Mesa releasing IIC+ promo vid.

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I talked to a friend today, and he said the new c+ BLOW AWAY the old ones in terms of feel and bounce and grind. Said it was "laughable" and said the old ones are "basically boat anchors and ticking time bombs just waiting to fail". I don't agree with that at all but who am I to argue to Mark Agnesi?
I hope it's true so I can add more of those boat anchors to my collection!
Listed now: $3599. Never seen the old ones, is this a match cosmetics wise?

Pretty much identical. Here's two old ones, DRG and SG

DRG.jpg Front.jpg

It's weird to me to see dudes talk about IIC+'s without Randall or even Mike B in the video considering they are the two people responsible for the amp. I also agree with @Racerxrated .. What the fuck is with those settings and EQ layout. Did anyone in the room do any homework? This ain't your daddy's classic rock amp, it's the heavy metal amp. Glad to be razzle dazzled by that schmucks terrible riffs and tones. :doh:
I talked to a friend today, and he said the new c+ BLOW AWAY the old ones in terms of feel and bounce and grind. Said it was "laughable" and said the old ones are "basically boat anchors and ticking time bombs just waiting to fail". I don't agree with that at all but who am I to argue to Mark Agnesi?
for a second I was stunned, then cracked open ?
Pretty much identical. Here's two old ones, DRG and SG

View attachment 365144 View attachment 365147

It's weird to me to see dudes talk about IIC+'s without Randall or even Mike B in the video considering they are the two people responsible for the amp. I also agree with @Racerxrated .. What the fuck is with those settings and EQ layout. Did anyone in the room do any homework? This ain't your daddy's classic rock amp, it's the heavy metal amp. Glad to be razzle dazzled by that schmucks terrible riffs and tones. :doh:
Randall isn’t, is he?
Call me a boomer, but I think there’s something un-metal about not playing an amp with dinged tolex and slightly scratchy pots. ?‍♂️
These new Mesa’s have me salivating.
But I’ll exercise patience and like always,
it’s another rad amp in the world of
a lot of rad amps.
37 bones.. I don my know man.
If it has CabClone they better have updated that crap.
As much as I want another amp,
-I just play the ones I have for 15-20mins
I’m not thinking about wanting other amps.
If I did get a new amp.. I ‘d go Snorklin’ first.