Well-known member
I've lost some weight recently.
Meth will do that
I've lost some weight recently.
By the way, I accidentally listened to that clip of you playing guitar..
My doctor says I may never recover.
I think I've just been threatened with violence.Stop looking me up online. I’m sure there’s other things to do in Texas.
Your doctor is wrong. Many meth addicts have made good recoveries.
Maybe when you’ve got some cash together you can come to Doncaster for a beer and a good smack around the ears ?
I think I've just been threatened with violence.
Proof you’re stupid - there’s consequences for actions in the real world.
It was your choice to post my personal shit online, so whatever happens as a result is on you.
You posted your personal shit online, ya fuckin' dingus !
As long as I don't have to listen to your shitty guitar playing.Yes. For selling gear.
You decided to post it here on R-T thinking you could intimidate me.
Let me know when you’re in Oz, ya scared little weasel. I’ll flatten you. Conversation done.
Proof you’re stupid - there’s consequences for actions in the real world.
It was your choice to post my personal shit online, so whatever happens as a result is on you.
They say that imitation is the highest form of flattery, but I say that it's scavenging the internet for your personal information and constantly posting your pics.
I think we might be seeing that video of you "playing guitar" real soon.Thankyou ?
It’s predictable and pathetic, and a sure sign that they can’t support their points with any kind of coherent or respected argument or evidence.
They publicly show their character by posting my personal information.
It’s literally a clear admission of their failure and that they were raised by shitty role models to be weak, bullying scum.
Fuck ‘em.
They say that imitation is the highest form of flattery, but I say that it's scavenging the internet for your personal information and constantly posting your pics.
Says the turd who is using my avatar pic.
You're a stupid sack of shit.That is my tribute to you to immortalize your lying. It's amazing that you've been able to rack up more than two thousand posts in a mere 4 months, but I'm pretty sure we're in the quantity over quality territory now. In that time, we've been able to deduce that you are not a truthful poster, and the initial level of intelligence I assessed has definitely plummeted with each successive rapid-fire style shotgun of posts.
I'm glad that after being banned on most all other forums, you have found a home here with a couple of people thanking your posts to keep that quantity over quality, dishonest, grammatically incorrect rapid-fire style shotgun of posts alive.
You're a stupid sack of shit.
Follow me for more tips.
Are you mad, bro?
Thankyou ?
It’s predictable and pathetic, and a sure sign that they can’t support their points with any kind of coherent or respected argument or evidence.
They publicly show their character by posting my personal information.
It’s literally a clear admission of their failure and that they were raised by shitty role models to be weak, bullying scum.
Fuck ‘em.
You're not smart enough for that.
You're just a copycat idiot.