Thank you.
I could just smack my metal sink with a spoon and duplicate... when I say I can't actually listen to that snare sound I wasn't being funny. It actually disrupts my brain. Its terrible. Unlike my snare sound which has body and absolutely slaps.
Plus, and this is the biggie for me, he already had a fully prepared song for said drums. Which in my opinion null and voids the whole idea of this threads.. you can't show up to the fresh races and be granted 3 car lengths, this is not Pinks All Out.
Drum track has to be non associated if this format is going to actually make any sense at all. Otherwise we should just accept whatever drums we want to bring like Dan just did. And that takes us right back to original riff war format which is basically "Run what you brung".
What I would have done here as the original poster to make it work like she envisioned, is post the rules, with a set drum track that nobody participating wrote or had for years (like dan) The blank drum track is the key to the entire idea. If Dan gets to just toss up fully worked over pieces then we are getting away from what I thought was obviously the point of this thread... which is a fresh drum track, and everyone puts their take on it with no previous bullshit. Not dans drum track he wrote a song over already. It's re hashing what I've already done to him before.
If this is a match up formula ,and he is one of the participants, we can't use his old drums. It defeats the format. That's like having a lottery drawing and letting Dan pick the balls.
And it's crazy to believe, that only 3 people can program a drum track in here that sounds decent. I worked for alot of hours on the actual sounds and tone eq of the drums I use, so I get not everyone wants to do that but damn....
Dan is being given a pass for uploading an old song and drum track, which required zero effort or new writing of any type. He can't even be a legit participant because he hasn't even wrote anything for this thread in reality. Tell me I'm wrong...
I guess I should upload my old tracks and isolate the drums, and then pretend I wrote the riffs later. I could. I guess.
Only way to make it fair is fresh unbiased drum tracks. We can riff war anytime but if someone calls me to a tournament I expect the shit to be ran right.