New Mezzabarba Metal amp being announced tomorrow- Mezzabarba Apocalypse

  • Thread starter Thread starter Yehuda
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The scary word “Apocalypse” is totally at odds with the cute sounding “Mezzabarba”. It sounds like an apt name for a Goth Barbie Doll.
The dumb names for metal stuff in general is a turn off for me and I love death metal . It’s just like Black Sabbath did this in 1969 . Can we move on from “scary “
Had the Trinity and couldn’t fall in love with it. Found it to be very honky in the mids for my taste. Curious how this will compare since that price point is huge.
wondering if this modern metal machine could be something like a HR
wondering if this modern metal machine could be something like a HR
Definitely hope so- I’m a huge fan of modern amps that hold their own- my 939 , hr , and Hermansson are three in that category for me, and I’ve heard great stuff about lenz octane and bogner snorkler from @braintheory , so I’d love for the trend of great top tier amps coming out new to continue