Rodney King --> Reginald Denny

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Some of you may remember 1992 Los Angeles riots. I lived though the entire tragedy being located next door in Venice California.


I don't care what comes out of this. The video needs no further explanation of the horrifying Nazi tactic against a detained Black Man in America. This was a 1st-Class "modern-day lynching" administered by the knee to the carotid artery of a Black Man and it was disguised and executed by that one mother fucking murderous filthy cop. The mother fucking murderous filthy cops around the instigator are 100% guilty (ALL OF THEM) too of Mr. Floyd's public execution as bystanders were pleading with the badge wielding thugs to simply let the man breath.


When shit like this happens in my country, it makes me pause and sometimes question what does it really mean to me an a red blooded true American. Is this shit really happening before our very eyes in America in 2020? I thought we worked this knuckled dragging crap our when Rodney literally felt death upon him as did Mr. Floyd ultimate meet. Clearly we have not made much progress since 1992.

Here's what an eye-for-an-eye looks like in LA. :(
Clearly a horrible outcome of a seriously shitty situation that in my opinion shows a possible MAJOR departmental training issue. But before I respond to anymore of your outrage I must ask, have you ever or do you currently serve in law enforcement?
STFU! This will answer your question beyond any shadow of any doubt. ('61-'87) LA ('87-2005) SD - Federal Senior Deputy Probation Officer. I've seen so many autopsy reports from Charles Manson to Jeffrey Dahmer from my mother's work it would make your head explode. So anything other silly stupid moronic enlightening questions from you now?


  • LAPD SDPD 44 Years.jpg
    LAPD SDPD 44 Years.jpg
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Giga.Blast":3tw3mx67 said:
STFU! This will answer your question beyond any shadow of any doubt. ('61-'87) LA ('87-2005) SD - Federal Senior Deputy Probation Officer. I've seen so many autopsy reports from Charles Manson to Jeffrey Dahmer from my mother's work it would make your head explode. So anything other silly stupid moronic enlightening questions from you now?
Well, I didn't ask if your MOTHER worked in L.E. I asked if YOU did. So, I'll just move on as I decided long ago not to try and have a civil conversation with the overemotional as it's about as constructive as pissing into the wind.
Take care and rage on social justice warrior.
Findthetone1":2xnt7v9k said:
Giga.Blast":2xnt7v9k said:
STFU! This will answer your question beyond any shadow of any doubt. ('61-'87) LA ('87-2005) SD - Federal Senior Deputy Probation Officer. I've seen so many autopsy reports from Charles Manson to Jeffrey Dahmer from my mother's work it would make your head explode. So anything other silly stupid moronic enlightening questions from you now?
Well, I didn't ask if your MOTHER worked in L.E. I asked if YOU did. So, I'll just move...
Didn't intend to be so hard. I don't need to explain a my very close relationship with my mother. It's very clear as I still have her officer badge and she has since passed away in 2015 plus it feels as if she passed yesterday almost every day for me. We were never far from our tree as a family ever until then.

Attached is what we may expect for coming attractions.


  • The March 9th, 1993 Trial Outcome.jpg
    The March 9th, 1993 Trial Outcome.jpg
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No disrespect to Mr. Floyd, or his family, but...

- How did this cop manage to cut-off Mr. Floyd's air supply, by placing pressure on the side of the neck? I didn't know that was possible.
- Since when do EMT's move a body, without first ensuring there are no ancillary injuries, especially to the spine/neck?

From the Mayo clinic:

If you suspect a back or neck (spinal) injury, do not move the affected person. Permanent paralysis and other serious complications can result. Assume a person has a spinal injury if:
1. There's evidence of a head injury with an ongoing change in the person's level of consciousness
2. The person complains of severe pain in his or her neck or back
3. An injury has exerted substantial force on the back or head
4. The person complains of weakness, numbness, or paralysis or lacks control of his or her limbs, bladder or bowels
5. The neck or body is twisted or positioned oddly

If you suspect someone has a spinal injury:
1. Call 911 or emergency medical help.
2. Keep the person still. Place heavy towels or rolled sheets on both sides of the neck or hold the head and neck to prevent movement.
3. Avoid moving the head or neck.
4. Provide as much first aid as possible without moving the person's head or neck.
5. If the person shows no signs of circulation (breathing, coughing or movement), begin CPR, but do not tilt the head back to open the airway. Use your fingers to gently grasp the jaw and lift it forward.
6. If the person has no pulse, begin chest.

- Why did the EMT's not begin first-aid on Mr. Floyd, including CPR?
- Does the autopsy show that his neck was broken?
- Is there visible damage to his larynx?
Krull":g8cfm6p8 said:
The spread of covid-19 will only increase with more riots. Unless they stay 6 feet apart and wear masks.
Krull! I have your new slogan brother … Stay 6 feet apart or yawl be 6 feet under :D

Have that one silkscreened onto your mask and you'll be the silly riot around town! ;)
Krull":ehr8cfud said:
The spread of covid-19 will only increase with more riots. Unless they stay 6 feet apart and wear masks.
I wiil say that if you live in a 53% black city and you were a cop you would look at things from a different perspective. The lib socialist etc been trying to start a race war for last few decades. They have given to them till they expect everyone to give to them. Google Savage blacks in America and Why we don't talk about it.
Krull":3adtcxc0 said:
Funny how social distancing went out the window. So covid-19 isn’t a concern anymore? Fucking libtards. One guy dies and people go mental.

Society is messed up. Look how quick things can deteriorate. Fuck rioters.

ONE GUY DIES???? Are you that deaf and dumb? This is not about ONE GUY, this is about racism and murder. You are a scumbag for linking a racist murder to covid -19 so you can push your non scientific, illiterate agenda. Go back into your hole that you crawled out of and shut the fuck up about something you know nothing or actually something you do not care about!because it does not fit your agenda
Giga.Blast":rau2669m said:
STFU! This will answer your question beyond any shadow of any doubt. ('61-'87) LA ('87-2005) SD - Federal Senior Deputy Probation Officer. I've seen so many autopsy reports from Charles Manson to Jeffrey Dahmer from my mother's work it would make your head explode. So anything other silly stupid moronic enlightening questions from you now?
Well, its a valid question... Your moms work does not qualify for you personally to have ever taken criminals in. Totally different context
He's only asking you because he's curious as to wether you ever had to take some of these people into custody who absolutely don't want to be taken in, and won't go without a fight. I shoot with some LE guys and we have talked about this numerous times. Every other person they have to take down is literally screaming at the top of his lungs that they are killing him. Some of them because they are looking for a way out, some because they want to sue them any way possible. Its not new, its gone on forever..
They have learned to game the system very effectively over the years. "They" being criminals.. Not just black criminals, criminals of every color, shape and size.
Yes, there are asshole rouge cops who should not be cops at all, but the majority of them are not like that. Yeah, this guy went too far, and his life is effectively over.
The other cops involved are in deep shit too. I'm reasonably sure they did not go to work with the intention of killing a black guy that day, but I would be interested to know if there was any prior history of the main cop being too aggressive with perps in the past through the internal affairs division of that precinct. I'm also curious about the events that led up to the incident, it would be very telling as to their intentions.

On a side note..
If I was a business owner and wolves came in to set fire to my shit when I'm not doing anything but trying to make an honest living, that would end very badly for them...
They would be stacked up like a woodpile in the street. And while they might put me in jail for it, I'd be willing to take that chance and the consequences.
But that's just me. Others mileage may vary....
Krull":3tom7uum said:
Sitedrifter":3tom7uum said:
Krull":3tom7uum said:
Funny how social distancing went out the window. So covid-19 isn’t a concern anymore? Fucking libtards. One guy dies and people go mental.

Society is messed up. Look how quick things can deteriorate. Fuck rioters.[/quo

ONE GUY DIES???? Are you that deaf and dumb? This is not about ONE GUY, this is about racism and murder. You are a scumbag for linking a racist murder to covid -19 so you can push your non scientific, illiterate agenda. Go back into your hole that you crawled out of and shut the fuck up about something you know nothing or actually something you do not care about!because it does not fit your agenda

Typical libtard response. Don’t forget to wipe your chin.

Where was the outrage when a colored cop beat down a black guy in New York for not social distancing and wearing a mask? Oh that’s right the media didn’t show that to libtards like you. Fuck off.

Your just foaming at the mouth to say what is really on your mind, aren't you Peachy? Come on, say what you really want to otherwise shut up asshole and go back to your circle of wagons cause you are a little too far away from them. :lol: :LOL:
Krull":2lxryx71 said:
Giga.Blast":2lxryx71 said:
Krull":2lxryx71 said:
The spread of covid-19 will only increase with more riots. Unless they stay 6 feet apart and wear masks.
Krull! I have your new slogan brother … Stay 6 feet apart or yawl be 6 feet under :D

Have that one silkscreened onto your mask and you'll be the silly riot around town! ;)

Brother you'd be the top rabble-rouser (demagogue) of the town for sure.

panhead":2lxryx71 said:
I wiil say that if you live in a 53% black city and you were a cop you would look at things from a different perspective. The lib socialist etc been trying to start a race war for last few decades. They have given to them till they expect everyone to give to them. Google Savage blacks in America and Why we don't talk about it.
My friend you and Candace Owens would be 2 peas in a pod. Black folk will never be at rest simply from the affect of Colonial Slavery that they had to endure for so long. My father spent his entire musical life in parallel with Huddie William Ledbetter sing and playing folk music for decades about the travesty of the black folk. As a German Jew my ancestry is based on Slavic ideology and what we would now call ancient antiquated slavery. Germanics became barbarians and the Jew the slave.

Anyway, with that enlightening vision, check out Candace Owens. She's a tough cute cookie and a true conservative spitfire. :)

And people, if you take anything away from this. Please try to embrace that God was a very Generous Astronaut. :aww: :loco:
Giga.Blast":3d2dhbuw said:
Anyway, with that enlightening vision, check out Candace Owens. She's a tough cute cookie and a true conservative spitfire. :)

I love her to death, why? Because she makes a lot of sense. Funny how the "white liberals" who care so much about race don't care for her. I love watching white "so called journalists" challenging her about what it is like being black :loco: ... 1923667968
Picasso":1cqsc9k1 said:
Giga.Blast":1cqsc9k1 said:
Anyway, with that enlightening vision, check out Candace Owens. She's a tough cute cookie and a true conservative spitfire. :)

I love her to death, why? Because she makes a lot of sense. Funny how the "white liberals" who care so much about race don't care for her. I love watching white "so called journalists" challenging her about what it is like being black :loco: ... 1923667968
:yes: I with you my UK brother from another mother with some type of pigment of a off-white color or colors. :)

I'm not much of a twitter guy but thanks for Candace link and I'm sure she's out there busting some balls. Here's vintage Candace at work wiping the floor with Leo Terrell.


Really don't want to jump in here...but....

This whole, goddamn, stupid fucking mess, and previous ones, could have all EASILY been avoided.

You fucking moron being questioned by police..LISTEN TO THEM AND FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When you don't follow their instructions, to the letter, anything can happen. And unfortunately does.

No excuse for those moron PARK POLICE(Mpls police not deemed good enough to be regular beat cops) to do what they did. At all, on any level.

But how many of these 'caught on video' beatdowns and/or murders, could have been avoided altogether if they would have followed direction?
Many if not all, I'd bet. It all starts with how some people are raised, to not trust cops. That just sets them up for resisting the police at some point.
When someone isn't complying, why not just shoot them with a tranquilizer dart? That's what we do with other animals, why not human animals? Once unconscience, secure them on a spine board, and it's off to processing... Easy peazy! :)
Hey Racerxrated. I hear ya man, you're pretty pissed. Rightly so. I'm not gonna bullshit, but the fucking defense lawyers that will be representing these worthless PIGS (all 4) will do everything they can to bend and distort what took place BEFORE the video began rolling to the point of absolute obfuscation.

Remember in the Rodney King trial? That was a in your face fuck off people by our lovely LAPD. It was one of the most surreal days of my life in L.A. when the 2 got probation and the other 2 went to Martha's Vineyard for some time.