.
The argument of a 4 year old. Just because they wore wigs, doesn't mean they all of the sudden said "Hey, I'm a woman now. I think I'll lop off me tallywhacker and sew it into a vagina. Oh, and by the way, because I say I'm a woman now, I can also birth humans."
Subtlety is lost on you. I'd explain it but you'd only reply with some stupid bumper sticker saying and I'd have to tell you to FOAD.
Funny you can forgive someone for being a born again POS and a hooker, but you have no sympathy for someone that may feel as though they were born into the wrong body. So prostitutes are ok, but trans aren’t ?

oh, and fuck you and your god.

And, where did I say anything of that?

God bless you, paulyc👍
Funny you can forgive someone for being a born again POS and a hooker, but you have no sympathy for someone that may feel as though they were born into the wrong body. So prostitutes are ok, but trans aren’t ?

oh, and fuck you and your god.
What’s the matter, did you lose your alt Satan? God loves you!
