Pedophilia & Empire: Satan, Sodomy, & The Deep State

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🤡Another attack…

Anyways, what are you using to get these tones?
Ask Donnie. If you were awake you heard my clips.

I haven't heard any of yours though. And I'm pretty sure I never will. I doubt you can ever make a barre chord. But keep on trying.

You're only here because your bum buddy Picasso is here. You follow him like a little puppy.

Happy Easter!

By the way, if Jesus does come back we'll nail that cunt up just like we did last time. Put that in your collection plate and shove it up your ass.

PLX, Is that what they really said?
“The trans community is under attack”?
Right after a transgender kills 6 Christians😑

They’re just trying SO HARD to provoke a civil war in America.

Just imagine the mainstream media coverage if a Christian shot and killed six transgenders.😉
Then it would be,
“OHHHH, This is a HATE CRIME” with fucking 24/7 media coverage nonstop for weeks.

The Globalists must be so pissed that people haven’t retaliated .And they won’t.
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Hi! My name is BeerAndPizza, I’m Dummy B’s alt. We are both disgusting anti-Christ pedophiles. We love collecting kiddie picts. L…a isn’t very happy about our fetish. Lock up those kids folks!

Ask Donnie. If you were awake you heard my clips.

I haven't heard any of yours though. And I'm pretty sure I never will. I doubt you can ever make a barre chord. But keep on trying.

You're only here because your bum buddy Picasso is here. You follow him like a little puppy.

Happy Easter!

By the way, if Jesus does come back we'll nail that cunt up just like we did last time. Put that in your collection plate and shove it up your ass.

🤡 Donnie, the Racist, Homophobic, Hate-filled, VILE Clown 🤡

Happy Easter to you too, Dude👍

God loves ya, no matter how much you hate Him, hate yourself or how disgusting you are.

Your wife and family would be so proud of Grandpa👍

It's funny you slugs claiming to be X-tian.
Ad-hominem spam.

Doesn't seem to matter which thread.

I agree. I only reply to those who post that same old stuff they've posted a hundred times.

They stop = I stop. Easy peasey.

And of course, I am not Donnie. I see he's taking a break till this stupidity blows over.
I agree. I only reply to those who post that same old stuff they've posted a hundred times.

They stop = I stop. Easy peasey.

And of course, I am not Donnie. I see he's taking a break till this stupidity blows over.

You have the gall to like the Monkey Man's post? You made sure to come in this very serious thread and take a shit in it and continue to do so.

You're purposely making sure there can't be a serious discussion about this subject.

The OP kindly asks to please keep it civil. Please do not post unless you read at least one chapter. You did NONE of these things.

You're actually complicite with the luciferian slavemaster pedophiles when you sabotage this discussion. Congratulations. The labels being put on you are likely true.
I finished book 1 chapter 1 yesterday and started chapter 2.

The author goes back 430,000 years to when the Annunaki colonized the earth.

Excerpt from beginning of chapter 2:

Wading through murky waters notwithstanding, this chapter will present the compelling truth that an alien ET race, commonly referred to as the Anunnaki, that arrived on earth nearly a half million millennia ago, between 250 to 300,000 years ago used its advanced genetics to create the first Homo sapiens, combining Anunnaki alien DNA with the DNA of a local hominin in Africa. Ever since, while human beings have been breeding with other humans, leaving a significantly lesser trace of original Anunnaki DNA in our common human genome, from the very start, the Anunnaki earth colonizers as our slavemasters have bred largely amongst themselves only, thereby retaining their status as a purebred lineage of “alien gods,” in command of their lowly human slaves. So as a species we now face a few aliens who are barely human still wielding dictatorial control over the now 7.8 billion of us human “useless eater” types. With 2020’s rollout of their deadly Coronavirus, they’ve declared genocidal depopulation war against us.

This presentation will factually demonstrate that the ruling bloodline elites possessing control over the earth during the entire existence of humans living in this world are either full-blooded Anunnaki aliens or a mixed ET-barely human hybrid species. They have selfishly chosen to secretly keep their “blue blood” power to themselves by maintaining over the millennia strict adherence to a practice of incestuous intra-breeding. So their story on planet earth is, once a “godly” slavemaster to lowly “inferior” humans, always the “godly” slavemaster to us lowly slaves, still regarded simply as their human-chattel. This is the real history of humankind that our nonhuman “owners” have conveniently concealed from us for more than a quarter million millennia. I’d say it’s high time for the truth to be told, processed and accepted. Only then will it be possible to break the binding shackles of human enslavement. After all, knowledge is power.

A brief history follows of the Anunnaki alien race and its tangible, yet largely hidden presence on earth. According to conventional history books, disseminated by mainstream academia, the Anunnaki race is merely mythological, comprised of deities[33] that hold fairy tale weight in the annals of what may have actually transpired in the ancient land of Sumer, credited as the “cradle of civilization.” Rather than treat the Anunnaki race as gods from the mythological heavens, far too much evidence clearly shows that the Anunnaki were flesh and blood aliens mostly of humanoid appearance that ruled over the human slaves that they initially created. The chronology of the Anunnaki colonization of the earth and its genetically engineered human species comprising its slave population was recorded on written Sumerian cuneiform tablets by the world’s first “known” human civilization located in southern Mesopotamia, now modern-day Iraq.[34] Such Sumerian texts as Enuma Elish and the Epic of Gilgamesh among many others tell the story of the Anunnaki and their grand experiment creating Homo sapiens as their designated slaves.

By insisting that Anunnaki were simply make-believe, mythical figures, gods and deities, obscured in a long lost buried history of no apparent consequence, the above stated fact, by design, has persistently been avoided. As a result, humanity’s been hijacked and cast into a permanent state of brutal enslavement by psychopathic nonhumans whose bloodline descendants are still tightly ruling over us today. Nonhuman psychopaths are still serving Lucifer as our slavemaster overlords, retaining supreme power over us as royalty and heads of church and state. The reptilian ET race also holds court over all their inner club secret societies as operational fixtures both imbued and embedded in increasing centralized power as major players in not only all earthly political and economic affairs but the global pedophilia network immersed in satanic abuse ritual as well.[35] Since ancient times, cannibalistic reptilians literally need and feed on children for their flesh and adrenalized blood as illustrated in the last chapter on the British royal family but actually all chapters exposing the Luciferian ruling elite.

The pathetically despicable reality of once an abused slave, always an abused slave, may not go over well if humanity woke the fuck up to all the parasitic carnivores’ lies and murderous conspiracy still holding us hostage. Luciferian owners of this world who obviously possess a vested interest in keeping us blindly ignorant, fearful and dumbed down, are desperately afraid of the consequences should humanity realize this harsh truth that humans have been screwed over nonstop for as long as we’ve been living and dying on this planet.
The above excerpt is long but I feel it does a great job of trying to not only explain humanity’s origins, but also that we were slaves from the very beginning.