Most overrated amp?

  • Thread starter Thread starter headlessdeadguy
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Хорошо, что ты понимаешь русский (y)
Я тоже думаю, что между двумя типами трубок есть разница.
К сожалению я не знаю 6П3С-Е и знаю только по памяти 20-летней давности, что меня совсем не устраивал 6П3С.
Она была очень слабым и звучал скучно для моих ушей, будь то замена EL34 или 6L6GC.
Интересно. А какие вы посоветовали бы интересные варианты?
Get the 6P3S-E, the non-E isn’t the right tube.
Actually, I alredy found some in stock. But some people say 5881 shows itself better in amps. Strange. But the lifespan of 5000 hours is respectable. Could you please elaborate on this whole topic? This would be precious info and much apreciated!
Actually, I alredy found some in stock. But some people say 5881 shows itself better in amps. Strange. But the lifespan of 5000 hours is respectable. Could you please elaborate on this whole topic? This would be precious info and much apreciated!
Use the search function. I’ve gone into it before.
Revv Generator 120... My buddy bought it brand new - about 3500 euros if I am not mistaken. It comes with so many nice features - cutting edge technology and stuff.. To me the tones were really mediocre and "generic" -
Here is an idea CrystalSky - why don't you just create your own thread with your questions.

“JCM 800”

Great amps, but man do they ever get mega-hyped. And of course there are a lot of variants, and not the most consistent amps in the world.
Any amp the vintage cork-sniffers at TGP revere is overrated.