RIFF WARZZZZ!!!!!!!! Mutually Assured DestructionZZZZZZZ!!!!!!! ENTRIES ADDED TO FIRST POST

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But we whike whiddly whiddly…

I’m just trying to be DEI compliant, don’t want anyone to feel left out :LOL:

I think a solo contest would be tons of fun! But I have a feeling a riff/overall composition contest would get more people involved?

I mean I’ll shit over anything if it means even one persons ears bleed cause they accidentally clicked on it :D
@ChuggNorris vs @DanTravis62 vs @RaceU4her vs @japetus vs @Speeddemon vs @Bad.Seed vs @acceptance vs @The One vs @thegame vs @novosibir vs vs @Mahlakuorrutus vs @Smash vs @JackBootedThug vs @Techdeth vs @Devin vs @Ola Englund


Due by January 13th @2:26pm PST
Any RT member can post in this contest, but must have 50+ well earned posts to enter this contest
Post up to, but no more than four clips
Your track(s) will be titled "Wolf Moon" or "Wolf Moon II, III, or IV"
1:30-3 minutes in length per track
This Contest of Heroes and Villains does have a prize.
Winner will be decided with nothing but perfect objectivity by Chuggnorris himself*

*Not true, contestents will have to forfeit the contest of their own free will by January 21st at 12:30pm PST. If more than one member is left standing than everyone loses. (purposeful garbage and/or troll entries will be disqualified to keep things fair)

Ok. I dont quite understand the rules, but i am down for whatever. Now i see 8 sets of matchups. I think we should bracket this shit. Head to head and rig-talk votes. That way we dont have bs.

That saiid, if it is bracket, i want to go up against @ChuggNorris first. BATTLE OF THE UNBOOSTED
Ok. I dont quite understand the rules, but i am down for whatever. Now i see 8 sets of matchups. I think we should bracket this shit. Head to head and rig-talk votes. That way we dont have bs.

That saiid, if it is bracket, i want to go up against @ChuggNorris first. BATTLE OF THE UNBOOSTED
Why not just let whoever wants to put something up by the due date throw it up?

Then setup a poll and let the voting period be a week long?

This way everyone can put their shit up, equal amount of time to create and vote and the person with the most votes wins the prize (Larry Amplification branded thong?)

Plus imagine how much fun it’ll be to talk shit about everyone’s creative work…this forum might just implode from the brainpower generated…a guitar focused forum actually playing its instruments :eek:
Cool idea/theme. Somebody could do something with the Gilmour Seagull effect to get some wolf howls.

Everyone should play their own ideas over the same drum track. Everything is valid; from a simple power chord sequence to multi-layered riffs, soloing or not, etc. I like the idea of everyone interpreting the bed track their own way.
This is the way.
After reading the comments, I feel as if I should leave y'all to your own devices and keep the format the way that it is.
Democracy sounds good on paper, but I feel like humility is a more powerful selection tool.
There must be noble and willing sacrifice for the coming Wolf Moon.
Besides, some of you seem to have already started forging your own paths.

If a member wants to post a backing track, that's on y'all. I have no control of the outcome ?‍♀️
The ones I have on hand probably aren't going to interest most of you, anyways.
Will definitely possibly consider thinking about taking some of your ideas into consideration for the next match.
I'm surprised no one has drawn first blood, yet.?
After reading the comments, I feel as if I should leave y'all to your own devices and keep the format the way that it is.
Democracy sounds good on paper, but I feel like humility is a more powerful selection tool.
There must be noble and willing sacrifice for the coming Wolf Moon.
Besides, some of you seem to have already started forging your own paths.

If a member wants to post a backing track, that's on y'all. I have no control of the outcome ?‍♀️
The ones I have on hand probably aren't going to interest most of you, anyways.
Will definitely possibly consider thinking about taking some of your ideas into consideration for the next match.
I'm surprised no one has drawn first blood, yet.?

I always go first in these things, i'm waiting to drop my riffs until it's more fashionably late