Rig-Talk M.I.A

  • Thread starter Thread starter VonBonfire
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I mistake.

I thought Larry respect builder here.

It seem I make perhaps mistake.
Larry was cool about 20 years ago, back on the old Metro forum.

Now Larry act like total dick-wad.

Larry was cool about 20 years ago, back on the old Metro forum.

Now Larry act like total dick-wad.


He old builder?
I see. I like amp look.


Is Michael Fortin design on this board? He make NATAS.
@Kōbra he great builder.

He make world best amps so expunseve and costomer wait long time.

Long time no good my friend...
We here for short time only ?

Larry big mad at Fortin.

He give Satan all credit for hi-gain design, and Larry get shit-end of stick.


It seem he capitalize on market.
Larry true dark underlord. ?

At least no mess up amp board with glue and tone suck resin material ?

I lurking see Markus Camery do this.
But everyone love his amp.
No, Larry no splooge resin inside amp..

Larry build matchbox-sized armored personnel carrier inside amp with non-serviceable components inside, then he splooge on couch with two skanks.


This why long time wait?

Larry not service Amp
trAmp service Larry


Larry must smoke many cheap cigarette and splooge on couch many time before welding little metal boxes inside amps.


He weld box in amp?
He poke box on tramp?

I never see pic of box on Larry website. You're tell truth about metal box?
I think we have a couple of members waiting for Larry amps.

may take awhile to see what happens.


besides, Larry topics aren't nearly as contentious as Tim Henson topics here.