that guy Sean, he seems like a cool guy (I'm subscribed to his youtube channel), but there are two things that REALLY throw me off about that guy.
1) he wants to be James hetfield or atleast he wants to mimic james' gear. It's totally fine by me to be a collector, and hell even own some of your heroes guitars and amps (I got into Diezel because of James Hetfield, and I even own a John Mayer sig strat) but there's a point where a line should be dropped, and the mimicing should end and the originality should appear you know what I mean?
2) He seems too anal and obsessed about what people say about he being a fanboy. If you're gonna be a fanboy, be one with pride, don't say thing like "yeah, I know I'm a fanboy, whatever, fuckoff, blah blah" and he says something to that effect in every video he makes. Really throws me off because you either don't give a fuck about what other say, or you pay SOME attention and make the proper corrections, but don't try to be all macho and "I don't give a fuck" when you REALLY do.
Don't want to slam the guy...... I really enjoy his videos, but I just wanted to say that.