Proof positive that Ralphie and I are driving Carl nuts

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stratotone":c1c25 said:

Oh shit! :hys:
STEEL KAGE":c4c14 said:
The shitbag is losing it!!! Some choice stuff here from this fine human being :thumbsup: check out the bold section


Who can take a train ride
just to see his master play
claimed he can wail and sucking all the time
The STEELCancer Man
Oh, the STEELCancer Man can
The STEELCancer Man can
'Cause he mixes it with body odor
And makes the room smell bad

Who can take a guitar
drill like a fool
lower his balls in Ralph's mouth and make a groovy lemon pie
The STEELCancer Man
The STEELCancer Man can
The STEELCancer Man can
'Cause he tongue's Ralph's Carbone's anus
And to him it tastes real good

Oh, who had an alky sister
a drug infested mess
Called the garbage man, to scrap her off the floor
The STEELCancer Man
Oh, the STEELCancer Man can
The STEELCancer man can
now she's 6 feet under
And that makes the world feel good

Oh, who can take his penis
Stick it up Ralph's ass
Gape the the One-Ball'd loser and collect up all the cream
The STEELCancer Man
Oh, the STEELCancer Man can
The STEELCancer Man can
'Cause he mixes it with jizzum
And makes Ralph's One Ball taste good

Yes, the STEELCancer Man can
'Cause he laps Ralph's asshole
And makes his tongue taste good
A-STEELCancer Man, a-STEELCancer Man, a-STEELCancer Man

thiis was posted over at Mikes...

This useless non-entity legend in his own mind is utter shit and this shit stain sink baby is wasting oxygen.

Karma will get this piece of useless trash bigot once again! Count on it...
You should see the emails hes sending me LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!
Carls original Email

Kage, give me a call if you wanna square things up.
I'd like to see the band tonight. Not sure if I can anyway, Im going in for an 8am spinal shot. If Im up to it though Id like to check the band out.
Sorry about the tune, but the disability and mom shit hits me AS hard


Then my responses and carls "combacks"

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Fri, 26 Oct 2007 10:25 am
Subject: Re: Hey

Sorry Carl, I have no interest in squaring things up. I never started a thing with you , I only responded after you started shit. You've done nothing but Lie about everything from me coming over to my experiences on 9/11 to everything else. You've shown your true colors as far as I'm concerned and what point is there to squaring things up? You obviously don't think much of me so why?

I stood up for you in the past, even to the point where my own friends thought I was an asshole but now, we're at the point where its "Fool me once, shame on you , fool me twice, shame on me".. Been there done that, aint doing it again... This entire situation is one of your making, you made your bed , lie in it.

So do what you want, say what you want about me, my playing, whatever, it wont mean any more to me now or in the future than it did in the past..

I don't start things Carl but I do finish them. The offer still and will always stand, you're welcomed to come to any my gigs, bring recording equipment of any kind, as many people as you want, Just don't make the mistake of ever thinking that you and I are friends or on good terms.

In the end Carl, its sad, there was no reason for any of this, it never had to happen but I'm done with it and you.. I'm pretty sure that Ralphie feels the same as well as anybody I know that knows you, there's a limit to everything and it was passed awhile ago...


Cool, go fuck off then.
I'll be listening though , only as an ememy, and if I can I'll be recording your lame ass and posting it.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Fri, 26 Oct 2007 11:49 am
Subject: Re: Hey

LMAOO!!!! Be my guest, I look forward to you bringing whatever you think you can bring... I really hope that you can grow the balls...

Your response is just more evidence of what a Phony, Lying , cowardly demented piece of shit you really are. If you were sincere, you would never have responded like that...

Now go get permission to come out...

No permission needed nigga. Like the Trower show you pussed out of? LMAO Yeah, you had to change diapers.
Like I said on Mike's, I'm reviewing your show for at least one local music rag....whether I go or not. LOL It's not going to be pretty, in fact, it's gonna be Pretty Ugly. LOL I know somebody at Good Times and Island Ear.
Your macho shit is also funny. The guy I'm going with has my back, and believe me, I'd welcome you trying anything....and I aint going in with the dude, so you wont know where its coming from macho man.
Now go strut your fat ass to the likes of Slaytallica LOL

Payback's a bitch, nigga
as far as growing a ball. You never had any. You pussed out of Trower after running your fat face and you puss out of backing any playing claims.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Fri, 26 Oct 2007 1:12 pm
Subject: Re: Hey

LMAOOOO!!! Pussed out for Trower??!?! Who are you kidding??? You re so friggin looney that you actually believe your own BS..

Youll never show up and if you do, you'll need a small army. That aint being Macho, that's the truth and unlike you, I deliver..

Its a shame that you just don't have the stones to do it face to face, you know it, I know it , the world knows it..

Bring your friends from Good Times, The Island Ear, whatever, Just like you, Itll never mean shit to me...

Theres a reason that I publicize our gigs, its because I'm not afraid of you or of anything you think that you can do. Once again, you're a loud mouthed retard behind a computer and no where to be seen where it matters...

Dont bother Replying, its time for you to step up to the plate and stop being a bitch.... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, Like thatll ever happen... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!


LOL yeah, saying you'd meet me "face to face' at Trower at IMAC , and you couldn't go. LMAO
Talk about asking for permission. Too busy babysitting.

All you deliver is suck guitar playing, just like at my house.

I don't need no army, bitch, cause you aint doing a fucking thing but stinking up the place with your shit playing. Your RT friends said nothing about your playing HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

Don't bother replying cause the next thing you'll be seeing is shit reviews in a few local music rags, phatass fuck .
You'll be thinking about me whole night, if I'm watching how hard you SUCK. LOL

Fuck off nigga

My fianl response

LOL!!! nice backpeddle!!! Didnt need to show up, your fake apology was proof enough that youre a pussy and everyone saw it and knew it.... Keep telling yourself that though, youre deluded enough to believe it. You bitched up the moment I told you that I Was coming and theres no turning that around, everyone saw it ya fat retard...

Phatass? funny thing coming from a guy with Tits LMAOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

Thinking about you? you just dont get it, If I was worried about you at all, would I make sure that you knew where the gig was? You fail once again garbageman, Show up and Ill show you just how much

By the way, dont worry about the cops, The people we're playing for are all cops so there will be plenty of them there...

tootles skin flute!!!

Fake is right retard!! You were never going. I went with a few good friends. You werent doing anything, believe me, macho babyshit wiper.You were too busy wiping baby shit.

Tits is a folded T shirt? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA big fat load of fucking shit like you wouldnt be caught dead in a t shirt. thats why you wear those tent shirts. You're comedy gold you fat nigga.
Garbageman? You got me mistaken with the crew that scraped that drunk off the floor.
Who mentioned cops, nigga? Not me.
Funny, how your telling me about a club in MY old town, you fucking stupid cock sucker.
I played these shitholes at 17 HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

Ill be catching a few tunes and you'll never see me bitch.
Make sure you shower so you dont stink the place up like you did my apt, you foul filthy nigga fuck.


LMAO!!!!! Why wont I see you? could it be that youre too much of a pussy? Because youre going to hide? LMAO!!!

now its a folded tshirt? Oh my God, Im dying over here watching you scramble like a fool... I wear tshirts all the time tubby, I dont have tits to worry about LMAOOOO!!!! you didint go with friends, you tried to give me the ticket that your friend bailed on.... Keep reaching though , no ones buying it...

enough of your BS carl, show up and introduce yourself , why hide?
Telephant":d3213 said:
Mike V is equally as retarded if not moreso than Carl. Anyone who is willing to literally insert Carls cock in to their throat, and massage it lovingly with their tonsils, is obviously a little fucked in the head. :lol: :LOL:

Thanks for painting such a vivid picture in my mind Shea... im gonna go throw up now :D :scared:
Now go strut your fat ass to the likes of Slaytallica LOL

:hys: :hys: :hys: :hys:


He is hysterical. He has absolutely no idea who I am or what I am or have been about. LMAO!!

He must be smoking some high potent shit cause I would definitly crush that niggas spine.

:lol: :LOL: :lol: :LOL: :lol: :LOL:
Just when you think a douche bag can't reach any lower, he proves you wrong in every sense of your thinking. Carl is one sick individual.
Hes killing me with the Fat comments, not only is it not true but its funny shit coming from a guy with tits... :lol: :LOL:

notice how he brought up my sister again? The truth makes this clown fall apart and its funnier than hell...
Slaytallica":767f8 said:
Payback for what? Calling it like it is? telling the truth?

If any of what he threatens was true, it just proves that he that much more of a coward because he cant handle his own business LOL!!!!

I dont have to say a word to watch this guy hang himself... :rock:

Bipolar disorder is a psychiatric condition defined as recurrent episodes of significant disturbance in mood. These disturbances can occur on a spectrum that ranges from debilitating depression to unbridled mania. Individuals suffering from bipolar disorder typically experience fluid states of mania, hypomania or what is referred to as a mixed state in conjunction with depressive episodes. These clinical states typically alternate with a normal range of mood. The disorder has been subdivided into bipolar I, bipolar II and cyclothymia, with both bipolar I and bipolar II potentially presenting with rapid cycling
wow. I don't think I've ever heard such a dynamic from an individual. Has anyone ever formally met Carl? My perception is that he is obssessed with internet communications/furoms vs. face to face interaction. And I'm just wondering if there is a good side to him outside of that? Or is it a Chemically inbalanced scenario with him?
70strathead":54fcf said:
wow. I don't think I've ever heard such a dynamic from an individual. Has anyone ever formally met Carl? My perception is that he is obssessed with internet communications/furoms vs. face to face interaction. And I'm just wondering if there is a good side to him outside of that? Or is it a Chemically inbalanced scenario with him?

Ive met him once and so has James Peters... The list of whats not wrong with him is shorter than the list of what is wrong...
STEEL KAGE":93b09 said:
70strathead":93b09 said:
wow. I don't think I've ever heard such a dynamic from an individual. Has anyone ever formally met Carl? My perception is that he is obssessed with internet communications/furoms vs. face to face interaction. And I'm just wondering if there is a good side to him outside of that? Or is it a Chemically inbalanced scenario with him?

Ive met him once and so has James Peters... The list of whats not wrong with him is shorter than the list of what is wrong...
He met James too...hmmmm
I guess if you meet him he gets a personal hate-on for you.
He had some names for James, I remember Carl bashing him and calling him a 'fidget' ...whatever that means. :confused:
Randy Van Sykes":57cf2 said:
STEEL KAGE":57cf2 said:
70strathead":57cf2 said:
wow. I don't think I've ever heard such a dynamic from an individual. Has anyone ever formally met Carl? My perception is that he is obssessed with internet communications/furoms vs. face to face interaction. And I'm just wondering if there is a good side to him outside of that? Or is it a Chemically inbalanced scenario with him?

Ive met him once and so has James Peters... The list of whats not wrong with him is shorter than the list of what is wrong...
He met James too...hmmmm
I guess if you meet him he gets a personal hate-on for you.
He had some names for James, I remember Carl bashing him and calling him a 'fidget' ...whatever that means. :confused:
Thats funny too because, We've all seen pics of carl, hes the last one to talk about anyones looks....

Another funny thing was that he was talking all that shit about James and when James met him, he cowered like a the little whelped bitch that he is... Ask James..