NAD wizard hellrazor

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I’ve tried that , not a fan of redbacks . Sounds good . I’ve just always loved wizards with the Uberkab . I always end up back with this cab . Which is weird . I hate 75s but with this cab it’s magic . I’ll be honest I’m only v30s guy, Not a fan of other speakers at all. But redbacks are great . I just always end up the same
The Ubercab IME sounds very similar even with totally different speakers in it. Redbacks probably wouldn’t be ideal in that cab, but in brighter cabs and mixed with brighter speakers to balance it can yield awesome results IME
How’s it compare to the Wizard you trade?
I prefer it in pretty much every way to the 2016 MTL EL34 100 and 1996 MC EL34 100 I had. It has still the qualities that make Wizard special to me (the punch, openness, and definition), but way tighter, more attack, a lot more gain and with mine being the KT150 version, more horsepower/bigger. These qualities allows it to get in a more modern or clanky direction if desired, but still has to me the Wizard flavor 100%
Glad this amp is getting some more hype- it's my number one amp I've owned and I genuinely am wowed every time I play it. After I saw that @WizardSouth-JP said that the rhythm channel boost works on the lead channel, I discovered that i like the amp most straight in with that boost engaged rather than the external boosts I'd been loving before. Shame how it makes channel one into a light gain channel rather than the stock clean i liked in the first channel.
Glad this amp is getting some more hype- it's my number one amp I've owned and I genuinely am wowed every time I play it. After I saw that @WizardSouth-JP said that the rhythm channel boost works on the lead channel, I discovered that i like the amp most straight in with that boost engaged rather than the external boosts I'd been loving before. Shame how it makes channel one into a light gain channel rather than the stock clean i liked in the first channel.
It is a great amp now . It’s original . Still getting to know it
Glad this amp is getting some more hype- it's my number one amp I've owned and I genuinely am wowed every time I play it. After I saw that @WizardSouth-JP said that the rhythm channel boost works on the lead channel, I discovered that i like the amp most straight in with that boost engaged rather than the external boosts I'd been loving before. Shame how it makes channel one into a light gain channel rather than the stock clean i liked in the first channel.
It's in my top 4 as well along with some others like my Rev C and Hermansson Triple. I've been preferring it straight in too (no pedals). The price is very high no doubt, but my other favorite amps aren't any cheaper. What impresses me is how Rick and Naylor are the only non-vintage high gain amps I've tried that are able to maintain some of that more organic, raw quality to the sound vs that filtered cardboard crap most recent made amps suffer from
Glad this amp is getting some more hype- it's my number one amp I've owned and I genuinely am wowed every time I play it. After I saw that @WizardSouth-JP said that the rhythm channel boost works on the lead channel, I discovered that i like the amp most straight in with that boost engaged rather than the external boosts I'd been loving before. Shame how it makes channel one into a light gain channel rather than the stock clean i liked in the first channel.
I uploaded a video to my YouTube channel of the amp straight in with the rhythm boost pulled and telling what settings I’m using. The Rhythm boost on the HR has a big impact on the sound and feel.
Glad this amp is getting some more hype- it's my number one amp I've owned and I genuinely am wowed every time I play it. After I saw that @WizardSouth-JP said that the rhythm channel boost works on the lead channel, I discovered that i like the amp most straight in with that boost engaged rather than the external boosts I'd been loving before. Shame how it makes channel one into a light gain channel rather than the stock clean i liked in the first channel.
Oh forgot, the Hell Razor has a clean channel? What’s that?

My findings with the latest version: There's so much gain on the HR compared to Rick's other amps - probably between 35 - 45% more than the MTL. So starting out with the 3 gain knobs and saturation at noon or higher is crazy - then there's 4 tone shaping boosts as well. You absolutely need a gate in the loop to get the most out of the amp. It is what it is - a flamethrower of an amp. It's a completely different circuit than the MTL or MCII.
Ya it’s a whole new kind of amp I think period . I’m jamimg it loud af tonight