Well-known member
That's one I hadn't even considered. Thanks...rlord1974":2fzlaao1 said:New Fender Supersonic Twin in a heavy duty ATA case with casters + a small pedalboard.
[/cover band rig search]

That's one I hadn't even considered. Thanks...rlord1974":2fzlaao1 said:New Fender Supersonic Twin in a heavy duty ATA case with casters + a small pedalboard.
[/cover band rig search]
Thanks for the comments...NoodlerKS":370ggf9i said:Some of the better tones I've heard from guys in your situations were a Fender Deluxe or even a blues jr with a few decent stomp boxes. I used to have a Line 6 Vetta II and even though it is a "pod with speakers" it would get the job done. I would say if you require a lot of fx and different patches it's worth checking out. Especially since your not wanting a "chugga chugga" sound. I would highly suggest buying used....for the price of a new one you could get a killer 1x12 combo and a small pedal setup. I've also seen and heard the Eleven rack stuff and they seem to get the job done.....your sound guy will probably be more than happy in the regards of it being a direct line instead of ripping everyone's head off!
IndyWS6":1kzckkjv said:Thanks for the comments...NoodlerKS":1kzckkjv said:Some of the better tones I've heard from guys in your situations were a Fender Deluxe or even a blues jr with a few decent stomp boxes. I used to have a Line 6 Vetta II and even though it is a "pod with speakers" it would get the job done. I would say if you require a lot of fx and different patches it's worth checking out. Especially since your not wanting a "chugga chugga" sound. I would highly suggest buying used....for the price of a new one you could get a killer 1x12 combo and a small pedal setup. I've also seen and heard the Eleven rack stuff and they seem to get the job done.....your sound guy will probably be more than happy in the regards of it being a direct line instead of ripping everyone's head off!![]()
Maybe I'm being a snob, but I just don't care for the majority of the Line 6 stuff (even though I own a combo). Granted, I haven't heard them all, but even the Bogner-branded Line 6 gear sounds rather unconvincing to me. Maybe I should open my mind a little more to it...
I would prefer a half-stack, but the "right" combo isn't out of the question. I have spent literally zero time on Fender amps - maybe I should take a closer look.
I don't really need a lot of effects, but I do use a few since I have them available in the rack rig. It's really just the standard stuff (delay, reverb, flanger, compression, OD, etc.). With the right amp (head or combo) and a small pedal board, I'm sure I could easily get by. Of course, the question is, which amp? Lots of options have been presented so far.
I actually have two Eleven Rack's; one in my live rig and another in my recording desk. I could easily put together a small rack for a "run straight to the board approach", but I know that I would miss having the cabinet on stage. Between a drummer that plays at "10" for volume and "0" for finesse, and a bass player that always thinks everyone else is too loud, I don't think I would ever be happy without a cabinet that I can aim at my head for stage monitoring.
I've considered that... I guess I just haven't done it because it would feel kind of like I'm playing a watered down version of the original. Sounds stupid, I know, but that's what I would be thinking.rlord1974":2j89lcrs said:Why not just do one of your Eleven racks in a 4 space ATA case with a Furman and a one rack space power amp, such as the Mesa 20/20, Marshall 80/80, Marshall EL84 20/20, etc. and run the little rack into a 2x12" cab?
Thanks...Robotechnology":1cjs37jy said:Quite a few touring pros have used the Spider Valves to great result. Don't close your mind to it (I have VHT/Brunetti/Mesa/Egnater to choose from and I still take the Line 6 out of the house sometimes). I would not use the all digital one though, only the tube power section models.
IndyWS6":1cjs37jy said:Thanks for the comments...NoodlerKS":1cjs37jy said:Some of the better tones I've heard from guys in your situations were a Fender Deluxe or even a blues jr with a few decent stomp boxes. I used to have a Line 6 Vetta II and even though it is a "pod with speakers" it would get the job done. I would say if you require a lot of fx and different patches it's worth checking out. Especially since your not wanting a "chugga chugga" sound. I would highly suggest buying used....for the price of a new one you could get a killer 1x12 combo and a small pedal setup. I've also seen and heard the Eleven rack stuff and they seem to get the job done.....your sound guy will probably be more than happy in the regards of it being a direct line instead of ripping everyone's head off!![]()
Maybe I'm being a snob, but I just don't care for the majority of the Line 6 stuff (even though I own a combo). Granted, I haven't heard them all, but even the Bogner-branded Line 6 gear sounds rather unconvincing to me. Maybe I should open my mind a little more to it...
I would prefer a half-stack, but the "right" combo isn't out of the question. I have spent literally zero time on Fender amps - maybe I should take a closer look.
I don't really need a lot of effects, but I do use a few since I have them available in the rack rig. It's really just the standard stuff (delay, reverb, flanger, compression, OD, etc.). With the right amp (head or combo) and a small pedal board, I'm sure I could easily get by. Of course, the question is, which amp? Lots of options have been presented so far.
I actually have two Eleven Rack's; one in my live rig and another in my recording desk. I could easily put together a small rack for a "run straight to the board approach", but I know that I would miss having the cabinet on stage. Between a drummer that plays at "10" for volume and "0" for finesse, and a bass player that always thinks everyone else is too loud, I don't think I would ever be happy without a cabinet that I can aim at my head for stage monitoring.
I certainly wouldn't mind owning a JC-120. Solid platform...NoodlerKS":rpk9snpq said:I don't think your being a snob at all. Personally I'm not a fan of anything Line 6...Just was relaying what I've seen on stage and heard from other guitar players. I think we are the same in that we don't really like Line 6 but for some reason we one them hehe.....
I'm sure it's kind of frustrating since I didn't solidify my answer to your question but if I had to pick for me it would be a Roland JC-120. It's the only SS amp I would ever own. But it also comes in handy for gigging in small venues and turning your volume down without sacrificing tone. You probably could find a nice one used in the 500-800 range. For a 2x12 it's very lightweight. I was lucky enough to run audio for Les Paul back in 2008 and this was the amp that he wanted. Super clean...... just throw your choice couple of stomp boxes or something like a Boss GT-10 on the front and BAM.
Thanks...jharpersj":2pb14i0i said:A few things that have worked well for me over the years
H&K triamp Mk2
Marshall JVM410
But my 2 favs are:
Carol Ann Triptik
AxeFx2 direct with a FRFR monitor
The Fortin meathead would be sweet but sadly I have not owned one
I can tell you whole heartedly that the POD always sounds that way to me to. The Guy who I replaced had the processed POD sound but even though I hate to say it, it worked and the audiance loved it and when I get lazy and just don't want to lug crap around it's a great solution even though Id take the Fortin rig over it anytime and dayIndyWS6":2ad56lri said:Thanks...Gainfreak":2ad56lri said:I hate to say this but when speaking about a stripped down rig, Lugging a head around with a 4x12 and a pedalboard still sounds like a lot to haul lol
I have 2 Coverband rigs that are really easy to work with.
One is a Fortinn Marshall JVM head, a Boogie 2x12 Cab and a digitech GSP1101 & Control 2 pedalboard.
It takes about 5 minutes to setup and I have infinite sounds and since the JVM has Midi, the GSP controls the amp switching and
all the effect. If I had to do teh setup again, Id ditch the head and cab for the Combo and that would make it even easier.
My current rig still is a lot to haul if you are looking it at that way and Im only saying that because rig 2 is the fastest rig ive ever used and its light lol
My second SUPER portable rig is a Digitech Rp1000 and 2 tech 21 power engines.
Talk about quick setup and light weight. If you are not fond of Digital Modelors Ive had amazing success with
a Blackstar DISTX distortion box , a TC delay, Chorus and Reverb pedal and the tech 21's.
Talk about quick rig!
The guitarist who I replaced in the Journey tribute used a POD/ POD floorboard and 2 tech 21's and he played a gig for 70,000 people.
It worked just fine! He was the one who mentioned the stripped down rig to me.
Then you have all the other options mentioned in this thread!
all the best!
A head, cabinet and pedal board is still a lot to haul, but it would at least be manageable by one person. My rack rig weighs somewhere around 150 pounds and is awkward to carry, even with two people. I could put casters on it, but there are several places we play where you're forced to carry it nearly all the way from the trailer to the stage. It would help in some situations, though.
You bastards (I say that lovingly) have me wanting a Fortin or Cameron modded Marshall something fierce. It's killing me to not pull the trigger on the one Hollywood has listed, but I need a good clean channel to cover the range of tunes that we play. One of those monsters would be awesome, but I'd end up hauling even more gear to get all the tones I need. The JVM would probably be more appropriate.
I just can't seem to get along with a POD. I haven't heard one yet that didn't sound synthetic and processed, although I'm sure it's just the ones I've been around. Clearly there are some that can make them sound great - the people I know that have them, well, can't![]()
Oh, and for the record, your avatar creeps me the f$^@& out!!
This!///MK":29hkr82h said:^^^ mod50 / Randall MTS. I have an Axe fx and a MTS Combo. The MTS winds up going to a lot of the smaller venues. Very versatile / great tones esp with modded mods and feels like a proper amp. get a line6 m13 or use you own pedal board and you are good to go. Right now a Randall MTS combo is the best value in gear IMO.
IndyWS6":19bgr7qk said:Greetings![]()
I have a rack rig and a single 4x12 cabinet that I gig with. I love the tones and the flexibility, but it is a pain in the ass to haul. The band I'm in is playing a lot more often than we thought we would, which has me thinking about a more portable rig. I don't plan on ditching the rack, but it might be nice to have something a little smaller and lighter for the places with postage stamp stages and the back-to-back-to-back nights when your back is aching.
So, what amp would you recommend that would be a good fit for a cover band that plays everything from Matchbox 20 "Push" to "Man in the Box" and "Slither"? (no brutalz, no chugga-chugga). If I went this route I would still be using the 4x12, so I'm looking for a head (50 or 100 watts) and would likely put together a small pedal board as well. Consequently, suggestions on pedals that could be used to make up for anything the amp might lack would also be welcome.
Thanks in advance...![]()
Robotechnology":14okqg9p said:I can be in any cover band using any of the above heads and be a very happy man with respect to my tone every night. I don't have any experience with Carol Ann amps so I can't offer an oppinion on them but, some of my friends whom I respect sure like them.
Oh and lastly, if you liked the Switchblade, you'd like a Spider Valve. I owned/own every amp in this post except for a JVM.