Reaching out to Mark Cameron

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The scam is in the price versus what you get. You either see it, or you make excuses for it, there’s no in between. You could build his amplifier for fractions less and with better components. The transformers are likely custom enough to provide more heater current than a standard Marshall and that’s probably it.

The same thing for Cameron applies to Rick at wizard - if you’re spending 5k on an amplifier just spend the bit more and get a truely well engineered amp from Larry. At least you know you’re paying for a better engineered lower noise floor design that brings the heat.
To me, $5000 for a Wizard or Larry doesn’t seem out of line in comparison $3500 for a simple PCB (used for multiple amps in the product line) channel switcher such as a Friedman or a new SLO without deyoung transformers. At least Wizards and Larry’s are hand wired unique circuits that bring non-commercial tones to the table.
To me, $5000 for a Wizard or Larry doesn’t seem out of line in comparison $3500 for a simple PCB (used for multiple amps in the product line) channel switcher such as a Friedman or a new SLO without deyoung transformers. At least Wizards and Larry’s are hand wired unique circuits that bring non-commercial tones to the table.

I’d rather have 1500 in my own build and 3500 in the bank than either, but that’s just me. Justify the added cost however you want - you’re buying a single channel Marshall copy that can be had for much less elsewhere.
If I could only do my OWN build, then I would fully agree with you 100%? I so wish I could…
Unfortunately, it’s too late in life for me to start learning, so I will just have to keep forking out the dough??
Time is money and money is time.
I’d rather have 1500 in my own build and 3500 in the bank than either, but that’s just me. Justify the added cost however you want - you’re buying a single channel Marshall copy that can be had for much less elsewhere.
Wizards retain decent value on the used market. A copy, even a good one is worth next to nothing if assembled by a nobody. Then who's losing money?
I’d rather have 1500 in my own build and 3500 in the bank than either, but that’s just me. Justify the added cost however you want - you’re buying a single channel Marshall copy that can be had for much less elsewhere.
I’m not gonna say Wizard’s aren’t pricy or worth it, but they’re mostly 2 channels with a bunch of cool features and sound quite different than any Marshall I’ve had or tried with also some of the best cleans of any multi channel amp out there. So there’s more to it than a single channel Marshall copy for sure and sounds to me more like a Marshall/Hiwatt hybrid

The Larry Dino is I believe 4 channels and based on the clips I heard, also sounds like it could be its own kinda sound. What other PTP 4 channel amps are out there? None as far as I’m aware
I’d rather have 1500 in my own build and 3500 in the bank than either, but that’s just me. Justify the added cost however you want - you’re buying a single channel Marshall copy that can be had for much less elsewhere.
I’m not saying it can’t be done...but...the push, feel and overall experience is the sum of the parts Rick puts in the amp. Just building a clone, without the proprietary transformers he buys from Mercury, is not gonna give you the same experience as playing a real Wizard. It’s just like the SLO clones...I’ve played a few that have popped up used at a few shops and they are FAR from a real SLO with the DeYoungs. Far. Decent enough amp but they don’t sound, feel, or push like a real SLO does. I’m sure you can do a fine job cloning a Wizard but without those transformers I don’t think you’ll quite get there.
When did he tell you that? I don't think he has that kind of volume that it would ever take him that long. I just got an amp from him built and shipped in 30 days, received in December. Currently have a build that is done, but is waiting on headshells from BAD. I ordered that in December. I know 4 other people receiving amps recently after a no more than 2 month wait.
News to me.
My wife & I live a modest lifestyle. We don't have extra $2500 dollars to send amp builders in"the hopes" that they will send us product back.
I got enough crap here anyway to keep me busy.
I need another 100 watt stadium blaster like i need cancer.
Amps & guitars that cost more than most folks cars are a first world problem and not really a problem at all.
I had a chance to get a Wizard MC II with no footswitch.
I didn't do it because i couldn't find a footswitch and never see them anywhere.
WTF good is a channel switcher without being able to switch the channels ?
A nobody makes a clone and it’s worth nothing? I’ve got one word for you. Blades.

Transformers aren’t going to make you a better player. Some people will always pay money if it has X person’s name behind it regardless of quality or how much they’re getting reamed bone dry. It’s worth it to learn to tweak your own - this isn’t 1970 anymore.
A nobody makes a clone and it’s worth nothing? I’ve got one word for you. Blades.

Transformers aren’t going to make you a better player. Some people will always pay money if it has X person’s name behind it regardless of quality or how much they’re getting reamed bone dry. It’s worth it to learn to tweak your own - this isn’t 1970 anymore.
Last I checked, a Bladez fire hazard wanna be doesn’t even fetch 800 used. Using that as an example is a joke at best. Claiming transformers won’t make you a better player? What does that have to do with anything? You claim you can make a Wizard for 1500. Yet you won’t be able to get the transformers he actually uses, so you won’t be able to really build a Wizard then, will you? You seem irritated at the cost of these amps. Here’s a solution..don’t buy one. Problem solved, for you at least.
Last I checked, a Bladez fire hazard wanna be doesn’t even fetch 800 used. Using that as an example is a joke at best. Claiming transformers won’t make you a better player? What does that have to do with anything? You claim you can make a Wizard for 1500. Yet you won’t be able to get the transformers he actually uses, so you won’t be able to really build a Wizard then, will you? You seem irritated at the cost of these amps. Here’s a solution..don’t buy one. Problem solved, for you at least.

His amps were complete garbage and people paid for them because of what it cloned. You saw the outcome and can try to downplay it all you want - people will pay for garbage if it has Marks name on it. Just the opposite, people will pay for quality work they can do themselves but refuse otherwise. Rick is proof of that.

Don’t put words in my mouth I never said. I said you can build your own amp for 1500, I never said anything about a clone. Build it exactly how you want it and with whatever features you do or don’t like. I could sell and lose my ass on every single amp I own and still lose less than what a single wizard costs. Don’t get mad at me - I’m just here pointing out the obvious that people have a lot of money and Rick is more than happy to take it. I had enough of Rick for the $1000 repair fee he charged some owner on this board. As for buying his amps? I’m content with what I have. The real question is, are you?
I’d rather have 1500 in my own build and 3500 in the bank than either, but that’s just me. Justify the added cost however you want - you’re buying a single channel Marshall copy that can be had for much less elsewhere.

that’s not exactly a ‘scam’ - it’s very clear and transparent what one is getting. Whether that is worth it vs the price to a particular person may be different - but nothing is being misrepresented, lied about, not delivered, etc
I don't get all the attitude surrounding expensive amps and whether or not they are worth it. I bet a majority of players who complain about a $5k amp have more than that wrapped up in 2-3 amps combined, or an amp and a few guitars combined. So it's all relative. Ask yourself how much you spent on your car...and could you have spent $10k less? I bet so.

And this spray about "build your own for less" is for the birds. 90% of us can't build our own amps and are willing to pay other experts extra to do it. There's nothing wrong with that. What IS a problem is when you have $20k in credit card debt and then decide to go big anyways.
I had a chance to get a Wizard MC II with no footswitch.
I didn't do it because i couldn't find a footswitch and never see them anywhere.
WTF good is a channel switcher without being able to switch the channels ?
Virtually all Wizards have a push pull knob on the front panel labelled ‘pull lead’ to switch channels. The Wizard website clearly describes this. Did you not research this?
Totally. Decades of ripping people off, and yet, people are still willing to sign up for that nonsense...

Especially in the context of Vertex. People had no problem swearing that guy off over a $250 wah pedal.

Scum is scum.
To me, $5000 for a Wizard or Larry doesn’t seem out of line in comparison $3500 for a simple PCB (used for multiple amps in the product line) channel switcher such as a Friedman or a new SLO without deyoung transformers. At least Wizards and Larry’s are hand wired unique circuits that bring non-commercial tones to the table.

Some builders may also just want to control their demand by moving their prices around. If they can build half the amount of amps at twice the price, for instance, they can get a lot of time back without any change to their income. could be like Scott Splawn and just charge people a fair price. They actually have not even gone up in price since I've been looking at them and have actually gone down. You can get a 50w Quickrod for $1,850. A Nitro SS for $1,850. And a Competition of $1,600. His cheapest amp is $1,450.

You don't have to like Splawn amps but those prices right there should tell you something.
His amps were complete garbage and people paid for them because of what it cloned. You saw the outcome and can try to downplay it all you want - people will pay for garbage if it has Marks name on it. Just the opposite, people will pay for quality work they can do themselves but refuse otherwise. Rick is proof of that.

Don’t put words in my mouth I never said. I said you can build your own amp for 1500, I never said anything about a clone. Build it exactly how you want it and with whatever features you do or don’t like. I could sell and lose my ass on every single amp I own and still lose less than what a single wizard costs. Don’t get mad at me - I’m just here pointing out the obvious that people have a lot of money and Rick is more than happy to take it. I had enough of Rick for the $1000 repair fee he charged some owner on this board. As for buying his amps? I’m content with what I have. The real question is, are you?
I'm very content with what I have, since you seem to be so concerned with what I own. And, I'm not mad at you at all. Just trying to figure out what your point is, spouting off about amps that you clearly ARE MAD about yourself...IE Wizards and Larry amps. Don't really understand all the hate, just don't buy the damned thing. Free country, free market..spend your money how you want. The next guy can spend how he wants. No need to get all butthurt about the price of amps.