I absolutely despise the implication that every guitarist with a Larry, or Wizard, or whatever, is some kind of "casual" with too much money and not enough sense.
I am a single father with a very modest income. I saved my money, sold 2 or 3 other amps, and grabbed a Larry. ?
I slowly saved up to put a down payment on a second Larry after hearing the first one; it was a no-brainer.
I've also gigged and toured all over the US, for almost two decades; and believe me, it's not exactly a high income proposition. I work a fairly menial robotics mechanic job now, but I certainly can't afford to spend vast amounts of money on gear.
I simply
prefer to have a few very nice amplifiers, with sounds I
know I can use, rather than a dozen splawns, Marshalls, boogies, etc...that are all "okay" and "get the job done" but don't completely inspire you every time you plug in.
I'm like that with Larry, and I'm sure others are like that with their SLOs, Wizards, and their Cameron's.
That doesn't make them, or me, some fool to be parted from their money; while smarty-mcsmart-pants over there is fine with his silver jubilee and his DSL.