Our buddy was just indicted

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Communists: Today’s Democrat Party, Part 1​


Communists: Today’s Democrat Party, Part 2​


Communists: Today’s Democrat Party, Part 3​


Communists: Today’s Democrat Party, Part 4​


You’re getting political definitions from a website run by right wing mouthbreathers? 😂😂😂
Like I said, you wouldn’t know Communism if it kicked you in the balls.
Jesse still loves grooming kids.


Pigsasshole has no ability to debate.
Got that job yet?
Much like children that found out that the Easter Bunny, Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy, was fiction.

Many Trumpsters had empty lives, no identity or self worth .... until Trump came around, so they invested their whole identity and their self worth into his World of lies and make believe .....AND NOW IT'S OVER.
There is a very very strong probability, that the Russia probe is going to be reopened .

A few months ago, a former FBI Agent got arrested after a few years of surveillance.

He is a direct link from Trump's 2016 campaign to Roger Stone, Paul Manafort, Michael Flynn, others to Oleg Derepaska, Putin's SVR / GRU .

Don't be surprised, when it hits the fan .... and it will happen before this Summer .

Bullshit Mate 🤡😂😂😂😂

Of course he won. I can't get over how absurd the counter claim is. But maybe it's just a symptom of the times we are in. But take hope, the air has completely gone out of our Trump wannabe, Boris Johnson. It seems that right-wing populism is receding here.
Those Venezuelan voting machines sure did help
Accept reality, the reality you believe in was created by Oligarchs that don't want to pay their fair share in taxes and have gone to extremes to maintain their parasitic life style off the Majority of Americans.

They and Fox News helped G W Bush commit an legitimate Election Steal in 2000, caused the 2008 Economic Crash, pushed Conspiracy Cults into becoming the TEA Party and created Trumpism .

You have been living a lie and had your opinions preprovided for you ..... Today, Trump is starting to pay the price and this is only the very very beginning.
You and others need to " Detox " from this Reagan / Necon Dellusion that has snowballed into a Fascist movement hell bent on destroying Equality, the Will of the Majority of Americans, the Constitution, Rule Of Law and Democracy.

Many Trump Cult members are going to become leaderless, much like the Manson Family, the Koresh- Davidians or Jim Jones cult ..... it's over.
Hey stupid. T.V. is 100% aligned with your world view, he just doesn't like your spelling. 🤣
What's sad, as the clowns on here and around the country have their pussy hat parties and celebrate, is what they don't see and realize what is happening. :no:
What's sad, as the clowns on here and around the country have their pussy hat parties and celebrate, is what they don't see and realize what is happening. :no:
That's what happens when you have TDS. This is their big moment, one man potentially going to jail...Everything will be fine after that
That's what happens when you have TDS. This is their big moment, one man potentially going to jail...Everything will be fine after that
I'v never seen an entire political party so bat shit terrified of ONE man. It speaks volumes. For me, it's not so much about the who, it's about the how and why.