Please indulge my
old ignorant would "the Diezel sound" be categorized?
I don't trust videos. Sure....they're entertaining. But I'd not generally base an amp purchase off one (although I have in the past when I was younger and even more stupid than I am now).
Being an old fucker exposed to years of loud industrial noise (e.g. turbine jet engine test cells and live "on wing" testing) and loud live band noise on stages, I've definitely lost some of my high frequency hearing sensitivity. Probably the reason I enjoy and use some of the amps many of my peers seem to "hate" like Wizards, Vintage Mesas, some of the Matchless like the Clubman. What a number of people describe as screetchy, ice-picky, uncompressable presence, I find my sound.
Since getting a few Wizards, I find things like a Friedman SB50, or even my older SLO's softer sounding. I don't find the cutting, angry presence of say my MC50, or MCII KT150 in many other amps.
I've also tried a few Bogners and one of the Mesas JP2C's. They did sound good to me, but to my ears they don't sit and cut through the live band mix like say my MCII KT150.
I realize this is all uber subjective, and opinions are all over the place, but I'm asking for opinions.
Snark and smart-ass answers encouraged and expected