Pedophilia & Empire: Satan, Sodomy, & The Deep State

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No wonder they taste so much loan shark in them......................Made in Switzerland I hope or are these the cheap US knockoffs?

Chapter 5: Sins of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta​

This is a long paragraph I'll break up to make more readable.

Some Malta Order facts… for over 900 years it’s been a closed fraternal order whose members are initiated by invitation only. To be a knight one must be Catholic, have served in the military service, and the higher ranks are most definitely upper crusty, requiring proof of aristocratic family coat of arms handed down from father to son unbroken for at least 300 years.[29] Nearly half[30] of its 13,500 present members are of European nobility.[31] The Grand Master, appointed for life and approved of by the pope, is typically of exclusive Illuminati bloodline lineage possessing head of state status with secular rank of prince and ecclesiastical equivalent to a cardinal.

The military order was also granted sovereign nation status with its own Constitution despite no territorial claim beyond its Rome headquarters. The Order benefits from permanent observer status at the UN, maintains diplomatic relations with 106 countries[32] and its members enjoy diplomatic immunity,[33] thus possessing a license of impunity to live above the law. As a sovereign “nation,” this convenient loophole freely permits illegal transfer of money across international borders with zero oversight.[34] Members swear loyalty to this sovereign Order/”nation” and their supreme boss the pope over and above their own nations, which minimally amounts to a conflict of interest[35] and potentially a betrayal of their own countries’ constitutions, essentially making them traitors. But that’s the whole idea, as a covert enemy to all nations’ sovereignty, SMOM’s mission is one world government (like pretty much all secret societies).[36]

It’s a New World Order snake pit linking the Vatican to royalty and fascist dictatorships around the globe through an underground web of fellow criminal secret societies. As such, it is closely affiliated with Freemasonry, particularly Italy’s fascist P2 masonic lodge as well as the Illuminati.[37] And they all secretly practice Satanism, which by its hidden demonic nature includes pedophilia and both child and human sacrifice.[38]
bk 1 ch 5 excerpt:

Under the auspices of Catholicism, the Knights of Malta are deceitfully running a cultural war on behalf of Christianity directed against Muslims, exactly like the Crusades, using the neocon conspired 9/11 and “war on terror” as their fake pretext. Bush Jr called his response to 9/11 a “crusade, this war on terrorism,”[24] explaining how the Islamic terrorists “hate our freedoms”[25] right after he and Cheney committed 9/11 false flag treason[26] so they could war on Middle East Muslims while pushing anthrax[27] and their pre-written Patriot Act to take our freedoms away patterned after the cold war Soviet totalitarianism. That’s demonic deception the satanic way.
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In 1927 the Knights of Malta Order opened up its exclusive membership to Roman Catholic American males of high wealth and prominence. One such early American invitee who co-founded the US SMOM branch was DuPont Treasurer, General Motors Chairman and onetime head of the Democratic National Committee John Raskob. In 1934 Raskob the US traitor led an unsuccessful attempt to overthrow the sitting US President in Franklin D. Roosevelt.[39] Thanks to an American patriot – the heroic General Smedley “war is a racket” Butler, the coup was thwarted but the treasonous conspirators were never properly investigated nor arrested.[40] This shameful, little known chapter in US history illustrates the kind of fascist criminal elements and activities that the Malta Knight Order promotes, raw naked power that subversively undermines and blatantly violates all international and national sovereign laws in favor of brutal centralized authoritarian control.
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In 1927 the Knights of Malta Order opened up its exclusive membership to Roman Catholic American males of high wealth and prominence. One such early American invitee who co-founded the US SMOM branch was DuPont Treasurer, General Motors Chairman and onetime head of the Democratic National Committee John Raskob. In 1934 Raskob the US traitor led an unsuccessful attempt to overthrow the sitting US President in Franklin D. Roosevelt.[39] Thanks to an American patriot – the heroic General Smedley “war is a racket” Butler, the coup was thwarted but the treasonous conspirators were never properly investigated nor arrested.[40] This shameful, little known chapter in US history illustrates the kind of fascist criminal elements and activities that the Malta Knight Order promotes, raw naked power that subversively undermines and blatantly violates all international and national sovereign laws in favor of brutal centralized authoritarian control.

bk 1 ch 5

Still another example of how the SMOM as a sovereign entity functions within the larger sphere of international clandestine operations, because it can issue its own passports (along with stamps and coins), during CIA’s Operation Paperclip the Maltese Order served as a Vatican-Nazi ratline supplying false identity passports to US enemy war criminals and brutal concentration camp scientists to circumvent Nuremberg prosecution.[43]
Yup, here's the cover you pedo faggot.

You want everybody to be both pedophiles and homosexuals so badly. You have strange proclivities. You’re also a complete scummy chum bucket. Lol

bk1 ch 5 long paragraph broken up for easier reading

In order to understand what the Knights of Malta are all about and what these “prestigious members” actually stand for, a quick perusal of past and current membership is most illuminating. The list of Maltese Knights[52] reads like a who’s who of all the earth’s down and dirty movers and shakers over the last 100 years (and beyond).[53]

The Talmud worshipping patriarch of the Jewish Illuminati Rothschild bloodline, Mayer Amschel Rothschild from Bavaria,[54] became a closeted Catholic Jesuit[55] and Malta Knight who financed both the Vatican and fellow Jesuit crypto-Jew Illuminati “founder” Adam Weishaupt in the 18th century[56] (though the true Illuminati origins date back to at least Spain in 1492 with the Alumbrados)[57]

That Rothschild is the earliest listed Malta Knight is telling enough as the family banking dynasty’s tentacles soon owned both the Bank of England housed in the City of London (the independent sovereign corporation called the Crown apart from England or its capital London)[58] as well as controlling interests of the Vatican Bank, not to mention financing both sides to every major war ever fought over the last few centuries.

Aside from that, the Rothschild Empire controls the European Central Bank, the privately owned foreign cartel the “US” Federal Reserve,[59] the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and the Bank of International Settlements.[60]
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After commandeering Britain’s Bank of England by crashing its stock market in 1812,[61] it was Mayer Amschel’s son Nathan who accurately boasted:

I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England to rule the Empire on which the sun never sets. The man who controls Britain’s money supply controls the British Empire, and I control the British money supply.[62]

Since Nathan was but one of five Rothschild sons, each securing a banking monopoly over different European nations’ capitals including the US, coupled with the consolidation of wealth and power that globalization has enabled over the last century,[63]Nathan Rothschild’s above statement would today be far more accurate simply substituting the word “world” for “Britain.”

It’s been reported that only three nations’ banks on this planet have yet to be conquered under the Rothschild domain – Iran, Cuba and North Korea.[64]
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I’m so sorry, @PerPLXedAboutSex . It just dawned on me you are upset about you and @1/2intheBag Man ‘s embarrassingly public breakup. I’ll try and be more sensitive. Lol