New Zealand had no cases for 24 days, no one in hospital, and 1 known case up to Monday....then the fucking government let 2 women in and "released" them from isolation without testing them and now we have 2 new cases (those 2 women .. place every single person they came into contact with)....but the government say they had no contact with anyone else, but the fact they had an 8 hr car drive to the city they were going to, which means they stop at least once to fuel up and take a piss

.... just keeps making me think is this virus total fucking bullshit given how the powers that be seem to not give a shit about it unless it is good news?
any one who lives their life based around voting for these fucking morons (regardless of what colour tie they wear) needs to wake the fuck up .. they are all idiots. Trump is an idiot, Biden is an idiot, Obama is an idiot etc etc... Jacinda Ardern is an IDIOT
How do we "the people" rebuild democracy? because the current state of it is fucked