@ChuggNorris vs
@DanTravis62 vs
@RaceU4her vs
@japetus vs
@Speeddemon vs
@Bad.Seed vs
@acceptance vs
@The One vs
@thegame vs
@novosibir vs
vs @Mahlakuorrutus vs @Smash vs @JackBootedThug vs
@Techdeth vs
@Devin vs
@Ola Englund
Due by January 13th @2:26pm PST
Any RT member can post in this contest, but must have 50+ well earned posts to enter this contest
Post up to, but no more than four clips
Your track(s) will be titled "Wolf Moon" or "Wolf Moon II, III, or IV"
1:30-3 minutes in length per track
This Contest of Heroes and Villains does have a prize.
Winner will be decided with nothing but perfect objectivity by Chuggnorris himself*
*Not true, contestents will have to forfeit the contest of their own free will by January 21st at 12:30pm PST. If more than one member is left standing than everyone loses. (purposeful garbage and/or troll entries will be disqualified to keep things fair)