Most overrated amp?

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they would have used marshalls. this is why the SLO gets the overrated award, you cant honestly believe the existence of nu metal revolves around the slo?

A lot of those bands DID use Marshalls in the studio. Many people think it was a recto for instance on hybrid theory. It wasn’t. At all. It was almost all a morin modded Marshall into I believe a matchless 4x12. Back in those days they were awful at giving credits etc, and a lot of times those bands didn’t know what they were plugging into; they saw 6 different Marshall heads, and they knew they were playing through one of them. And this was the case for ALOT of those bands in the late 90s early 2000s that did records there in LA.
A lot of those bands DID use Marshalls in the studio. Many people think it was a recto for instance on hybrid theory. It wasn’t. At all. It was almost all a morin modded Marshall into I believe a matchless 4x12. Back in those days they were awful at giving credits etc, and a lot of times those bands didn’t know what they were plugging into; they saw 6 different Marshall heads, and they knew they were playing through one of them. And this was the case for ALOT of those bands in the late 90s early 2000s that did records there in LA.

i never actually listened to that album, i probably should. i know andy wallace mixed it. we assume bands are gear heads like we are and thats just not always the case, i dont know how many guitarist ive been in bands or jammed with but its gotta be in the double digits and id guess maybe one of them even have a clue what something like an SLO is. setting up 6 amps is great trick lol
CCV - cool amp, just don't get the hype - likely due to the unobtanium aspect. I've owned an original and a BK era. Had them side by side...sounded the same. Wish I still had them so I could sell for a lot more today than I did back then. lol
I know we're supposed to stick to actual amps but that Axe FX III I just got was "meh". Maybe some of it (maybe a lot of it) was lack of knowledge on how to get "the best" out of it but I do run a recording studio so I'm not completely lame but it doesn't even get close to the amps I have. Plus the ever tumbling value of those things made me think twice about keeping it. Cuz the Axe FX IV is just around the corner and you know how great that'll be ;) I've now owned all the iterations of the Axe FX products, 2 Kempers and a Helix LT and none of them lasted (although the Helix was surprisingly one of the better ones)
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Anything Marshall/modded Marshall for high gain.

5150 III's except for maybe the Stealth.

Biggest shocker to me was how Mike and his biggest dealer didn’t know about real Russian 6P3S-E tubes which the Sovtek 5881’s are but a copy. I bet the early SLO’s had the silver print rebrands and that’s why they sounded so good.
Can you elaborate on that? I have access to some 6P3S-E tubes, should I get them? And which ones do I pick, in case I do?
Firstly, HOW DARE YOU ALL???

Secondly, Engl Invader 100 for me.
I really like/love all the other Engls I played. Savages, Fireballs, Powerballs, Retros - all great. The Ironball is OK too but I cannot get the Invader to work for me. The high end is weirdly rolled off and the low end is unpleasantly "bouncy" to me somehow. Always sounds like there is a blanket over the cab. Except on the clean channel. Its clean is phenomenal!
Can you elaborate on that? I have access to some 6P3S-E tubes, should I get them? And which ones do I pick, in case I do?
Yes. The Russian military made the original and the Sovtek production is not as toneful. Check out some HiFi guys chatter about them: they’ve been compared to Mullard EL34’s in tube power amps.

You should definitely try some if you’ve never heard them. Night and day better than the Sovtek. Any of them will be better. I’ve heard Foton production are favorable to Saratov, and they are rare.
Can you elaborate on that? I have access to some 6P3S-E tubes, should I get them? And which ones do I pick, in case I do?
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I hope you can read Russian


Aren't all the usual suspects kind of overrated? There's always this ebb and flow of flavor of the month or whatever. Not to mention the occasional cult-like praise in some circles.

Disclaimer: I've been using an SLO pretty much exclusively for about 15 years. ...I'll see myself out. ?
Most people don't know how to make either ch work by boosting them.
Maybe anything that's not a Fender, Marshall, Vox, or 5150.
jcm 800,,,,,,,just not my thing i guess, even boosted not quite my thing
Yes. The Russian military made the original and the Sovtek production is not as toneful. Check out some HiFi guys chatter about them: they’ve been compared to Mullard EL34’s in tube power amps.

You should definitely try some if you’ve never heard them. Night and day better than the Sovtek. Any of them will be better. I’ve heard Foton production are favorable to Saratov, and they are rare.
Wow, so much info! Thank you so much. How do I tell a person, unrelated to guitar amps, but related to these tubes, what kind of set do I need? Matched quad? And maybe voltage or anything else to specify my request? I have absolutely 0 knowledge about tubes.
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Надеюсь, ты умеешь читать по-русски

I hope you can read Russian
Конечно умею! Благодарю! Я погуглил, и понял, что лампы повышенной живучести. Сейчас буду читать ваш файл. А если коротко, то надо брать, да?

Do I need to translate all of the above by forum rules? Or is it ok?

P.S.- я посмотрел файл, но я полный ноль в этой сфере, плюс в файле 6П3С, а мы говорили о 6П3С-Е, насколько я понимаю, между ними есть отличия, верно?
Конечно умею! Благодарю! Я погуглил, и понял, что лампы повышенной живучести. Сейчас буду читать ваш файл. А если коротко, то надо брать, да?

Do I need to translate all of the above by forum rules? Or is it ok?

P.S.- я посмотрел файл, но я полный ноль в этой сфере, плюс в файле 6П3С, а мы говорили о 6П3С-Е, насколько я понимаю, между ними есть отличия, верно?
Хорошо, что ты понимаешь русский (y)
Я тоже думаю, что между двумя типами трубок есть разница.
К сожалению я не знаю 6П3С-Е и знаю только по памяти 20-летней давности, что меня совсем не устраивал 6П3С.
Она была очень слабым и звучал скучно для моих ушей, будь то замена EL34 или 6L6GC.
Please indulge my old ignorant would "the Diezel sound" be categorized?
It's a sound for sure, but I'd say it's equally a "feel" thing. I've run that gamut of MANY amps from every day rockers to boutique whatevers; the Diezels sound "different". They are super 3D and by that I mean I slam a chord sitting in the room with my VH4 or Hagen or D-Moll or whatever Diezel - and there's this "3D bounce" that fills this room. It's insane. I have my peeps come over - session space and all - everyone tries everything it's all good. But so many times - A Fender player - Mesa players - Marshall cat - Soldano - Fortin - Peavey - everyone eventually gives the Diezels a whirl, and they ALL say the same thing - "jesus, that's just...wait a sec...[another chord or run is played]...that's just... WHAT IS THAT?!?!?!"

It's the "3D bounce". Equal parts sound and feel.

Have only ever got this from the Diezels.