More white supremacist crime

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Boy the way the MAGA / GOP looked after Biden owned them, at the 2023 State Of The Union Address, was as if Black, Mexicans shot up a KKK meeting .
Late 2021, I was attacked by a African American MAGA idiot at the VA .
I had to hurt his feelings.
I had to go to court over it and the Judge ruled it self defense. It was caught on video, from 5 different angles and over ten witnesses.
Psychologically speaking. I think the guy was self-loathing over his ethnicity, of being African American, so MAGA was the closest in being an Honorary KKK or Neo Nazi member .

So the guy can't take me to Civil Court over his injuries that he got.

Turns out that he never served, his wife was a Veteran.
Post that video up then.
Late 2021, I was attacked by a African American MAGA idiot at the VA .
I had to hurt his feelings.
I had to go to court over it and the Judge ruled it self defense. It was caught on video, from 5 different angles and over ten witnesses.
Psychologically speaking. I think the guy was self-loathing over his ethnicity, of being African American, so MAGA was the closest in being an Honorary KKK or Neo Nazi member .

So the guy can't take me to Civil Court over his injuries that he got.

Turns out that he never served, his wife was a Veteran.
Ya, Post the video
Late 2021, I was attacked by a African American MAGA idiot at the VA .
I had to hurt his feelings.
I had to go to court over it and the Judge ruled it self defense. It was caught on video, from 5 different angles and over ten witnesses.
Psychologically speaking. I think the guy was self-loathing over his ethnicity, of being African American, so MAGA was the closest in being an Honorary KKK or Neo Nazi member .

So the guy can't take me to Civil Court over his injuries that he got.

Turns out that he never served, his wife was a Veteran.
What blows me away, is the big White Supremacy Delusions of Neo Confederates , they were Racists , traitors and lost in only 5 years .... were pretty much equal in technology with the US.

My people the Comanche and Kiowa, fought the US for 71 years.
The Apache lost after 34 years .

In short, the Confederates, were ( are ) pathetic inferior losers and MAGA is continuation of cowardice, hypocrisy and treason.
Q anon and MAGA is all that's left of the Guardians Of Plutocracy.

Generation Z and Millenials are going to bury the GOP , the maggots and flies are all over it .
At least those two Generations will give it a proper burial, at the Polling place .
That's why the attempted Election Steal of 1-6-21 , was all about, like Jesus , the crucifixion of Democracy, the Constitution, Rulebof Law and the Will of the Majority of the American people .

Democracy prevailed and MAGA / Trump was rejected and defeated.
Late 2021, I was attacked by a African American MAGA idiot at the VA .
I had to hurt his feelings.
I had to go to court over it and the Judge ruled it self defense. It was caught on video, from 5 different angles and over ten witnesses.
Psychologically speaking. I think the guy was self-loathing over his ethnicity, of being African American, so MAGA was the closest in being an Honorary KKK or Neo Nazi member .

So the guy can't take me to Civil Court over his injuries that he got.

Turns out that he never served, his wife was a Veteran.

Let’s see the Video:hys::hys::hys::hys:

Post that video up then.
It is state evidence .
I wish that I could, because it would upset the Racist MAGA element.

When the jury seen the video, they laughed at how flamboyant and intimidating he was and how fast I neutralized him.
But they were shocked by his injuries and the fact that he was much larger than me.
I am so glad, that I don't have to go thru a Civil Lawsuit .
News Flash ....
Another shooting at a Mall in El Paso, Texas .
I wonder if it's another MAGA / White Supremacy attack, like the Walmart in that same town.
Man Texas Govenor Abbott's gun leniancies are paying off. He wants to make sure every school and Mall shooter are the best armed Domestic Terrorists in Texas !!!!
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