Our buddy was just indicted

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Whats funny to me is that these anti Trump people STILL have no clue what Biden and co are planning for them . The # 1 reason they need to remove Trump by any means necessary is because as Soros said Trump is the ONLY person that could put a stop to the NWO.

Trump defunded the WHO , he put a stop to all the BS climate change ridiculousness , he made America the leading energy producer and energy exporter etc...

Now we have sky high prices on EVERYTHING and it's going to get a lot worse , we are no longer energy independent , inflation is getting worse , Biden just gave the WHO and the WEF complete control over American citizens lives which include climate lockdowns . FREEDOM IS GONE and left wingers celebrate .
Diarhhea of an Asshole:

Lies about military service.
Lies about heritage.
Lies about job.
Lies about father.
Lies about family.
Lies about guitar ability.
Lies about alts.
Lies about prowess.
Lies about everything.
Calls others liars.
Is Michael Cohen their star witness?

Finally some truth .

A World Economic Forum insider has admitted that the globalist elite pulled the trigger on the Trump arrest when he vowed last week to dismantle the elite pedophile power structure that has captured governments across the world and goes all the way to the top, the WEF, and even higher.

According to the WEF, Trump’s upcoming arrest this week will act as a major step towards “colonizing the United States”, designating conservatives and Christians as domestic terrorists, creating 15 minute cities also known as “open air prisons”, legalizing pedophilia, and introducing a “one child policy” for white families as a means of depopulating white America .

Trump’s arrest, which the man himself announced on his Truth Social platform, will also accelerate societal breakdown in the US, which is exactly what the Davos elites have been working on for decades.

Using terrorist tactics, the globalist elite have been sharpening the divide between the right and left in society, financing the fringe elements and setting them off against each other. The goal is to convince mainstream America that society is populated by extremists and is irreparably divided, when actually the elite are the extremists tearing the fabric of society apart.

Trump has warned that his arrest will be January 6 all over again – a massive set-up, a false flag, and a cover up designed to frame the innocent and patriotic and pull the wool over the eyes of mainstream America. Trump is right – but actually he doesn’t go far enough. J6 was merely a rehearsal for what is about to come.

Law enforcement sources have indicated that the FBI and CIA, acting at the behest of the elite, have infiltrated groups preparing to protest peacefully, just as they did during J6. Except this time the chaos will be of a magnitude many times greater than anything we have seen before.

The FBI and Deep State have infiltrated planned protests that are set to occur nationwide so they can entrap millions of Americans. Klaus Schwab is trying to push your buttons. The elite want you to join the protests so they can justify their martial law crackdown on ordinary, law-abiding patriots and put you and your family in prison.

January 6 was the dress rehearsal and the elite have learned their lines.
There are thousands of Feds giving crash courses to crisis actors and Antifa as we speak—helping delete and manipulate their social media accouts, buying MAGA hats and American flags, showing them how to fire the weapons they are being given. “Make J6 look like child’s play,” they are being told.

Don’t fall for it. We have it on good authority that Trump is being set up by the elite. You only have to follow the money.

Trump reacted to the news of his imminent arrest by pointing out that the Manhattan District Attorney’s office’s “leader is funded by George Soros.”
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Bad Timing – Today Florida Senate Schedules “Resign to Run” Legislative Change to Support Ron DeSantis 2024 Announcement​

March 30, 2023 | Sundance | 64 Comments
Timing is everything, and the timing here is simultaneously transparent and inappropriate.
Today the Florida Senate scheduled a change via committee vote of the “Resign to Run” law for next Tuesday, April 4, 2023 at 2:00pm. The intent of the change is almost certainly to permit Governor Ron DeSantis to formally announce his 2024 candidacy without having to resign his job as governor.

I'm at the point to cut the country in half. We all go to our own corners and be done with this shit.

And don't you Dems come across the border to get cheap gas and groceries.

We'll still charge you Biden prices and send you back with a broom stick up your fart hole
FUCK NY Might be a good bumper sticker, I bet axeman would suck Braggs dick for this.
Axe murderer won't just suck Bragg's he'll eagerly suck Nadlers, Schiff's , Schumers even Pelosi's if you let him . Nancy is no woman , no way is that thing a real female.
With the recent events this week leading-up to the transurrections today and now this latest with Trump, I have a feeling something big will be staged tomorrow or this weekend with all sides equally riled-up. I could be wrong but with everything going on in the world right now, the time is just right. 2030 isn't that far away and they still have a lot of ground to cover.
With the recent events this week leading-up to the transurrections today and now this latest with Trump, I have a feeling something big will be staged tomorrow or this weekend with all sides equally riled-up. I could be wrong but with everything going on in the world right now, the time is just right. 2030 isn't that far away and they still have a lot of ground to cover.
You're 100% correct.

The below groups are involved

Here are the names of some of the Marxist/revolutionary organizations infesting our nation and busily planning its demise: The Sunrise Movement, Antifa, Black Lives Matter, Momentum, Obama's (Organizing for action) Extinction Rebellion, Shutdown DC, and United for Peace and Justice, which is a coalition of over 1,000 Leftist groups.

The FBI and CIA, acting at the behest of the elite, have infiltrated groups preparing to protest peacefully, just as they did during J6. Except this time the chaos will be of a magnitude many times greater than anything we have seen before.

There are thousands of Feds giving crash courses to crisis actors and Antifa as we speak—helping delete and manipulate their social media accounts, buying MAGA hats and American flags, showing them how to fire the weapons they are being given. “Make J6 look like child’s play,” they are being told.

The FBI and Deep State have infiltrated planned protests that are set to occur nationwide so they can entrap millions of Americans. Klaus Schwab is trying to push your buttons. The elite want you to join the protests so they can justify their martial law crackdown on ordinary, law-abiding patriots and put you and your family in prison.