Well-known member
IME it depends on the room, the guitar & the cab. My gig setup is fairly static so going from rehearsal to a show just the room changes, and I find that I only tweak 80hz and 6600 for the room. I can see setting your presence based on if you want the top end more smooth or more raw though, then balancing to suit with 6600. I've always liked more raw (high pres) for thrashy stuff, but I can see a guy wanting it low (more smooth) for a brown sound.even though i run my III differently, i can totally appreciate where you like your presence set on the marks for your style of music. my best bud Zach ran his III Coli and subsequent IIIs lively in the top end similar to your settings except he kept presence at 3. in his hard rock bands it sliced and diced live.
i always ran my presence 3-4 and started with 2200 and 6600 on the GEQ very low, raising until the tone cut properly in the mix to my ear.
what i’d really like someone to demo on the C+ reissue is footswitching from the cleanest clean setting they can dial in while preserving the proper high gain tones.
Guitar wise for example, going from my EMG to my Fishman guitar I have to really pump up the 80 & the 2200 to get it to equate. Same story if I switch speakers, a re-EQ will be in order. Settings are so contextual not only to the gear, but also to the style being played.
On my IIs and IIIs if I want a clean clean and a high gain tone on the two channels it doesn't seem to me as big for a deal as I hear guys make it out to be. If I was recording I'd set things differently to optimize, but live it's totally usable. Even more so if you're willing to roll your vol knob back for cleans.