Most important/influential rock guitarist ever?

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Rogue":2nbkerkq said:
Hendrix, followed closely by EVH.
I think EVH followed by Page followed Hendrix followed by Iommi follwed by Rhoads followed by Malmsteen. Ok I 'll stop there
In before the random emails full of hate. I'm with Rogue....for our style of music, Hendrix followed by EVH. Honorable mentions go to Robert Johnson and Les Paul.
EVH is my vote! A month ago there was a note in my country (Argentina) newspapper mention him ar 1st place all over the world, I agree with that :)

In 2nd place I'll say John Sykes and 3rd Doug Aldrich
strictly rock?

Chuck Berry

and then

James Williamson

If I had to pick one I'd go with Jimi.

hate-email me bitch! :lol: :LOL:
But then Chuck Berry wouldn't have "been" if it weren't for Les Paul.

But after this epoch moment in 6 string history?

Beck and Clapton are in there.
Then Jimi.
Then Jimmy.
Then MacLaughlin (tying back to older roots of Django)
Then EVH
Then Rhoads
Then Vai

It's all personal preference. Not Guthrie Govan, for the record. But ya, jeeez, hard to nail down. It's all subjective. Some peeps will say Scotty Moore of Elvis and some will say that ponce Michael Angelo Batshit. Ygnwie also brought speed into the equation. Satch schooled Vai. Frank Zappa stands firm in the last 50 years. What about the minimalists like Adam Jones and even Cantrell (nod to my text to Reza moments ago).

Way too personal to just pick one.

But I could argue any of the above and feel vindicated in my stance.
Guthrie! So I don't get hate mail? Influential? I'd say Hendrix. Nothing was the same after that. Say what you want about his sloppy drug fueled live stuff. He was so far ahead of his time guys are still trying to catch up.
Chet Atkins?
Not a "rock" player by todays standards, but he influenced a shitload of rock guitar players.
EVH for his rhythm playing and the awesome swing in his playing...but for soloing, I prefer Randy Rhoads. His solos were excellent compositions.
electrophonic.tonic":1ngyeg68 said:
Chet Atkins?
Not a "rock" player by todays standards, but he influenced a shitload of rock guitar players.

In the 80's in High School anyone that played guitar that I knew wanted to play like Eddie, then Randy, then Jimmy Page, Iommi. Then Yngwie came out, then Metallica. Chet Atkins? NO.
gtrwun":295w65di said:
Guthrie! So I don't get hate mail? Influential? I'd say Hendrix. Nothing was the same after that. Say what you want about his sloppy drug fueled live stuff. He was so far ahead of his time guys are still trying to catch up.
Wait. I think you nailed it.

It's not "who" was the most influential. It's "what"?

In which case, yes, drugs were the most influential thing in rock guitar. Evar.
