NAD wizard hellrazor

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Yes the 3 gain knobs increase gain but they also affect the frequency of the gain (more low mid - more upper mid) and the boosts when pulled offer increased gain and a bump to the corresponding frequency that that gain knob is responsible for. As if that wasn't enough - there's 2 bright controls for the top end related to Gain 1 and Gain 2. Lot's of options, but one you get the hang of it it's pretty intuitive. Just don't start with all the gains on 8-10 and start pulling boosts.
Good to know. Thanks!! Seems like Rick made gain monster.
Yes the 3 gain knobs increase gain but they also affect the frequency of the gain (more low mid - more upper mid) and the boosts when pulled offer increased gain and a bump to the corresponding frequency that that gain knob is responsible for. As if that wasn't enough - there's 2 bright controls for the top end related to Gain 1 and Gain 2. Lot's of options, but one you get the hang of it it's pretty intuitive. Just don't start with all the gains on 8-10 and start pulling boosts.

This is really interesting. So are the Gain knobs like the EQ knobs on a Mesa Mark or something, where each knob corresponds to a specific high/mid/low frequency band?
This is really interesting. So are the Gain knobs like the EQ knobs on a Mesa Mark or something, where each knob corresponds to a specific high/mid/low frequency band?
Dunno, I don't generally like playing Mark amps although I like them on records.
Dunno, I don't generally like playing Mark amps although I like them on records.

I see. With Mark amps, EQ knobs are in the circuit before preamp gain, so turning up the bass knob increases fuzz and woof in the gain texture, while the low end GEQ slider increases the big punchy bass you expect on the back end, like a traditional Bass knob. A Mark amp’s Treble knob increases the highs going into preamp distortion, so it behaves more like a treble booster pedal, while the treble GEQ slider is what controls the highs at the output.

Do the Gain knobs on the Hell Razor work like that, where like Gain 1 is more like a Treble booster pedal, while Gain 2 controls mids, Gain 3 controls how much fuzz or mush comes out in the lows, and Saturation is like a global Gain control?
Do the Gain knobs on the Hell Razor work like that, where like Gain 1 is more like a Treble booster pedal, while Gain 2 controls mids, Gain 3 controls how much fuzz or mush comes out in the lows, and Saturation is like a global Gain control?
My findings with the latest version: There's so much gain on the HR compared to Rick's other amps - probably between 35 - 45% more than the MTL. So starting out with the 3 gain knobs and saturation at noon or higher is crazy - then there's 4 tone shaping boosts as well. You absolutely need a gate in the loop to get the most out of the amp. It is what it is - a flamethrower of an amp. It's a completely different circuit than the MTL or MCII.
That is quite a bit more. I always thought the MTL had a lot of gain. I'd be curious to know what the HR does that the MTL can't. Curious to see what folks around here say as more and more people try out the HR.
That is quite a bit more. I always thought the MTL had a lot of gain. I'd be curious to know what the HR does that the MTL can't. Curious to see what folks around here say as more and more people try out the HR.
It’s more of a modern clanky voicing- kinda like the fortin stuff
It’s more of a modern clanky voicing- kinda like the fortin stuff
I didn’t find it to be like the Fortin’s I tried. Fortin’s IME are a lot more cold, sterile and smaller sounding. Wizards are way more organic, raw and detailed sounding I find, but the hell razor is a lot tighter and more attacky than previous wizards
That is quite a bit more. I always thought the MTL had a lot of gain. I'd be curious to know what the HR does that the MTL can't. Curious to see what folks around here say as more and more people try out the HR.
Besides more gain, it’s a lot tighter and has more attack, the MTL and MC I had couldn’t match that even boosted, and the KT150 version I have is much punchier and bigger/more muscular sounding, but my MTL and MC were both EL34 versions. I don’t miss anything about the MTL and MC I had. It is noisy like some others have said, but I can manage with my gate
Gain 3 and Gain 2 are like the two on Larry and Fortin Amps controlling low and high mid gains respectively, with Gain 1 as a master Gain. Saturation is the same as the one on the MTL. Saturation Gain 3 and Gain 2 all have pull boosts, and there are 2 Bright knobs as well. The treble knob has a pull shift which seems to give more of a scooped sound. Outside of that there are the normal knobs from any amp. The clean channel is a single knob with pull boost.
Oh no.

Here we go again......Rick's gone and copied Larry.
Just wait for this shit to hit the fan.
I didn’t find it to be like the Fortin’s I tried. Fortin’s IME are a lot more cold, sterile and smaller sounding. Wizards are way more organic, raw and detailed sounding I find, but the hell razor is a lot tighter and more attacky than previous wizards
I meant it more as Wizard tried to do what fortin tried to do with the meshuggah- Wizard getting a better result for sure
What happened? Its a kidney amp it should work excellent !!
Gain 3 and Gain 2 are like the two on Larry and Fortin Amps controlling low and high mid gains respectively, with Gain 1 as a master Gain. Saturation is the same as the one on the MTL. Saturation Gain 3 and Gain 2 all have pull boosts, and there are 2 Bright knobs as well. The treble knob has a pull shift which seems to give more of a scooped sound. Outside of that there are the normal knobs from any amp. The clean channel is a single knob with pull boost.
There was a noisy preamp tube and a couple noise issues . It’s now starting to come together . I will definitely give review in a few days after I’m more use to it .
I meant it more as Wizard tried to do what fortin tried to do with the meshuggah- Wizard getting a better result for sure
Yeah I get that. When I tried my friend’s Meshuggah I actually didn’t find it to be that clanky or modern as expected. Compared to a few of his Cameron Jose modded Marshall’s and a few other amps it sounded to me kinda like a smaller, not as good version of those amps and maybe a little more modern. The Natas I tried though did that clank and was metallic sounding. Wasn’t impressed with it either, but haven’t tried other Fortin amps yet

The hell razor can clank for sure, but imo not as much with default with more noon-ish settings. I feel Hermansson’s for me do that clank in the most effective way for what I look for when I want that kind of sound
Yeah I get that. When I tried my friend’s Meshuggah I actually didn’t find it to be that clanky or modern as expected. Compared to a few of his Cameron Jose modded Marshall’s and a few other amps it sounded to me kinda like a smaller, not as good version of those amps and maybe a little more modern. The Natas I tried though did that clank and was metallic sounding. Wasn’t impressed with it either, but haven’t tried other Fortin amps yet

The hell razor can clank for sure, but imo not as much with default with more noon-ish settings. I feel Hermansson’s for me do that clank in the most effective way for what I look for when I want that kind of sound
TC-Style-Preamp boost in front of a Rectifier clanks all day and night and year. It's the Epitome of Clank-Land.
Oh no.

Here we go again......Rick's gone and copied Larry.
Just wait for this shit to hit the fan.
Rick must have a PROXY order in for the PMM so he can reverse engineer it. Larry's going to have to weld metal covers on everything!:LOL: