Well-known member
So I grabbed one of these to put it up against the Rev Blue and Ultra in my own home setting with my own equipment and cabs and I gotta say the internet is a funny place.
This version of the amp is so overhyped it’s puzzling. It’s an Uberschall. You either dig the sound or you don’t. All iterations have the same evil voicing that’s best described as the insane brother of a Mesa Rectifier.
I sold my TJ recently so I didn’t have that to put to the test unfortunately but all these amps get extremely close to each other. The feel of each amp I would say is what separates them the most but even then, they are anything but worlds apart like the internet likes to say. You guys piss me off!
The Ultra is my favorite of them all. It covers all grounds and also I don’t know what you owners of all these amps as well are smoking but the Ultra has a more pounding low end than the green. It’s insane. The green is smooth, scooped and smeared and the blue and ultra are more defined and clear and open in nature but still can be dialed VERY similar to each other. Ultra is the most percussive of the bunch, including the TJ. Ultra is in a league of its own as for tonal options.
I’m going to make some clips soon and share. Gun to head, I would take the Ultra without a second of hesitation.