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At 1:30 am last Sunday, we awoke to our home security system in alarm due to no electrical supply. I got up and noticed a light in my backyard. Thinking it may be an intruder with a flashlight, I grabbed my 45 pistol and headed out back. It turned out to be a police dept helo looking for a runner from a hit and run accident which took out a power pole(thus no ac at my house). My 13 year old daughter had a friend spending the night and I decided to move them into the camping trailer out front and run the generater so they would have a/c , TV etc.I grabbed the keys, gun still in pocket and headed out front to open up the trailer for the girls. My son followed (17) carring Golide the cockapoo. The guys who have come by during NAMM should remember her. I had just reached the trailer and stuck my key into the lock when my son came through the gate with Goldie in his hands. All hell broke loose. A pit and a Rott from down the street ran up to Jimmy and the pit began attacking. I ran over kicked it free from my boy , grabbed his collar, stuck my 45(see how lucky it was I was even armed because normally I wouldnt even think of arming myself just to walk to my driveway) to his spine and just started the squeeze when the dogs owner, hearing the commotion came out of the darkness jumping onto his dog to restrain it , not knowing I had a gun. Since I could no longer safely shoot(too many people , too close and over concrete made this shot a high risk for overpenitration and hurting a bystander) and our dog was still in its jaws, I pistol whipped that shithead until it bled and it still didnt whine or let go. I had to put my hands into its mouth and pry it open to get our dog free.
The owner of the pit ran the dogs home and got his truck and away we went 80MPH through red lights etc to get this dog to a vet before she bled out.
After 4 hours surgery they stabilized her enough to think she would live.Here we are 4 days later and she is making HUGE gains each day. Unless there is a problem with infection she will be just fine.
Both of my hands were bitten. The right hand was the worst with two very deep punctures that were connected, so its healing a little slow BUT I got off REALLY lucky with VERY minor bites.
There are so many things to be thankful for in this situation. One is I was armed and had it bee an attack on myself or my kids I could have stopped it immediatly. The risk of overpenitration in that case wouldnt have outwieghed the risk of serious injury or death to a human and I would have had all the justification to shoot. As much as I love our dog, she is not worth risking injuring bystanders with a gunshot.
Also I cant tell you how releived I was to find out that my son was unhurt, in fact once he had lost grip of Goldie, he got out of the way and let Dad handle the Hand to hand combat
The pits owner although his failure to restrain his dogs led to this attack, his actions after that were heroic. He jumped into the frey and helped me fight this fucker and once Goldie was free, without him to drive she would have bled to death since I couldnt hold pressure on the HUGE open wounds and drive at the same time. He also has paid every penny of the vet bills and has many more to follow.
I am so lucky that the Rott didnt join in. She wieghs almost as much as me. She just ran around excited but never engaged.Those two dogs together could have easily killed me or one of my kids.
Guys if you have kids who walk dogs, do everything you can to ensure there are no loose dogs out(I will never let my daughter walk Goldie alone again), had a small child been walking a dog that night in my neighborhood, I believe there is a high likelyhood they would have been seriously injured or killed.
I wont post pics here since they are way too graphic, but if any want to see how much damage these Pits can do, e mail me and I will share some pics....................John
The owner of the pit ran the dogs home and got his truck and away we went 80MPH through red lights etc to get this dog to a vet before she bled out.
After 4 hours surgery they stabilized her enough to think she would live.Here we are 4 days later and she is making HUGE gains each day. Unless there is a problem with infection she will be just fine.
Both of my hands were bitten. The right hand was the worst with two very deep punctures that were connected, so its healing a little slow BUT I got off REALLY lucky with VERY minor bites.
There are so many things to be thankful for in this situation. One is I was armed and had it bee an attack on myself or my kids I could have stopped it immediatly. The risk of overpenitration in that case wouldnt have outwieghed the risk of serious injury or death to a human and I would have had all the justification to shoot. As much as I love our dog, she is not worth risking injuring bystanders with a gunshot.
Also I cant tell you how releived I was to find out that my son was unhurt, in fact once he had lost grip of Goldie, he got out of the way and let Dad handle the Hand to hand combat

The pits owner although his failure to restrain his dogs led to this attack, his actions after that were heroic. He jumped into the frey and helped me fight this fucker and once Goldie was free, without him to drive she would have bled to death since I couldnt hold pressure on the HUGE open wounds and drive at the same time. He also has paid every penny of the vet bills and has many more to follow.
I am so lucky that the Rott didnt join in. She wieghs almost as much as me. She just ran around excited but never engaged.Those two dogs together could have easily killed me or one of my kids.
Guys if you have kids who walk dogs, do everything you can to ensure there are no loose dogs out(I will never let my daughter walk Goldie alone again), had a small child been walking a dog that night in my neighborhood, I believe there is a high likelyhood they would have been seriously injured or killed.
I wont post pics here since they are way too graphic, but if any want to see how much damage these Pits can do, e mail me and I will share some pics....................John