PSA: "Who is the real Larry?" thread is live

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Larry these threads on RT are about the only customer base you’ve got. It would benefit you to cover your ass and provide either proof you’ve done nothing wrong or admit you’re wrong and fix it.

There’s two counts of tube theft in this thread and you aren’t denying either of them or trying to provide resolution. You refused to refund Steve’s money to his widow once he died. Legally you’re not required but legally also doesn’t offer future business.

This isn’t the person that’s helped others in the past. If all you’re here to do is wallow in the mud with the bullshit you’ve created and not provide clear and precise answers, you can very well kiss all amp business goodbye.
Well it seems at least two people in this thread have actually purchased Larry amps directly from Larry and two got stiffed on follow up tube and a replacement back panel purchases from what I have read. Also Dan Travis owns a Larry amp so I would not say people on this board aren't Larry's customer base or not affluent enough to purchase his products. It's not a good look if that is how the paying customers are treated. I believe they are here because they feel wronged and/or swindled to make these issues known in a public way and it seems it is their only recourse at this point judging by the responses in this thread. I think alot of people including myself had the upmost respect for Larry's intelligent capable amp designs and knowledge but that does not excuse the customer service noted in this thread.

I am also sad to say that the Larry in this thread is not the Larry of which I had the fortunate experience of knowing back in 2005-2009 who always helped out the little guys trying to learn about amps. Either deal with the issues presented in an adult manor or stop posting insults instead of solutions and recompense. You may have plenty of backlogged customers and you may even be semi retired by now good for you.....we all look forward to that but the business model of taking people's money up front and then not delivering what you promised is not a good one.

I hope you will work things out and make things right with your CUSTOMERS here instead of insulting them and their intelligence like they don't know whether or not you provided a product to them after they paid you. All future customers will eventually read this since your amp is so exotic and boutique and may decide not to even take the chance that you will deliver an amp for $7,000.00 or $400.00 tubes or a replacement back panel.
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When did this back panel damaged tubes fiasco happen? Dates? And the Stevek thing is going way back 3-4 years. Not taking anybody side not my dog, but why now?
The whole “sue for defamation” thing always cracks me up. Especially in a US court.

My wife is a former elected official. Claims of lies/defamation are a staple of that world. Got a “master class” in US defamation law during her 12 years of service.

First: truth is the ultimate defense against libel/slander. If the defendant can prove their claims to the satisfaction of the court there is nothing to worry about

Second: if truth cannot be established then the plantiff has to make a case that the defendant stated the untruth with full knowledge that the claim was not true.

Third: if the plantiff claiming harm is a public person, then they also must prove the defendant uttered the lie with malicious intent. Malice and intent are very difficult things to prove and generally provides a nearly impossible standard for public persons to overcome in court... unless the defendant is so wreckless as to publicly state their malicious intent, say as in a public post. On a public forum. In writing.

Then there is this defense: “I clearly did not mean what I said. It was hyperbole”.

My wife’s attorney told us: “Whenever a public person wins a libel/slander suit in the US there is usually a stupid defendant and/or defense attorney involved”.
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Legally he didn’t steal anything. Steve placed a non refundable deposit on the amp and he passed away before receiving the finished product.

As far as I’m concerned Larry still has an obligation to finish the amp under contract if it’s been paid for in full and deliver it to his now widowed wife instead.

But legally I don’t think there’s anything saying he has to do anything with the deposit if the amp was never paid in full since Steve can no longer pay the remaining balance which nullifies the contract all together.

It would be in good faith to return an incomplete balance to Steve’s widow but if the contract doesn’t say he has to, then there’s nothing more to say on the topic. Like I said before, If you want to do business with Larry then buy new, buy used, or not at all. I’ve always fell in the latter of those options because I can build my own amps how I prefer.
So the letter of the law is the only thing that matters ??? For shits sake (see what I did there ?) someone died ! Larry can sell the amp he started for Steve to the next guy on his (shit) list and refund the widow and not lose a penny, what’s so difficult to grasp here ? You’d have to have shit for brains not to get it.
So the letter of the law is the only thing that matters ???
As I've already mentioned that's not how these things work in the EU and that guy seems to forget that Larry isn't from the US. Legally he could've been convicted multiple times if people would actually press charges against him (criminal law) and if that's not enough to get him into motion get a lawyer involved to get their stuff or money back (civil law). Normal people or those without bad itentions usually fold when they're about to get convicted but it's Helmut aka Larry we're talking about and that guy never changes and is still behaving and acting just like 5, 10 or 15 years ago.

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As I've already mentioned that's not how these things work in the EU and that guy seems to forget that Larry isn't from the US.
If Larry brings suit in the US as threatened, the legal jurisdiction would be under US law… that is why the rich and powerful are so picky about where their suits get filed: to get a judge or legal jurisdiction that they think will be beneficial to their claim.
I'm not good enough to justify the gear I currently have, let alone a $7000 amp. Our resident Larry owner isn't either but whatever floats your boat. I feel kind of stupid having a Bogner when the 6505+ comes real close to sounding as good with my skill level.

Nice, look at your gear list - with a dozen different expensive amps

Where are your badass clips, badass who deserves a dozen amps?
If I payed that much for a amp and waited that long and it didnt have a back panel and it sounded like the best amp in the world like they say. Id order a back panel from Mojotone:shocked:
NOAD! New old amp day!

This thing sounds incredible. That is, since I’ve spent approximately $500 out of my own pocket on two separate visits to the amp doctor. More on this later, but a brief recap, pardon the pun :

1) amp died 10 days after receivership. An LCR cap had given up the ghost. $$$. Was promised a certain type of reciprocation from Larry, never happened of course.
2) On day ONE, immediately noticed a severe multi channel bleed through problem, rendering the amp useless for live playing if channel switching from clean to OD was required. Years later, Larry did help by sending a replacement relay board (sent with Disfigured’s Dino) at no cost to me. No cost for the board itself that is, as the fix required 4-5 hours to do and I was billed accordingly. $$$$$$$

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Nice, look at your gear list - with a dozen different expensive amps

Where are your badass clips, badass who deserves a dozen amps?
Do you have a reading comprehension problem? The first line of my post answered your question. I am a a solid thrash/ death metal rhythm guitarist. Nothing more. Do I deserve all of those amps? Not really.
Your Instagram posts sound a whole lot different than the ones you share here. Nothing special just like my clips would be.
Do you have a reading comprehension problem? The first line of my post answered your question. I am a a solid thrash/ death metal rhythm guitarist. Nothing more. Do I deserve all of those amps? Not really.
Your Instagram posts sound a whole lot different than the ones you share here. Nothing special just like my clips would be.

Obviously my camera phone Instagram clips aren't going to sound like my miced actual recordings, do you have cognitive challenges?

I love how someone with 50 thousand dollars of 1-3k$ amps feels justified in judging someone with one 7k amp as undeserving

It's like youre too fucking stupid to count, it's amazing