Most important/influential rock guitarist ever?

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rrguitar":1f0hv24m said:
Hendrix is overated ? your a fuckin moron.
There was a day I thought Hendrix was overrated, and I was a moron. I had all this technical playing shredding crap up my ass and that's what I thought made a good guitarist. Then when I got older, I woke up to what Jimi was about and what he had done.
Rogue":3nu8cye2 said:
rrguitar":3nu8cye2 said:
Hendrix is overated ? your a fuckin moron.
There was a day I thought Hendrix was overrated, and I was a moron. I had all this technical playing shredding crap up my ass and that's what I thought made a good guitarist. Then when I got older, I woke up to what Jimi was about and what he had done.
:lol: :LOL: Ain't that the truth. Listen to your elders.
Didn't the Karate Kid beat him in that guitar contest? :thumbsup:[/quote]
Good one! :lol: :LOL:
Hendrix .... for rock
Les Paul .... most influential of all guitar
Jimmy Page .... on me.
Tough Question. Too many to choose. I'd say the player who influenced the most people was Hendrix. Hendrix changed everything.

Sure, a tonne of people were influenced by the likes of Eddie & Yngwie, but there must also be swarms of players who were massively influenced by James Hetfield.
for me, Ace Frehley. I had a kiss lunchbox and trading cards way before I knew who any of the other guitar heros are.
It's all about the stripes guys! Black and white, black and yellow, red white and black. Finger tapping, dive bombing-whammy action....Oh, and that 'brown' sound :yes: :rock:

I don't see many guys chasing the Hendrix, Jimmy Page or Chuck Berry tone for the past 35 yrs! :lol: :LOL:

I also don't see many coping his technique (Rockstah rip, you were one of the few). Many can tab Petrucci, Satriani, Gilbert etc and do it note for note, but Eddie has his own 'swing' and reckless off the wall playing that not many can't duplicate even when tabbed out
Clapton's the one who influenced EVH. Their tone's a bit different.
I would say more guys picked up a guitar because of the Beatles than any other single artist.
Man... tough one. I'm surprised that the Beatles were just mentioned now.

But, I'm going to say Jimmy Page.
Negative ghostriders, THIS is the the most influential ever; :doh:

Aside from Hendrix, EVH has to be the most influential. Randy Rhoads seems to be influencing a lot of younger metal guitarists today, so is Yngwie. But all in all, EVH is known by so many people even outside of guitar circles.
rrguitar":1npqo4tx said:
Motorpud":1npqo4tx said:
Jimi Hendrix is the most overrated guitarist of all time IMO. There are multiple guitarists of his own era that don't get as much "the best ever" talk as he does, but to me are better musicians.

I've always felt like his image and untimely death took him a lot further than his actual guitar playing did. The thing he's most famous for isn't even playing guitar, its lighting one on fire and smashing it, which Pete Townshend did the set before, well without the fire :D[/quote

Hendrix is overated ? your a fuckin moron.

Nice try at belittling my opinion, but before anyone can take you seriously you need to learn how to properly quote someone. Then, after that, you should probably learn how to spell. Those 2 things alone would go a long way toward making you look like less of a jackass :thumbsup:
Motorpud":1kwfzjqq said:
Jimi Hendrix is the most overrated guitarist of all time IMO. There are multiple guitarists of his own era that don't get as much "the best ever" talk as he does, but to me are better musicians.

I've always felt like his image and untimely death took him a lot further than his actual guitar playing did. The thing he's most famous for isn't even playing guitar, its lighting one on fire and smashing it, which Pete Townshend did the set before, well without the fire :D

Really clueless. It's more sad than anything else
carlygtr":3rir1ets said:
Motorpud":3rir1ets said:
Jimi Hendrix is the most overrated guitarist of all time IMO. There are multiple guitarists of his own era that don't get as much "the best ever" talk as he does, but to me are better musicians.

I've always felt like his image and untimely death took him a lot further than his actual guitar playing did. The thing he's most famous for isn't even playing guitar, its lighting one on fire and smashing it, which Pete Townshend did the set before, well without the fire :D

Really clueless. It's more sad than anything else

Informative response Carl, tell me more :scared:
Motorpud":1jlzr09k said:
carlygtr":1jlzr09k said:
Motorpud":1jlzr09k said:
Jimi Hendrix is the most overrated guitarist of all time IMO. There are multiple guitarists of his own era that don't get as much "the best ever" talk as he does, but to me are better musicians.

I've always felt like his image and untimely death took him a lot further than his actual guitar playing did. The thing he's most famous for isn't even playing guitar, its lighting one on fire and smashing it, which Pete Townshend did the set before, well without the fire :D

Really clueless. It's more sad than anything else

Informative response Carl, tell me more :scared:

Pretty self explanatory. If you're gonna pin Hendrix's fame on burning a guitar once, that kinda says where you're coming from. I guess he's still talked about decades after his death cause he BBQ'd a guitar. Real intelligent :lol: :LOL: