Prayers, uplifting thoughts, and encouragement for others

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So I found out that my nephew Jacob got into a motorcycle wreck Sunday night and he hit a sign which removed his left leg. He would have bled out but a nurse just happened to be in the car behind him and she jumped to action to save his life (this has to be beyond coincidence). He had a full face helmet but also broke his jaw and has some road rash.

He was admitted to the hospital in serious condition but is doing ok considering the trama. If you guys can keep him lifted up in prayer, that would be great. He's not a believer but I'm hoping he sees God kept him around for a reason and that he comes to faith to see a positive future ahead. Thanks.
Blessings to the nurse for her act of true love and heroism!
@84superchamp any updates on your great grandson?

@Dr. Tweedbucket how is Jacob recovering?
Jacob is actually doing pretty well all things considered. The improvement started when he quit taking the pain killers and then got out of the hospital and back to his Dad's house. He really felt the hospital care was the worst thing for him and I think he is right. None of the nurses could barely speak English and they didn't understand what he wanted or needed.

He is going into therapy and then back home which is saving him a boatload of money since he didn't have any health insurance (which isn't good but his work didn't offer it). Once the swelling goes down on his leg, he'll get fitted for a prosthetic leg and hopefully can get back to work ok.

I'm glad he has a good attitude and is looking ahead instead of feeling sorry for himself. Thanks guys for the thoughts and prayers! Thats what he needed.
Jacob is actually doing pretty well all things considered. The improvement started when he quit taking the pain killers and then got out of the hospital and back to his Dad's house. He really felt the hospital care was the worst thing for him and I think he is right. None of the nurses could barely speak English and they didn't understand what he wanted or needed.

He is going into therapy and then back home which is saving him a boatload of money since he didn't have any health insurance (which isn't good but his work didn't offer it). Once the swelling goes down on his leg, he'll get fitted for a prosthetic leg and hopefully can get back to work ok.

I'm glad he has a good attitude and is looking ahead instead of feeling sorry for himself. Thanks guys for the thoughts and prayers! Thats what he needed.
Continued prayers for Jacob. Thanks for the update Dr. Tweedbucket. I hope he is back out there doing what he loves soon!!!
Drastically pre-mature Ggrandson came home yesterday with mom & dad, we are all very grateful! Thanks for asking.
I been having a rough time lately and this is easily the best news I've heard all week. Thanks superchamp, so great to hear that!
Man....just got word that my orthodox christian brother John reposed Wednesday. John was a bassist and a very kind soul and was always warm and encouraging towards me about gigs, guitar, etc. We would talk and joke about gig life before liturgy. I saw him last Sunday morning. We had a short talk as was usual. He actually told me he was retiring from gigging. He said "guys my age who gig have a thing called roadies" lol. He was in his 70's. Great guy. I wonder if he knew somewhere inside that his time was coming, or maybe he was just tired. RIP John I love you brother and will miss you. Now you got someone to carry your load. Catch you again sometime!☦️☦️☦️

That's all I wanted to say. Thanks for listening fellas.
Man....just got word that my orthodox christian brother John reposed Wednesday. John was a bassist and a very kind soul and was always warm and encouraging towards me about gigs, guitar, etc. We would talk and joke about gig life before liturgy. I saw him last Sunday morning. We had a short talk as was usual. He actually told me he was retiring from gigging. He said "guys my age who gig have a thing called roadies" lol. He was in his 70's. Great guy. I wonder if he knew somewhere inside that his time was coming, or maybe he was just tired. RIP John I love you brother and will miss you. Now you got someone to carry your load. Catch you again sometime!☦️☦️☦️

That's all I wanted to say. Thanks for listening fellas.
My condolences brother.
Thanks Floyd. Caught me off guard that he was telling me he was retiring from gigging and then just died three days later. I might go help my priest build his coffin on sunday if I have any energy left after tomorrows show and can make it over there sunday afternoon. Our priest has a woodworking shop and builds them himself.
That's pretty awesome dude. And that would be a lovely gesture on your part.
Just now saw you post, brother. My condolences. I'll pray for him and his loved ones.

Prayer for Eternal Rest (The Requiem Prayer)​

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon them.
May the souls of all the faithful departed,
through the mercy of God, rest in peace.

Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine.
Et lux perpetua luceat eis.
Fidelium animae, per misericordiam Dei,
requiescant in pace.
Man....just got word that my orthodox christian brother John reposed Wednesday. John was a bassist and a very kind soul and was always warm and encouraging towards me about gigs, guitar, etc. We would talk and joke about gig life before liturgy. I saw him last Sunday morning. We had a short talk as was usual. He actually told me he was retiring from gigging. He said "guys my age who gig have a thing called roadies" lol. He was in his 70's. Great guy. I wonder if he knew somewhere inside that his time was coming, or maybe he was just tired. RIP John I love you brother and will miss you. Now you got someone to carry your load. Catch you again sometime!☦️☦️☦️

That's all I wanted to say. Thanks for listening fellas.

May your brother John RIP man :yes:
Man....just got word that my orthodox christian brother John reposed Wednesday. John was a bassist and a very kind soul and was always warm and encouraging towards me about gigs, guitar, etc. We would talk and joke about gig life before liturgy. I saw him last Sunday morning. We had a short talk as was usual. He actually told me he was retiring from gigging. He said "guys my age who gig have a thing called roadies" lol. He was in his 70's. Great guy. I wonder if he knew somewhere inside that his time was coming, or maybe he was just tired. RIP John I love you brother and will miss you. Now you got someone to carry your load. Catch you again sometime!☦️☦️☦️

That's all I wanted to say. Thanks for listening fellas.
So sorry to read this, my condolences. So very hard saying goodbye to close friends, I cried at one of those funerals.
You know I’m a failure. I fail my family and my friends every day. But most especially God. I fail God constantly. And you know what is sad? I know it and do it anyway. Shame on me. Because of this I do really try to be good to people and compassionate as well. In sharing my feelings with you knuckleheads…I want you all to know that I really do like all of you. Even though we might not agree on everything I guarantee that we would get along fine. Look at PauleyC…he’s a gay tranny democrat but he’s my bud. We text and talk quite often. He also sends me butt pics but that’s okay.? anyway I just wanted to say that I appreciate you all. One thing I have learned from hcaf and rig-caulk is that this interwebz shit ain’t that serious…and there’s a lot of great people on here. Which is why I agreed to be a mod originally to help Brad out and then remained since Brad left. So even though there’s been a few implosions and arguments…at the end of the day who cares? It means nothing and it affects nothing. It only has power over your life that you give it. Not sure what I’m trying to say or even why I’m posting this but honestly at the end of the day let’s try to be on God’s side.
Have to agree with a lot of this, tbh I'm somewhat similar in all aspects but regarding the shit talk and arguments.....I've definitely had a couple of online meltdowns over the years but I've met a handful of people from RT and been to some gear fests from other forums..

Everyone I've met was super cool. Only one of them was an actual real-life troll and even he was cool :lol:
Glenn Fricker's wife had a stroke and is in Intensive Care. Please watch.

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^ a summary would be better for me :dunno:

Glenn's wife had a bad stroke. He's devoting all his attention to her and her recovery. YouTube is his source of income, so he's asking people to roll his videos. Warren Huart, Gary Kahler and others are asking people to do the same for Glenn.

I start playing a playlist on his channel, turn the volume off, minimize that page, and let his videos play. That keeps his income going.