Pedophilia & Empire: Satan, Sodomy, & The Deep State

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Do people still actually believe Forbes annual "Rich List"? Trillionaires don't exist right? How about trillionaires many times over? Put the Rothschilds down for half a quadrillion.

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It’s been reported that only three nations’ banks on this planet have yet to be conquered under the Rothschild domain – Iran, Cuba and North Korea.[64]

A couple more amazing facts: the Rothschild fortune is said to equal the totality of wealth owned by the entire 7.5 billion world population[65] and that the richest 1% own more than the rest of us 99%.[66]

So the glaring and growing disparity between the elite handful and the global population would logically follow that the earth’s richest family worth an estimated half a quadrillion dollars[67] (whose vast hidden assets are distributed amongst enough heirs to avoid appearing on Forbes’ annual “rich list”) that owns the world’s most gold and controls its rigged market[68] would have to be an early invitee into every secret private club, if not the kingpin boss of every Luciferian society ruling this planet.
Another very important paragraph.

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Hitler and Himmler were so enamored with the organized infrastructure of the secret Catholic militia orders that they patterned their own Nazi government after the fanatical assassin order of Jesuits (covered in the next chapter).[75] Prior to World War II, Pope Pius XII was the infamous Hitler buddy in the Vatican who squelched Catholic opposition to the Nazis and, as an anti-Semite, turned his back on the Jewish holocaust.[76]

Get the picture? The Nazis, the Vatican, the Malta Knights, the CIA and Western fascists in power created America’s postwar Russian Commie bogeyman that’s still being used as their sorry ass excuse for launching World War III. Again, only the names, faces and dates change while history stays the same.
Do people still actually believe Forbes annual "Rich List"? Trillionaires don't exist right? How about trillionaires many times over? Put the Rothschilds down for half a quadrillion.

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It’s been reported that only three nations’ banks on this planet have yet to be conquered under the Rothschild domain – Iran, Cuba and North Korea.[64]

A couple more amazing facts: the Rothschild fortune is said to equal the totality of wealth owned by the entire 7.5 billion world population[65] and that the richest 1% own more than the rest of us 99%.[66]

So the glaring and growing disparity between the elite handful and the global population would logically follow that the earth’s richest family worth an estimated half a quadrillion dollars[67] (whose vast hidden assets are distributed amongst enough heirs to avoid appearing on Forbes’ annual “rich list”) that owns the world’s most gold and controls its rigged market[68] would have to be an early invitee into every secret private club, if not the kingpin boss of every Luciferian society ruling this planet.
@hairydangler You're on the money fella. (y) City Of London and Switzerland are THE places for this.
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virtually every CIA director in US history has been a Malta Knight, starting with its first director Dulles, John McCone, William Casey, George Tenet, William Webster, John Deutch, William Colby[83] (who like Defense Secretary James Forrestal in 1949[84] was likely murdered for pushing too hard for alien disclosure) and Leon Panetta (also Jesuit educated)[85] just to name a few.

These early CIA Malta Knight scoundrels were responsible for employing the likes of Nazi Dr. Mengele to develop CIA’s top secret, highly illegal and inhumane MK Ultra/Monarch mind control programs[86] now operating worldwide through drugs, torture, hypnosis and sexual trauma training multiple generations of super soldier assassins, spies, sex slaves and of course Manchurian Candidate presidents like Clinton[87] and Obama.[88]
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Not surprisingly, longtime Federal Bureau of Investigation kingpin, transvestite-pedophile[89] and COINTELPRO[90] blackmailer-mastermind J. Edgar Hoover was also a Knight of Malta.[91]

Having so many heads of US intelligence and law enforcement as active key members of the pope’s “intelligentsia” machine easily operating under the veil of total secrecy provides the “ideal” cover by which to commit espionage, government coups, terrorism attacks and trigger wars, all by elitist design to consolidate global power and control into fewer hidden bloodline hands.

And who would believe that the benevolent Holy Pope made them do it? After all, with the pope’s blessing, the Knights of Malta generously export their heartwarming charities and humanitarian causes to the lowly masses in need from every corner of the globe.
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It was the Sovereign Military Order of Malta Knights that created Britain’s Royal Institute of International Affairs in 1919 and America’s Council on Foreign Relations in 1921.[105] As the world’s financial power, the City of London’s core secret societies include SMOM, the Pilgrims Society[106] with branches in both England and America, the Freemasons’ parent company headed by Queen Elizabeth – the Order of the Garter,[107] and finally atop the Illuminati pyramid’s Committee of 300 (aka the Olympians), a 1727 historical offshoot of the British Empire’s first monopoly – the British East India Company.[108]

By the end of World War II the CFR had created the United Nations as another trial run at one world governance after post-WWI’s League of Nations flopped under the orchestrated onset of WWII.[109] Of course the Malta Order keeps its all seeing eye on the UN with “observer status” membership.[110]
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Nearly every modern US president and even their fathers are/were Malta Knights as in Hitler financier-US traitor Grandpa Prescott[111] and his treasonous kin, pedophile[112] [113] NWO Presidents George H.W.[114] and George W.[115] [116] along with the family underachiever Jeb Bush, 9/11 mastermind[117] VP pedophile Dick Cheney,[118] and their Democratic NWO partner-in-crime,[119] serial rapist predator[120] and fellow pedophile criminal Bill Clinton[121] along with child fondler (and no doubt pedo) VP Joe Biden.[122]

Other presidents include pedophile Gerald Ford,[123] bestiality porn addict[124] and underage callboy to the White House President Ronnie Reagan,[125] Dwight D. Eisenhower [126] and even the last US “good guy” president and alleged pedophile JFK[127] have all been Knights of Malta. US presidents, Knights of Malta, mind control and pedo sex rings go together.[128]
At least he's half-right. This book contains conspiracy FACTS.

This is a PhD-level reference work. The author lists sources with the footnotes displayed on the pages rather than as endnotes. Clickable even in my posted excerpts.
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I’m so sorry, @PerPLXedAboutSex . It just dawned on me you are upset about you and @1/2intheBag Man ‘s embarrassingly public breakup. I’ll try and be more sensitive. Lol

Pitiful ‘new member😉bold courage’ troll🤡
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Of course too many to count, high powered Council on Foreign Relations members[129] like current and former CFR presidents Richard Haass[130] and Peter G. Peterson.[131] Holding dual Israeli citizenship[132] and Maltese membership pledging utmost loyalty to both Tel Aviv and the Catholic pope, as the 14-year head of the premier globalist NWO think tank dictating US foreign policy over the last century,[133] by default perennial Bilderberger[134] Richard Haass’ loyalty to America has to be last on his list of priorities.
Next few posts contain part of the unbelievable blood sworn oaths upon intitiation into the Sovereign Military Order of Malta.

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Now to understand what all of the above planetary controllers are doing on behalf of who owns them, and what their obligations are, they must all undergo blood sworn oaths of strictest allegiance to the pope to complete their initiation ceremony. Let’s take an eye-opening look at this unbelievable oath that commits every one of these illustrious Knights of Malta swearing their lifelong loyalty and obedience to Rome’s pontiff.[226]

From two separate officially confirmed sources – Congressional Record of 1913 and Library of Congress,[227] comes the text of the sworn blood oath that is standard protocol for every initiate to commit to obeying for life in the Malta Order, the Jesuit Order, Knights of Columbus Order and every other secret Catholic society.

All incoming members are duty-bound till death do them part to deploy graphically violent methods in their sworn vow to eliminate every so called potential enemy of the pope as their supreme commander, and that includes by their definition the over 6 billion of us humans on this earth who happen not to be Catholic:

I do further promise and declare that I will, when opportunity presents, make and wage relentless war, secretly and openly against all heretics, Protestants and Masons, as I am directed to do to extirpate them from the face of the whole earth; and that I will spare neither age, sex, or condition, and that will hang, bum, waste, boil, flay, strangle, and bury alive these infamous heretics; rip up the stomachs and wombs of their women, and crush their infants’ heads against the walls in order to annihilate their execrable race.

That when the same cannot be done openly, I will secretly use the poisonous cup, the strangulation cord, the steel of the poniard, or the leaden bullet, regardless of the honor, rank, dignity, or authority of the persons, whatever may be their condition in life, either public or private, as I at any time may be directed so to do by any agents of the Pope or superior of the Brotherhood of the Holy Father of the Society of Jesus.

In confirmation of which I hereby dedicate my life, soul, and all corporal powers, and with the dagger which I now receive I will subscribe my name written in my blood in testimony thereof; and should I prove false or weaken in my determination, may my brethren and fellow soldiers of the militia of the Pope cut off my hands and feet and my throat from ear to ear, my belly opened and Sulphur burned therein with all the punishment that can be inflicted upon me on earth and my soul shall be tortured by demons in eternal hell forever.

Sounds like venomous S&M hate spewing straight out of the mouth of Satan himself. It would be laughable if it weren’t true that all the royal Illuminati bloodlines that every US president in history shares the same genetic linkage with the British Windsor’s, are all committed to honoring this same undying oath that devotes their exclusive loyalty to the pope alone, not to God, not to Jesus, not to their nation nor their family or humanity, but elevates only the pope to their satanic pedestal as their one and only earth god.

And the fact that royalty, presidents and the most powerful shadow government figures in the world for many decades have been taking this blood sworn oath to be faithful only to the pope, and no one or nothing else, what does that say about their intentions towards the rest of us on this planet? In their eyes those of us not amongst the Catholic faithful are deemed heretics who need to be exterminated sooner than later. This information gives renewed impetus and explanation to the rulers’ existing depopulation agenda.