PSA - Spamming in OTC - Updated 2023-04-19

  • Thread starter Thread starter Monkey Man
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One hopes that the perpetrators eventually grow weary of it.

Ironically, sometimes when peeps hurl insults at each other for long enough they actually reach a point of some level of mutual respect. Seen it happen right here more than once.
Might be worth saying just this:

In an ideal world OTC wouldn't be inundated regularly by ad-hominem argy-bargy.

Unfortunately we don't live in an ideal world. Nothing wrong with aspiring towards it 'though...

We can all do better, some having vastly-more room for improvement than others. :LOL:
This avatar still works for me:

View attachment 218440

50+ years, platinum and gold records, sold out shows around the world, still filling arenas and stadiums.

View attachment 218446

haterz gonna hate. comes with being a Kiss fan since the mid-70s. I'm used to it. :LOL:
Buried my brother this weekend. 53 years old. He was the one that got me into KISS.
We both got the Hot In The Shade cassettes the Christmas the year they came out.
We opened and listened to mine, both sides of the cassette.
Just found out, he still had his unopened cassette. Listening to mine that once was all he needed, lol…
Buried my brother this weekend. 53 years old. He was the one that got me into KISS.
We both got the Hot In The Shade cassettes the Christmas the year they came out.
We opened and listened to mine, both sides of the cassette.
Just found out, he still had his unopened cassette. Listening to mine that once was all he needed, lol…
Sorry about your brother man….
@dcburn mk.ii so sorry about your loss.
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Im such a dick!
I was replying to Donnie and must of hit reply on your comment?
One helluva day already...

I really appreciate the comment Japetus.
Hahaha, no worries man. Hope everything goes as smooth as possible for you and your family in these hard times brother.
I think this board has evolved past just simple ALTS......

Buried my brother this weekend. 53 years old. He was the one that got me into KISS.
We both got the Hot In The Shade cassettes the Christmas the year they came out.
We opened and listened to mine, both sides of the cassette.
Just found out, he still had his unopened cassette. Listening to mine that once was all he needed, lol…
Just saw this... sorry for your loss and my condolences to you and your family.

All.....I made some bone-headed mistakes moderating over the weekend.

Blaming no one but myself. Bad decisions. All on me.

The first is going by the boards "Terms and rules" as a basis for moderation here in the General Section of OTC.

Please hear me out here as well......I don't blame the Forum Principals, its Admin personnel, or anyone else. Only myself.

The second of my mistakes is not doing some due diligence review of a little history of this section. It serves a need, and best I can see at the moment meets expectations. The Senior Mods knows what works and what doesn't here. I respect them much and will defer to them. My mistakes caused them extra work they didn't need or deserve. For what it's worth, very sorry about all that. And also to the forum members that got caught all up in it all. Very sorry about all that.

The third and most egregious error I made (IMHO) was not understanding this very thread I'm posting in here and now.

As far as not discussing when asked why someone was banned, in the moment I believed it disrespectful to the person banned to "air out the dirty laundry" so to speak. I believed in the moment that the event was between me and person banned, and the moderators. Somewhat private and that I imagine they wouldn't want discussed with just anyone else wanting to know.

What can I say?........I f@#ked up. Live and learn.

For what it's worth, Im sorry.
There you go folks!

A hundred questions all explained by one simple fact. ?

Had me scratching my head too, believe me, but when I realised he'd made the same mistake as others who've complained in OTC in the past, wondering why the generic rulebook seemed to have been tossed out of the proverbial window, everything made sense. Epiphanic moment.

Kudos to Brother TLP for his honest, contrite message to y'all. The dude's a dude so try not to heap too much shit on him, hear? :LOL:

Redundant reminder to all:
The board's general guidelines apply to all sections except OTC, the latter's rules being covered in the OTC Rebooted sticky.

"Abandon hope all ye who enter here..."
No need to apologize IMO.
The first is going by the boards "Terms and rules" as a basis for moderation here in the General Section of OTC.
This ^^^ exonerates you IMHO.

I'd think that anybody unfamiliar with this section and new on duty would probably enforce those rules. Brush off any criticism and move forward. I don't know how you guys do it. I want absolutely nothing to do with enforcement at any forum. Thanks to all of you for taking on the responsibility. :cheers:
Indeed, as I said to him privately, it could've happened to anybody and couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.

You know the ol' saying - the road to Hell is paved with good intentions. :LOL:
The dude's a dude so try not to heap too much shit on him, hear? :LOL:
Hey it's okay Nicky, but thank you for the thought. You have a good heart.

Whatever I get thrown at me I deserve on this one, and well deserved.

I take full responsibility for my screw-ups on this.