No talk about Corona Virus?

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WGAF":3rhb7z3k said:
Krull":3rhb7z3k said:
scottosan":3rhb7z3k said:
Krull":3rhb7z3k said:
If this virus is so relevant, why did the media and Democrats forget about it after George Floyd’s death?

Now that Trump wants to open the economy back up, all of a sudden it’s the “2nd wave” and more lock downs are needed.
100% Correct.

A blind man can see this BS from Mars.

Fear of a second wave is spreading (of course), and we're facing an inevitable 2nd lockdown here in my home state, the People's Democratic Republic of Victoria.

The aim of flattening the curve has long been forgotten. Seems eradication is the new goal. Talk about premeditated mission creep.
Well, our Dear Leader, Chairman Dan, has just reinstated stage 3 lockdown for 36 of the suburbs in Melbourne.

Mission creep be upon us once again. This was 5 minutes ago. :doh:

Oh, and folks started doing a run on toilet paper last week (again!) in anticipation of this... in all suburbs. :doh:
Krull":10zbv5ro said:
Drone footage of BLM in Hollywood. Remember guys, trust the science!

Look at all those assholes, no wonder why they need to close bars and gyms.
That’s been the norm in LA and the 60,000 protestors in Houston on June 2nd. . Sure it has nothing to do with California and Texas spiking in the past few weeks. They already acknowledge its young people with the majority of these new cases. They justify this by saying they’re willing to risk their lives for protest, but what they should be saying is that they’re will to risk Grampa’s life for protest.
NYC Protest 4 weeks ago



And yet

JackTripper":sx9zcsv4 said:
NYC Protest 4 weeks ago



And yet

your discounting herd immunity. Since NY was hit so hard upfront, we don’t know the the amount of people that were asymptomatic.
Goat":qs1x0kms said:
scottosan":qs1x0kms said:
That’s been the norm in LA and the 60,000 protestors in Houston on June 2nd. . Sure it has nothing to do with California and Texas spiking in the past few weeks. They already acknowledge its young people with the majority of these new cases. They justify this by saying they’re willing to risk their lives for protest, but what they should be saying is that they’re will to risk Grampa’s life for protest.
Social Engineering 101

I bet sheep make the front of your pants tight. Did you attach that from your porn stash? Ahhh, I get the the meaning of your online moniker now. It all makes sense.
The graph from 1918 they posted to promote social distancing also shows the effects of herd immunity. Philly took a beating but one it was done it was done. I suspect NY has seen the worst of it.


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scottosan":3e9f5mzh said:
JackTripper":3e9f5mzh said:
NYC Protest 4 weeks ago



And yet

your discounting herd immunity. Since NY was hit so hard upfront, we don’t know the the amount of people that were asymptomatic.

Best-case guestimates (from reliable/credible sources) seems to be around 20-25% herd immunity for NYC Metro region. You need to be at 60-70%. There might be some discount, but it's not big. And no one in NY is complacent enough to think its over.
Krull":1caw5xk6 said:
And if you believe that rat infested city isn’t still crawling with covid-19 you are beyond libtarded.

So true, been there many times, a shithole, smells like shit. People packed like sardines everywhere. The subways are disgusting and they kept them open during this mess. All that with all these idiots protesting for George Kirby.
Uh oh, looks like I riled up the international peanut gallery brigade. :lol: :LOL:
CNutz":1u3btp2p said:
I'd bet the protests did spread some, outdoor activity is safer, but not a good idea to pack in like sardines.

I'm sure the spike had a lot to do with bars opening, and people just letting their guard down. Bars tightly packed, people getting sloppy, sharing drinks, hugging, kissing, fucking, you name it. All inside where the AC circulates everyone's germs. Then they spread it to mom, dad, grandma, and grandpa. Opening bars was reeeetarded!

Triggered troll's 1-2-3 go!
Very cool. You are the voice of reason and much thanks for letting us enter into your mind. I suggest you ring up your JOLTIN' hermit Princi-PAL in his 1-horse town for further prophetic guidance Mr. CNutz Portmanteau Brunch w/XXL SMOG :)


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CNutz":wp5lhyu5 said:
I'm sure the spike had a lot to do with bars opening, and people just letting their guard down.

It was exactly that.

"If I could go back and redo anything, it probably would have been to slow down the opening of bars," Texas Governor Abbott said in a TV interview Friday evening. ... rs-regret/

Florida Department of Health statement:
"During the month of June 2020, the number of individuals testing positive for COVID-19 increased significantly in the State of Florida, especially among younger individuals, and some of these cases involving younger individuals are suspected to have originated from visits to bars, pubs, or nightclubs who have disregarded the restrictions set forth in Phase 2 of the Safe. Smart. Step-by-Step. Plan for Florida's Recovery."
Krull":yumksowy said:
JackTripper":yumksowy said:
CNutz":yumksowy said:
I'm sure the spike had a lot to do with bars opening, and people just letting their guard down.

It was exactly that.

"If I could go back and redo anything, it probably would have been to slow down the opening of bars," Texas Governor Abbott said in a TV interview Friday evening. ... rs-regret/

Florida Department of Health statement:
"During the month of June 2020, the number of individuals testing positive for COVID-19 increased significantly in the State of Florida, especially among younger individuals, and some of these cases involving younger individuals are suspected to have originated from visits to bars, pubs, or nightclubs who have disregarded the restrictions set forth in Phase 2 of the Safe. Smart. Step-by-Step. Plan for Florida's Recovery."

:lol: :LOL:

Unless..unless Florida and Texas are both giving the BLM protesters plausible deniability for the surge. Yeah, that explains it. :lol: :LOL:
Remove the word libtard and the green smilie and krull would have nothing to write.
Krull":2cmaxlgm said:
Sitedrifter":2cmaxlgm said:
Remove the word libtard and the green smilie and krull would have nothing to write.

I make too much sense. Libtard is just the cherry on top.

Sense in your own head :confused:

Love ya Peachy!