Most overrated amp?

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I’m sure I’ll take so heat for this but I gotta go with Monomyth. I had a modded Marshall and didn’t care for it at all.
To each there own.
Curious as to which Amp and your style of music.
Curious as to which Amp and your style of music.
I had it listed on here maybe a year or two ago. Had a weird mid thing going on.
I’m not out to bash anyone or anything it just wasn’t for me.
they are overrated :dunno: type SLO 100 in youtube and every title is "the king of amps" and "legendary" this and that, yet i cant tell you many if any albums that are strait SLO and i cant think of many guys using them for any length of time. guys are flipping them constantly, i dont even have to look and i can guarantee theres at least one for sale in the classifieds right now. its amazing how so many people have unexpected money problems two weeks after getting one and have to regrettably sell it.
I don’t like the tone of Sovtek tubes. That’s why I’m not an SLO fan.
I had it listed on here maybe a year or two ago. Had a weird mid thing going on.
I’m not out to bash anyone or anything it just wasn’t for me.
I understand, i am just curious what Amp it was. A legit Marshall (2203,1959), a Clone?
I don’t like the tone of Sovtek tubes. That’s why I’m not an SLO fan.
I had an SLO, and an HR50(??) - but they weren't my cuppa. I know several artists who do use them exclusively - or for a vast majority of their works
Every time I see Soldano and SLO - I wonder where our long time long standing member IntenseJim is at - now THAT lad loved his SLOs lemme tell ya
Respect ✊
I had an SLO, and an HR50(??) - but they weren't my cuppa. I know several artists who do use them exclusively - or for a vast majority of their works
Every time I see Soldano and SLO - I wonder where our long time long standing member IntenseJim is at - now THAT lad loved his SLOs lemme tell ya
Respect ✊
If I had one I’d put real 17mm Mullard 12AX7’s and JJ KT-77’s in it and probably fall in love.
If I had one I’d put real 17mm Mullard 12AX7’s and JJ KT-77’s in it and probably fall in love.
I had an SLO, and an HR50(??) - but they weren't my cuppa. I know several artists who do use them exclusively - or for a vast majority of their works
Every time I see Soldano and SLO - I wonder where our long time long standing member IntenseJim is at - now THAT lad loved his SLOs lemme tell ya
Respect ✊
Biggest shocker to me was how Mike and his biggest dealer didn’t know about real Russian 6P3S-E tubes which the Sovtek 5881’s are but a copy. I bet the early SLO’s had the silver print rebrands and that’s why they sounded so good.
they are overrated :dunno: type SLO 100 in youtube and every title is "the king of amps" and "legendary" this and that, yet i cant tell you many if any albums that are strait SLO and i cant think of many guys using them for any length of time. guys are flipping them constantly, i dont even have to look and i can guarantee theres at least one for sale in the classifieds right now. its amazing how so many people have unexpected money problems two weeks after getting one and have to regrettably sell it.

Oh fuck don’t start this bro…. You’re gonna get pummeled by the twat fan boys who can’t handle the truth about their 4000 dollar amp that they think sounds great because someone said so and it’s “ LeGeNdArY”…. Not one god damn record worth a shit in HEAVY music has ever been done with one, ever. Yet, just like you said, all these YouTube clowns with their catchphrases and titles like “ SLO BEST AMP EVERZZZZ!?!?” Make all these young dudes think this is the greatest amp in the world. Sorry the truth hurts boys. Same for the 2c++++€{%{^{#\# amp.
Oh fuck don’t start this bro…. You’re gonna get pummeled by the twat fan boys who can’t handle the truth about their 4000 dollar amp that they think sounds great because someone said so and it’s “ LeGeNdArY”…. Not one god damn record worth a shit in HEAVY music has ever been done with one, ever. Yet, just like you said, all these YouTube clowns with their catchphrases and titles like “ SLO BEST AMP EVERZZZZ!?!?” Make all these young dudes think this is the greatest amp in the world. Sorry the truth hurts boys. Same for the 2c++++€{%{^{#\# amp.

They will definitely be pissed, that’s why I didn’t bring up the shitty loops guys would have to mod, that gets feelings tender