Need mojo and prayers for Yngzaklynch

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Will share my experience in the hope that it helps and turns out as well....

Our pediatrician was paranoid about my daughters head amount of reassuring that both myself, wife and her elder sister went through exactly the same thing (well above normal in head growth charts and still have large heads) so we went in for a whole battery of tests on my youngest.

The tests included X-Rays and MRIs to try and determine what was going on with the fontaenelle (sp?) and inside....there's a danger they don't close properly and the danger of them closing and causing too much pressure because of the fluid up there...none of the tests concluded anything other than she had a big head so we continued to monitor it religiously.

It took a couple of years for her head growth to normalize on the charts but even now both my daughters are well in the top percentiles for head size.

FWIW I believe the extra fluid in our daughters head was associated with an infection she succumbed too shortly after birth.

EDIT: Also..both my daughters were late walkers...big, heavy freakin' heads :D
yngzaklynch":35ireu8n said:
Well maybe we're not outta the woods yet. Childrens Hospital just called and want my daughter back for an MRI.

I'm only a second-year nursing student, but in clinical anytime there's a patient with a head injury or other potential for problems with the brain I notice healthcare specialists seem to play it safe in using tests to rule out anything, and maybe that's what's going on. Usually we check pupils hourly, flashing a penlight into one eye at a time to see if both pupils look the same size and to make sure they each constrict as they should as well as make sure there aren't any fairly sudden changes in level of consciousness, slurring speech, etc... Anyway, I pray everything will be okay.
Jim, all the best to you and your family - hope your daughter's well. :thumbsup:
Major mojo. We went through a similar thing with a hole in my sons heart. It closed on it own but you are devastated. Major Mojo . Everything will be ok.

yngzaklynch":2ru1ny7m said:
Hello everyone. Wow I'm blown away by the prayers, support and kind words. You guys are the best. Just to fill everyone in real quick...

We had a regular visit with the pediatrician last week. There was a spike in the her head growth with may indicate "water on the brain". Basically the fluid around her brain wasn't being absorbed fast enough and might be causing pressure. The reuslt in a larger head diameter and possibly brain damage. They also were concerned that her vision wasn't good to her left side. She has some difficulty turning her head to the left. On tope of all of this she had pnemonia. We knew she recently got a cough but the night before the doc visit we knew it was getting bad. The pnemonia is pretty much gone now.

Today we went into Childrens Hospital in Pittsburgh. These people were great. Extremely knowledgabe and the most efficient hospital I've ever seen. It was busy but everything got done early and fast. Anyways after all is said and done... she does have a little excess fluid but nothing they're really worried about. We have to go back in a few months for a follow up. No worries with her vision. She does need some physical therapy because of a head tilt. She naturally kinks her head to the side. When she sleep this will cause her head to grow asymmetrically. But with a little PT she will be fine. All in all a pretty encouraging visit at the hospital.

Thanks again for the kindness and prayers.

Well maybe we're not outta the woods yet. Childrens Hospital just called and they want my daughter back for an MRI.


Prayer for your family
Hang in there bud, my prayers go out to you and your family
and I will pray for your daughter tonight.
I'll be praying for your daughter and you and your family Jim.