Most overrated amp?

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I'll bite.

Marshall (from SLP to JCM)

Now, it's not that *this* specific amp itself is overrated - on the contrary - they're fkn marvellous. But E V E R Y T I M E I read a thread about NAD or this amp or that amp - the ever-ubiquitous question "can it do plexi??" comes up - and every time I read this, I'm like "just buy the fkn Mashall to start with and stop trying to make whatever unobtainium-priced booteek amp ya just got try to sound like one".

The reason so much of the heavier music from the 70s sounds similar is because for the most part, all the heavy bands were running the same amps by Marshall, and often playing humbucker loaded Gibbies; if not Gibbis, Fenders - note how Malcolm Young had a unique tone - same backline as his bro, but unique guitar. Back then, the players guitars and technique dictated the flavour of tonal difference (ie: listen to the opening of "Coast to Coast" (Scorpions) and whatever similar era ACDC song - for the first few bars, indistinguishable). Then the modders came along trying to make the Marshall template unique from the pack, and some of these modders turned to making their own amps. Some of these latter mentioned amps are very unique - completely "out there" from their perhaps original Marshall DNA roots - but that's the point. To sound different. Not for some TGP buyer to fap and faff about some booteek-overpriced crown jewel amp being do "plexi" or "crunch".

Blows my mind. Without fail.
One thing to remember is that back then there were not many options for amps and speakers. Especially speakers…even when I started on 1980 there weren’t many to pick from.
One thing to remember is that back then there were not many options for amps and speakers. Especially speakers…even when I started on 1980 there weren’t many to pick from.
100% - this is what I mean by the modders coming along and trying to tweak different tones out of the "pretty similar herd" of amps that were at the time in rotation. At that time - the "plexi sound" was all over hells half acre - modders came along at the request of players seeking 'a little something different' to individualize their tonal wants and pursuits. 100% agreed.
Easier said than done , if classic Plexi tone was affordable everybody would buy one.
$2500 used up to $4500 new for all various iterations and eras. Given some "boutique" amps FAR surpass these prices, don't be paying faff'n'tosser prices for something you can get for less to get the job done. And as for "everybody would buy one" - alas, this is where I've opted out as - personally - I want a different sounding amp. Simple.
100% - this is what I mean by the modders coming along and trying to tweak different tones out of the "pretty similar herd" of amps that were at the time in rotation. At that time - the "plexi sound" was all over hells half acre - modders came along at the request of players seeking 'a little something different' to individualize their tonal wants and pursuits. 100% agreed.

$2500 used up to $4500 new for all various iterations and eras. Given some "boutique" amps FAR surpass these prices, don't be paying faff'n'tosser prices for something you can get for less to get the job done. And as for "everybody would buy one" - alas, this is where I've opted out as - personally - I want a different sounding amp. Simple.

That was my point , $2,500.00 used is way way out of the majority of guitarists price range. OK , so you personally would rather have something else , that's OK there is always an exception out there . I still stand by what I said about most would LOVE to have an affordable classic Plexi .
You really think, because you do have a bad taste in your mouth based on a misunderstanding already years ago - and maybe recently sblue got the same due to a misunderstanding (and what's probably the reason, why his DINO 962 and his British Purist have been dropped off his amp's favorite positions recently?), that there are still some (or even much) more out there also with the same bad taste in their mouthes like you?

I'm not in the position to recommend you a visit at a psychiatrist, to mend your tendency of badmouthing against others...
... but take my quick advive and just go to the toilet - because after all this shit went out off all these hollow spaces inside your body, your brain will be fresh again, as it's been back in your youth. Try it!

Yours sincerely
The autocrat

Where’s my fucking money, you thieving scam artist?
You spew so much primordial bullshit that if Darwin was alive now he'd write a book about you called Origin of Feces. The increasingly convoluted excuses and lies have taken on an evolutionary life of their own.

Do you know how to not be a huge douchebag who is always fighting with someone on the internet because no one likes you in real life? Asking for everyone.
You really think, because you do have a bad taste in your mouth based on a misunderstanding already years ago - and maybe recently sblue got the same due to a misunderstanding (and what's probably the reason, why his DINO 962 and his British Purist have been dropped off his amp's favorite positions recently?), that there are still some (or even much) more out there also with the same bad taste in their mouthes like you?

I'm not in the position to recommend you a visit at a psychiatrist, to mend your tendency of badmouthing against others...
... but take my quick advive and just go to the toilet - because after all this shit went out off all these hollow spaces inside your body, your brain will be fresh again, as it's been back in your youth. Try it!

Yours sincerely
The autocrat

Don’t waste your time Larry , this asshole is already balls deep in some dude right now taking out all his frustrations on the world, it’s written all over his posts.
Zero misunderstanding. Items paid for, you refuse to ship for your own twisted reasons. You finally agree to a full refund, then ghost the customer again. Outright criminal theft that you have somehow self-justified. I think it's prudent to get the authorities in the Nuremberg/Bavaria area involved...

Oh, and you want to talk about favorite positions? Yours is screw my customers! You've done it so many times, you don't need to pay for young escorts anymore!!!

Sounds like karma to me!
Where’s my fucking money, you thieving scam artist?
Ah has buddy thegame forced you, to creep out of under your stone into the light, to finally post yourself?
And now you try to force me to refund you twice through trying to piss on my back again publicly, as you've alredy done it years ago over at Gear Page?
Or have you lost your glasses already years ago, so that you couldn't see my back wire of your pissed 400 EUR?
The back wire because I've decided at that time, that you aren't worth it to get nice NOS Tungsram's - due to your ~kind~ words at Gear Page.
Sorry baby, nice try - but now better you creep back under this stone, where you just came from
I certainly don't need to keep a fucking 400 euros back and provoke public stress by doing so ?

In this case, I regret that my DINO's are so robust and reliable, because I wish that yours would even crumble to dust.
You really aren't worthy of owning such a classy device

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Now, it's not that *this* specific amp itself is overrated - on the contrary - they're fkn marvellous. But E V E R Y T I M E I read a thread about NAD or this amp or that amp - the ever-ubiquitous question "can it do plexi??" comes up - and every time I read this, I'm like "just buy the fkn Mashall to start with and stop trying to make whatever unobtainium-priced booteek amp ya just got try to sound like one".

I realize this is mostly venting, but I do have some thoughts on this. Lots of the move away from those amps was about getting more function than wanting a different sound. Lots of us love our old Marshalls, but a couple of channels would be nice, an effects loop, and maybe get those sounds on a stage smaller than Madison Square Garden. There are a lot of amps out there trying to just do that and it's been that way for 40+ years. None of them can do it all. They're all compromise, but it's understandable that someone's first question is whether it captures the sound, before delving into the functionality of the amp.

When I look around, about 90% of the high gain channel switchers out there are basically gained up and functioned up Marshall 2203's (not really "plexis" but still classic single channel Marshalls) and they sound like it. Boogies are the only amps I can think of that have had much impact that aren't essentially modified Marshalls.
Ah has buddy thegame forced you, to creep out of under your stone into the light, to finally post yourself?
And now you try to force me to refund you twice through trying to piss on my back again publicly, as you've alredy done it years ago over at Gear Page?
Or have you lost your glasses already years ago, so that you couldn't see my back wire of your pissed 400 EUR?
The back wire because I've decided at that time, that you aren't worth it to get nice NOS Tungsram's - due to your ~kind~ words at Gear Page.
Sorry baby, nice try - but now better you creep back under this stone, where you just came from
I certainly don't need to keep a fucking 400 euros back and provoke public stress by doing so ?

In this case, I regret that my DINO's are so robust and reliable, because I wish that yours would even crumble to dust.
You really aren't worthy of owning such a classy device


Never received the money, Helmut.

Please email me a copy of the wire transfer, I need to know the account, date, etc as I gave you very specific bank account info to wire it to and my bank has no record of a wire transfer from you from March 2020 to the end of May 2020.