Our buddy was just indicted

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I believe he won. You guys are paranoid.
Of course he won. I can't get over how absurd the counter claim is. But maybe it's just a symptom of the times we are in. But take hope, the air has completely gone out of our Trump wannabe, Boris Johnson. It seems that right-wing populism is receding here.
I already did shut you up repeatedly already you just can't remember because your brain has turned to oatmeal . Now piss off old timer , when you revealed that you thought Biden won legitimately that told me everything I need to know about you .
Hilarious -

you are the one who when given the command -

put up or shut up - about your claims of

6 or 7 recorded calls detween Pelosi and Epps

and a

Hillary Clinton interview in a national magazine

has not put up

leaving you shut up with zero evidence.

For all to see.
There is a very very strong probability, that the Russia probe is going to be reopened .

A few months ago, a former FBI Agent got arrested after a few years of surveillance.

He is a direct link from Trump's 2016 campaign to Roger Stone, Paul Manafort, Michael Flynn, others to Oleg Derepaska, Putin's SVR / GRU .

Don't be surprised, when it hits the fan .... and it will happen before this Summer .
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Of course he won. I can't get over how absurd the counter claim is. But maybe it's just a symptom of the times we are in. But take hope, the air has completely gone out of our Trump wannabe, Boris Johnson. It seems that right-wing populism is receding here.
Fact, Putin's SVR / GRU has been supporting many cyber Ops to support Fascist Kleptocrats in our 2016 Election, in Europe and other countries.

Putin lost the 2020 Election in the US and is failing also in Ukraine .

Seems like 2020 - 2024, is bad Karma for the Trump - Putin ticket .
That was meant for Diary.
Accept reality, the reality you believe in was created by Oligarchs that don't want to pay their fair share in taxes and have gone to extremes to maintain their parasitic life style off the Majority of Americans.

They and Fox News helped G W Bush commit an legitimate Election Steal in 2000, caused the 2008 Economic Crash, pushed Conspiracy Cults into becoming the TEA Party and created Trumpism .

You have been living a lie and had your opinions preprovided for you ..... Today, Trump is starting to pay the price and this is only the very very beginning.
You and others need to " Detox " from this Reagan / Necon Dellusion that has snowballed into a Fascist movement hell bent on destroying Equality, the Will of the Majority of Americans, the Constitution, Rule Of Law and Democracy.

Many Trump Cult members are going to become leaderless, much like the Manson Family, the Koresh- Davidians or Jim Jones cult ..... it's over.
Finally some truth .

A World Economic Forum insider has admitted that the globalist elite pulled the trigger on the Trump arrest when he vowed last week to dismantle the elite pedophile power structure that has captured governments across the world and goes all the way to the top, the WEF, and even higher.
You got a long road to recovery, good luck .
Whats funny to me is that these anti Trump people STILL have no clue what Biden and co are planning for them . The # 1 reason they need to remove Trump by any means necessary is because as Soros said Trump is the ONLY person that could put a stop to the NWO.

Trump defunded the WHO , he put a stop to all the BS climate change ridiculousness , he made America the leading energy producer and energy exporter etc...

Now we have sky high prices on EVERYTHING and it's going to get a lot worse , we are no longer energy independent , inflation is getting worse , Biden just gave the WHO and the WEF complete control over American citizens lives which include climate lockdowns . FREEDOM IS GONE and left wingers celebrate .

The libcucks never have a word to say about the WEF.
Never a word about the WEF takeover of the USA and whole world. Communist.
Wow .... old John Birch Society and good old 1950's Joe McCarthy fanaticism.
I guess your kinds gas tank is empty.
Get a grip, you are shaming the Neocons .