Matt Walsh Demonetised on YouTube ~ Free-speech Debacle

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I think he demonstrated that mindset to a T. My takeaway from his statement is that even when faced with indisputable medial and scientific fact; no matter what the topic is, those of a similar viewpoint to his will willfully ignore those facts and create a false narrative that fits with their agenda and ideology to the point of complete absurdity.
I think you just recited the current White House adminstration's mission statement..
Men wore wigs in the court of Louis XIV. And what would pass as panty hose plus makeup and false beauty marks. Things change.
The argument of a 4 year old. Just because they wore wigs, doesn't mean they all of the sudden said "Hey, I'm a woman now. I think I'll lop off me tallywhacker and sew it into a vagina. Oh, and by the way, because I say I'm a woman now, I can also birth humans."
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The argument of a 4 year old. Just tbecause they wore wigs, doesn't mean they all of the sudden said "Hey, I'm a woman now. I think I'll lop off me tallywhacker and sew it into a vagina. Oh, and by the way, because I say I'm a woman now, I can also birth humans."
who is saying that they can give birth after reassignment surgeries?
I liked your AMA quote.

It IS a fact that these perceptions etc exist and will continue to exist. What we have is one side hating on the other sides perceptions as they are changing with the times.

Men wore wigs in the court of Louis XIV. And what would pass as panty hose plus makeup and false beauty marks. Things change.
Right on.

BTW - I don't hate the 'other side' I just disagree. I think that should work both ways.
who is saying that they can give birth after reassignment surgeries?

Arnold didn't even need the reassignment surgery.


Other than.......


Only knew him through work.
He ran a large distribution warehouse for one of our customers so we chatted on the phone for business
which would turn to gear. Few times a year for a number of years. Never got into any of that other stuff.
That was great on every level! Reminded me a little of Prong.
That was great on every level! Reminded me a little of Prong.
It’s the dude from As I Lay Dying that did those recordings.
You know before trying to hire someone to kill his wife